Enable pyformat support on Linux

When running git cl format, use pyformat where it's available.
pyformat is installed on Goobuntu by default, and --yapf runs it
in "yapf" mode.

Hardcode it to 'full', where it reformats the entire file, because
line-mode support is not available yet. If and when upstream
depot_tools adds support for that, we can revert this.

Change-Id: I7abba1dbc75108aa498e8990d21edb39fb96f1bd
1 file changed
tree: 783a502b12b95047a251070414df45ae73b5779f
  1. bootstrap/
  2. git-templates/
  3. git_utils/
  4. infra/
  5. man/
  6. recipes/
  7. support/
  8. testing_support/
  9. tests/
  10. third_party/
  11. win_toolchain/
  12. zsh-goodies/
  13. .gitignore
  14. .style.yapf
  15. annotated_gclient.py
  16. apply_issue
  17. apply_issue.bat
  18. apply_issue.py
  19. auth.py
  20. breakpad.py
  21. buildbucket.py
  22. checkout.py
  23. chrome-update-create-task.bat
  24. chrome-update.bat
  25. chrome-update.py
  26. cit
  27. cit.bat
  28. cit.py
  29. clang-format
  30. clang-format.bat
  31. clang_format.py
  32. codereview.settings
  33. commit_queue
  34. commit_queue.bat
  35. commit_queue.py
  36. cpplint.bat
  37. cpplint.py
  38. cpplint_chromium.py
  39. create-chromium-git-src
  40. create-ntfs-junction.c
  41. create-ntfs-junction.exe
  42. dart_format.py
  43. depot-tools-auth
  44. depot-tools-auth.bat
  45. depot-tools-auth.py
  46. download_from_google_storage
  47. download_from_google_storage.bat
  48. download_from_google_storage.py
  49. drover
  50. drover.bat
  51. drover.py
  52. fetch
  53. fetch.bat
  54. fetch.py
  55. fix_encoding.py
  56. gcl
  57. gcl.bat
  58. gcl.py
  59. gclient
  60. gclient-new-workdir.py
  61. gclient.bat
  62. gclient.py
  63. gclient_completion.sh
  64. gclient_scm.py
  65. gclient_utils.py
  66. gerrit_util.py
  67. git-auto-svn
  68. git-cache
  69. git-cherry-pick-upload
  70. git-cl
  71. git-cl-upload-hook
  72. git-crrev-parse
  73. git-crsync
  74. git-crup
  75. git-footers
  76. git-freeze
  77. git-gs
  78. git-lg
  79. git-lkgr
  80. git-map
  81. git-map-branches
  82. git-mark-merge-base
  83. git-nav-downstream
  84. git-nav-upstream
  85. git-new-branch
  86. git-number
  87. git-rebase-update
  88. git-rename-branch
  89. git-reparent-branch
  90. git-retry
  91. git-runhooks
  92. git-squash-branch
  93. git-thaw
  94. git-try
  95. git-upstream-diff
  96. git_auto_svn.py
  97. git_cache.py
  98. git_cherry_pick_upload.py
  99. git_cl.py
  100. git_common.py
  101. git_footers.py
  102. git_freezer.py
  103. git_map.py
  104. git_map_branches.py
  105. git_mark_merge_base.py
  106. git_nav_downstream.py
  107. git_new_branch.py
  108. git_number.py
  109. git_rebase_update.py
  110. git_rename_branch.py
  111. git_reparent_branch.py
  112. git_retry.py
  113. git_squash_branch.py
  114. git_try.py
  115. git_upstream_diff.py
  116. gn
  117. gn.bat
  118. gn.py
  119. gsutil.py
  120. hammer
  121. hammer.bat
  122. install-git-config-upstream.py
  123. install_git_config_upstream
  124. install_git_config_upstream.bat
  125. LICENSE
  126. my_activity.py
  127. my_reviews.py
  128. ninja
  129. ninja-linux32
  130. ninja-linux64
  131. ninja-mac
  132. ninja-win.exe
  133. ninja.bat
  134. OWNERS
  135. owners.py
  136. owners_finder.py
  137. patch.py
  138. perl.bat
  139. PRESUBMIT.py
  140. presubmit_canned_checks.py
  141. presubmit_support.py
  142. profile.xml
  143. pylint
  144. pylint.py
  145. pylintrc
  146. python_git_runner.sh
  147. README
  148. README.codereview
  149. README.gclient
  150. README.git-cl
  151. README.ninja
  152. README.testing
  153. repo
  154. rietveld.py
  155. roll-dep
  156. roll-dep-svn
  157. roll-dep-svn.bat
  158. roll-dep.bat
  159. roll_dep.py
  160. roll_dep_svn.py
  161. scm.py
  162. scp.bat
  163. simple_echo.exe
  164. subcommand.py
  165. subprocess2.py
  166. trychange.py
  167. update_depot_tools
  168. update_depot_tools.bat
  169. upload_to_google_storage.py
  171. watchlists.py
  172. weekly
  173. wtf