Revert "Re-re-land gclient deletion of mismatching checkouts again"

This reverts commit 6ff5448534655d44798ec1ad908058544ea25ef2.

'fetch --nohooks chromium' is broken with this change.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
diff --git a/ b/
index 5ba1cd6..0389f46 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -302,56 +302,9 @@
       # hash is also a tag, only make a distinction at checkout
       rev_type = "hash"
-    if not managed:
-      self._UpdateBranchHeads(options, fetch=False)
-      self.UpdateSubmoduleConfig()
-      print ('________ unmanaged solution; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
-      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])
-    needs_delete = False
-    exists = os.path.exists(self.checkout_path)
-    if exists and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')):
-      needs_delete = True
-    # See if the url has changed (the unittests use git://foo for the url, let
-    # that through).
-    return_early = False
-    if exists and not needs_delete:
-      current_url = self._Capture(['config', 'remote.%s.url' % self.remote])
-      # TODO(maruel): Delete url != 'git://foo' since it's just to make the
-      # unit test pass. (and update the comment above)
-      # Skip url auto-correction if remote.origin.gclient-auto-fix-url is set.
-      # This allows devs to use experimental repos which have a different url
-      # but whose branch(s) are the same as official repos.
-      if (current_url != url and url != 'git://foo'):
-        auto_fix = 'True'
-        try:
-          auto_fix = self._Capture(
-              ['config', 'remote.%s.gclient-auto-fix-url' % self.remote],
-              cwd=self.checkout_path).strip()
-        except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
-          pass
-        if auto_fix in ('1', 'true', 'True', 'yes', 'Yes', 'y', 'Y'):
-          print('_____ switching %s to a new upstream' % self.relpath)
-          # Make sure it's clean
-          self._CheckClean(rev_str)
-          # Switch over to the new upstream
-          self._Run(['remote', 'set-url', self.remote, url], options)
-          self._FetchAndReset(revision, file_list, options)
-          return_early = True
-    if (needs_delete and
-        gclient_utils.enable_deletion_of_conflicting_checkouts()):
-      if options.force:
-        print('Conflicting directory found in %s. Removing.'
-              % self.checkout_path)
-        gclient_utils.rmtree(self.checkout_path)
-      else:
-        raise gclient_utils.Error('Conflicting directory found in %s. Please '
-                                  'delete it or run with --force.'
-                                  % self.checkout_path)
-    if not os.path.exists(self.checkout_path):
+    if (not os.path.exists(self.checkout_path) or
+        (os.path.isdir(self.checkout_path) and
+         not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')))):
       self._Clone(revision, url, options)
       if file_list is not None:
@@ -363,6 +316,42 @@
       return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])
+    if not managed:
+      self._UpdateBranchHeads(options, fetch=False)
+      self.UpdateSubmoduleConfig()
+      print ('________ unmanaged solution; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
+      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])
+    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')):
+      raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s%s\n'
+                                '\tPath is not a git repo. No .git dir.\n'
+                                '\tTo resolve:\n'
+                                '\t\trm -rf %s\n'
+                                '\tAnd run gclient sync again\n'
+                                % (self.relpath, rev_str, self.relpath))
+    # See if the url has changed (the unittests use git://foo for the url, let
+    # that through).
+    current_url = self._Capture(['config', 'remote.%s.url' % self.remote])
+    return_early = False
+    # TODO(maruel): Delete url != 'git://foo' since it's just to make the
+    # unit test pass. (and update the comment above)
+    # Skip url auto-correction if remote.origin.gclient-auto-fix-url is set.
+    # This allows devs to use experimental repos which have a different url
+    # but whose branch(s) are the same as official repos.
+    if (current_url != url and
+        url != 'git://foo' and
+        subprocess2.capture(
+            ['git', 'config', 'remote.%s.gclient-auto-fix-url' % self.remote],
+            cwd=self.checkout_path).strip() != 'False'):
+      print('_____ switching %s to a new upstream' % self.relpath)
+      # Make sure it's clean
+      self._CheckClean(rev_str)
+      # Switch over to the new upstream
+      self._Run(['remote', 'set-url', self.remote, url], options)
+      self._FetchAndReset(revision, file_list, options)
+      return_early = True
     # Need to do this in the normal path as well as in the post-remote-switch
     # path.
     self._PossiblySwitchCache(url, options)
@@ -636,7 +625,7 @@
     elif rev.isdigit() and len(rev) < 7:
       # Handles an SVN rev.  As an optimization, only verify an SVN revision as
       # [0-9]{1,6} for now to avoid making a network request.
-      if scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.checkout_path):
+      if scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(cwd=self.checkout_path):
         local_head = scm.GIT.GetGitSvnHeadRev(cwd=self.checkout_path)
         if not local_head or local_head < int(rev):
@@ -1115,6 +1104,17 @@
       Error: if can't get URL for relative path.
+    # Only update if git or hg is not controlling the directory.
+    git_path = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')
+    if os.path.exists(git_path):
+      print('________ found .git directory; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
+      return
+    hg_path = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.hg')
+    if os.path.exists(hg_path):
+      print('________ found .hg directory; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
+      return
     if args:
       raise gclient_utils.Error("Unsupported argument(s): %s" % ",".join(args))
@@ -1140,86 +1140,21 @@
       forced_revision = False
       rev_str = ''
-    if not managed:
-      print ('________ unmanaged solution; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
-      return self.Svnversion()
     # Get the existing scm url and the revision number of the current checkout.
     exists = os.path.exists(self.checkout_path)
-    needs_delete = False
-    from_info = None
-    if exists:
-      # If there's a git-svn checkout, verify that the svn-remote is correct.
-      if scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.checkout_path):
-        remote_url = scm.GIT.Capture(['config', '--local', '--get',
-                                      'svn-remote.svn.url'],
-                                     cwd=self.checkout_path).rstrip()
-        if remote_url != base_url:
-          needs_delete = True
-        else:
-          print('\n_____ %s looks like a git-svn checkout. Skipping.'
-                % self.relpath)
-          return # TODO(borenet): Get the svn revision number?
+    if exists and managed:
         from_info = scm.SVN.CaptureLocalInfo(
             [], os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.'))
       except (gclient_utils.Error, subprocess2.CalledProcessError):
-        if gclient_utils.enable_deletion_of_conflicting_checkouts():
-          needs_delete = True
-        else: # TODO(borenet): Remove this once we can get rid of the guard.
-          if options.reset and options.delete_unversioned_trees:
-            print 'Removing troublesome path %s' % self.checkout_path
-            gclient_utils.rmtree(self.checkout_path)
-            exists = False
-          else:
-            msg = ('Can\'t update/checkout %s if an unversioned directory is '
-                   'present. Delete the directory and try again.')
-            raise gclient_utils.Error(msg % self.checkout_path)
-    # Switch the checkout if necessary.
-    if not needs_delete and from_info and from_info['URL'] != base_url:
-      # The repository url changed, need to switch.
-      try:
-        to_info = scm.SVN.CaptureRemoteInfo(url)
-      except (gclient_utils.Error, subprocess2.CalledProcessError):
-        # The url is invalid or the server is not accessible, it's safer to bail
-        # out right now.
-        raise gclient_utils.Error('This url is unreachable: %s' % url)
-      can_switch = ((from_info['Repository Root'] != to_info['Repository Root'])
-                    and (from_info['UUID'] == to_info['UUID']))
-      if can_switch:
-        print('\n_____ relocating %s to a new checkout' % self.relpath)
-        # We have different roots, so check if we can switch --relocate.
-        # Subversion only permits this if the repository UUIDs match.
-        # Perform the switch --relocate, then rewrite the from_url
-        # to reflect where we "are now."  (This is the same way that
-        # Subversion itself handles the metadata when switch --relocate
-        # is used.)  This makes the checks below for whether we
-        # can update to a revision or have to switch to a different
-        # branch work as expected.
-        # TODO(maruel):  TEST ME !
-        command = ['switch', '--relocate',
-                   from_info['Repository Root'],
-                   to_info['Repository Root'],
-                   self.relpath]
-        self._Run(command, options, cwd=self._root_dir)
-        from_info['URL'] = from_info['URL'].replace(
-            from_info['Repository Root'],
-            to_info['Repository Root'])
-      else:
-        needs_delete = True
-    if (needs_delete and
-        gclient_utils.enable_deletion_of_conflicting_checkouts()):
-      if options.force:
-        gclient_utils.rmtree(self.checkout_path)
-        exists = False
-      else:
-        raise gclient_utils.Error('Conflicting directory found in %s. Please '
-                                  'delete it or run with --force.'
-                                  % self.checkout_path)
+        if options.reset and options.delete_unversioned_trees:
+          print 'Removing troublesome path %s' % self.checkout_path
+          gclient_utils.rmtree(self.checkout_path)
+          exists = False
+        else:
+          msg = ('Can\'t update/checkout %s if an unversioned directory is '
+                 'present. Delete the directory and try again.')
+          raise gclient_utils.Error(msg % self.checkout_path)
     BASE_URLS = {
         '/chrome/trunk/src': 'gs://chromium-svn-checkout/chrome/',
@@ -1297,6 +1232,10 @@
       self._RunAndGetFileList(command, options, file_list, self._root_dir)
       return self.Svnversion()
+    if not managed:
+      print ('________ unmanaged solution; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
+      return self.Svnversion()
     if 'URL' not in from_info:
       raise gclient_utils.Error(
           ('gclient is confused. Couldn\'t get the url for %s.\n'
@@ -1338,6 +1277,53 @@
       revision = str(from_info_live['Revision'])
       rev_str = ' at %s' % revision
+    if from_info['URL'] != base_url:
+      # The repository url changed, need to switch.
+      try:
+        to_info = scm.SVN.CaptureRemoteInfo(url)
+      except (gclient_utils.Error, subprocess2.CalledProcessError):
+        # The url is invalid or the server is not accessible, it's safer to bail
+        # out right now.
+        raise gclient_utils.Error('This url is unreachable: %s' % url)
+      can_switch = ((from_info['Repository Root'] != to_info['Repository Root'])
+                    and (from_info['UUID'] == to_info['UUID']))
+      if can_switch:
+        print('\n_____ relocating %s to a new checkout' % self.relpath)
+        # We have different roots, so check if we can switch --relocate.
+        # Subversion only permits this if the repository UUIDs match.
+        # Perform the switch --relocate, then rewrite the from_url
+        # to reflect where we "are now."  (This is the same way that
+        # Subversion itself handles the metadata when switch --relocate
+        # is used.)  This makes the checks below for whether we
+        # can update to a revision or have to switch to a different
+        # branch work as expected.
+        # TODO(maruel):  TEST ME !
+        command = ['switch', '--relocate',
+                   from_info['Repository Root'],
+                   to_info['Repository Root'],
+                   self.relpath]
+        self._Run(command, options, cwd=self._root_dir)
+        from_info['URL'] = from_info['URL'].replace(
+            from_info['Repository Root'],
+            to_info['Repository Root'])
+      else:
+        if not options.force and not options.reset:
+          # Look for local modifications but ignore unversioned files.
+          for status in scm.SVN.CaptureStatus(None, self.checkout_path):
+            if status[0][0] != '?':
+              raise gclient_utils.Error(
+                  ('Can\'t switch the checkout to %s; UUID don\'t match and '
+                   'there is local changes in %s. Delete the directory and '
+                   'try again.') % (url, self.checkout_path))
+        # Ok delete it.
+        print('\n_____ switching %s to a new checkout' % self.relpath)
+        gclient_utils.rmtree(self.checkout_path)
+        # We need to checkout.
+        command = ['checkout', url, self.checkout_path]
+        command = self._AddAdditionalUpdateFlags(command, options, revision)
+        self._RunAndGetFileList(command, options, file_list, self._root_dir)
+        return self.Svnversion()
     # If the provided url has a revision number that matches the revision
     # number of the existing directory, then we don't need to bother updating.
     if not options.force and str(from_info['Revision']) == revision:
@@ -1407,6 +1393,9 @@
       if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')):
         print('________ found .git directory; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
+      if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.hg')):
+        print('________ found .hg directory; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
+        return
       if not options.force:
         raise gclient_utils.Error('Invalid checkout path, aborting')
diff --git a/ b/
index 11bd9fc..47ea502 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 import pipes
 import Queue
 import re
-import socket
 import stat
 import subprocess
 import sys
@@ -26,20 +25,6 @@
-def enable_deletion_of_conflicting_checkouts():
-  """Determines whether to enable new checkout deletion behavior.
-  Initially, enables the experimental functionality on a small set of
-  bots.
-  """
-  # TODO(borenet): Remove this hack as soon as we've verified that it
-  # doesn't cause the bots to break.
-  if not os.environ.get('CHROME_HEADLESS'):
-    return False
-  return socket.gethostname() in ('vm859-m1', 'BUILD1-M1',
-                                  '')
 class Error(Exception):
   """gclient exception class."""
   def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
diff --git a/ b/
index 1d1b98f..30bb3d1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -166,15 +166,12 @@
     return GIT.ShortBranchName(GIT.GetBranchRef(cwd))
-  def IsGitSvn(checkout_root):
+  def IsGitSvn(cwd):
     """Returns true if this repo looks like it's using git-svn."""
-    # A git-svn checkout has a .git directory.
-    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(checkout_root, '.git')):
-      return False
     # If you have any "svn-remote.*" config keys, we think you're using svn.
       GIT.Capture(['config', '--local', '--get-regexp', r'^svn-remote\.'],
-                  cwd=checkout_root)
+                  cwd=cwd)
       return True
     except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
       return False
@@ -411,7 +408,7 @@
   def GetSha1ForSvnRev(cwd, rev):
     """Returns a corresponding git sha1 for a SVN revision."""
-    if not GIT.IsGitSvn(cwd):
+    if not GIT.IsGitSvn(cwd=cwd):
       return None
       output = GIT.Capture(['svn', 'find-rev', 'r' + str(rev)], cwd=cwd)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f97acd1..741727e 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@
   def testRunCommandException(self):
     options = self.Options(verbose=False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     scm = self._scm_wrapper(url=self.url, root_dir=self.root_dir,
@@ -180,6 +182,8 @@
     gclient_scm.scm.SVN.Capture(['--version', '--quiet'], None
     # It'll to a checkout instead.
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     # Checkout.
     parent = gclient_scm.os.path.dirname(self.base_path)
@@ -208,7 +212,10 @@
     gclient_scm.os.path.isdir(join(self.base_path, '.svn')).AndReturn(False)
     gclient_scm.os.path.isdir(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.isdir(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     # Checkout.
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     parent = gclient_scm.os.path.dirname(self.base_path)
@@ -333,6 +340,8 @@
     file_info.url = self.url
     file_info.uuid = 'ABC'
     file_info.revision = 42
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     # Checkout.
     parent = gclient_scm.os.path.dirname(self.base_path)
@@ -364,8 +373,8 @@
       'UUID': 'ABC',
       'Revision': 42,
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     # Checkout or update.
@@ -410,8 +419,8 @@
       'UUID': 'ABC',
       'Revision': 42,
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     # Checkout or update.
@@ -446,8 +455,8 @@
       'UUID': 'ABC',
       'Revision': 42,
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     # Checkout or update.
@@ -512,8 +521,8 @@
     # Now we fall back on scm.update().
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
     gclient_scm.scm.SVN._CaptureInfo([], dotted_path).AndReturn(file_info)
     gclient_scm.scm.SVN._CaptureInfo([file_info['URL']], None
@@ -582,8 +591,8 @@
     # Now we fall back on scm.update().
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
         [], join(self.base_path, ".")).AndReturn(file_info)
@@ -618,8 +627,8 @@
     # Now we fall back on scm.update().
     files_list = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(False)
         [], join(self.base_path, '.')).AndReturn(file_info)
@@ -635,23 +644,31 @@
     scm.updatesingle(options, ['DEPS'], files_list)
     self.checkstdout('\n_____ %s at 42\n' % self.relpath)
-  def testUpdateGitSvn(self):
+  def testUpdateGit(self):
     options = self.Options(verbose=True)
-    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(self.base_path).AndReturn(True)
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).AndReturn(True)
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'Capture', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.Capture(['config', '--local', '--get',
-                                 'svn-remote.svn.url'],
-                                cwd=self.base_path).AndReturn(self.url)
+    file_path = gclient_scm.os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.relpath, '.git')
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(file_path).AndReturn(True)
     scm = self._scm_wrapper(url=self.url, root_dir=self.root_dir,
     file_list = []
-    scm.update(options, [], file_list)
+    scm.update(options, self.args, file_list)
-        ('\n_____ %s looks like a git-svn checkout. Skipping.\n' % self.relpath)
-        )
+        ('________ found .git directory; skipping %s\n' % self.relpath))
+  def testUpdateHg(self):
+    options = self.Options(verbose=True)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.git')).AndReturn(False)
+    gclient_scm.os.path.exists(join(self.base_path, '.hg')).AndReturn(True)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    scm = self._scm_wrapper(url=self.url, root_dir=self.root_dir,
+                            relpath=self.relpath)
+    file_list = []
+    scm.update(options, self.args, file_list)
+    self.checkstdout(
+        ('________ found .hg directory; skipping %s\n' % self.relpath))
   def testGetUsableRevSVN(self):
     # pylint: disable=E1101
@@ -1145,7 +1162,7 @@
     self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).MultipleTimes(
+    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(cwd=self.base_path).MultipleTimes(
@@ -1194,7 +1211,7 @@
     gclient_scm.scm.GIT.Capture(['fetch', 'origin'], cwd=self.base_path)
     self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsGitSvn', True)
-    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.base_path).MultipleTimes(
+    gclient_scm.scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(cwd=self.base_path).MultipleTimes(
     self.mox.StubOutWithMock(gclient_scm.scm.GIT, 'IsValidRevision', True)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index b976685..4276998 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -109,11 +109,9 @@
               not re.match(
                   r'_____ [^ ]+ : Attempting rebase onto [0-9a-f]+...',
                   line) and
-              not re.match(r'_____ [^ ]+ at [^ ]+', line) and not
-              re.match(
-                  r'_____ (.*) looks like a git-svn checkout. Skipping.',
-                  line)):
-            # The regexp above are a bit too broad.
+              not re.match(r'_____ [^ ]+ at [^ ]+', line)):
+            # The two regexp above are a bit too broad, they are necessary only
+            # for git checkouts.
@@ -778,59 +776,7 @@
     # Cripple src/third_party/foo and make sure gclient still succeeds.
     gclient_utils.rmtree(join(third_party, 'foo', '.svn'))
-    self.assertEquals(0, self.gclient(cmd + ['--force'])[-1])
-  def testSkipGitSvn(self):
-    # Check that gclient skips git-svn checkouts.
-    if not self.enabled:
-      return
-    # Create the .gclient file.
-    svn_url = self.svn_base + 'trunk/src'
-    self.gclient(['config', svn_url], cwd=self.root_dir)
-    # Create a git-svn checkout.
-    # Use check_output to hide the output from the subprocess.
-    subprocess2.check_output(['git', 'svn', 'clone', svn_url],
-                             cwd=self.root_dir)
-    # Ensure that gclient skips the git-svn checkout.
-    stdout, stderr, rc = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1'])
-    self.assertEquals(rc, 0)
-    self.assertFalse(stderr)
-    self.assertTrue('_____ src looks like a git-svn checkout. Skipping.'
-                    in stdout)
-    self.checkBlock(stdout, [
-        ['running', self.root_dir],
-        ['running', os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'file', 'other')],
-        ['running', self.root_dir],
-        ['running', self.root_dir],
-        ['running', self.root_dir],
-        ['running', self.root_dir],
-        ['running', self.root_dir],
-    ])
-    # But, we still need the DEPS to be checked out...
-    foo_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'third_party', 'foo')
-    foo_rev = subprocess2.check_output(['svnversion', foo_dir]).strip()
-    self.assertEquals(foo_rev, '1')
-    other_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'other')
-    other_rev = subprocess2.check_output(['svnversion', other_dir]).strip()
-    self.assertEquals(other_rev, '2')
-    # Verify that the DEPS are NOT skipped on a second update.
-    stdout, stderr, rc = self.gclient(['sync', '--jobs', '1'])
-    self.assertFalse(stderr)
-    self.assertTrue('_____ src looks like a git-svn checkout. Skipping.'
-                    in stdout)
-    self.assertFalse(
-        '_____ src/other looks like a git-svn checkout. Skipping.' in stdout,
-        'Non git-svn checkout is incorrectly skipped.')
-    self.assertFalse(
-        '_____ src/third_party/foo looks like a git-svn checkout. Skipping.'
-            in stdout,
-        'Non git-svn checkout is incorrectly skipped.')
+    self.assertEquals(0, self.gclient(cmd)[-1])
 class GClientSmokeSVNTransitive(GClientSmokeBase):
@@ -1116,7 +1062,7 @@
     # Pre-DEPS hooks run when syncing with --nohooks.
-    self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--nohooks', '--force',
+    self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--nohooks',
                   '--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_5', 2)])
     tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_5@2', 'src'),
                                 ('repo_1@2', 'src/repo1'),
@@ -1128,7 +1074,7 @@
     os.remove(join(self.root_dir, 'src', 'git_pre_deps_hooked'))
     # Pre-DEPS hooks don't run with --noprehooks
-    self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--noprehooks', '--force',
+    self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--noprehooks',
                   '--revision', 'src@' + self.githash('repo_5', 2)])
     tree = self.mangle_git_tree(('repo_5@2', 'src'),
                                 ('repo_1@2', 'src/repo1'),
@@ -1450,78 +1396,6 @@
     self.assertEquals(sorted(entries), sorted(expected))
-  if gclient_utils.enable_deletion_of_conflicting_checkouts():
-    def testDeleteConflictingCheckout(self):
-      if not self.enabled:
-        return
-      # Create an initial svn checkout.
-      self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
-          'solutions=['
-          '{"name": "src",'
-          ' "url": "' + self.svn_base + 'trunk/src"},'
-          ']'
-      ])
-      results = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac'])
-      self.assertEqual(results[2], 0, 'Sync failed!')
-      # Verify that we have the expected svn checkout.
-      results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac'])
-      actual = results[0].splitlines()
-      expected = [
-        'src: %strunk/src' % self.svn_base,
-        'src/file/other: File("%strunk/other/DEPS")' % self.svn_base,
-        'src/other: %strunk/other' % self.svn_base,
-        'src/third_party/foo: %strunk/third_party/foo@1' % self.svn_base,
-      ]
-      self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
-      # Change the desired checkout to git.
-      self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
-          'solutions=['
-          '{"name": "src",'
-          ' "url": "' + self.git_base + 'repo_1"},'
-          ']'
-      ])
-      # Verify that the sync succeeds with --force.
-      results = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--force'])
-      self.assertEqual(results[2], 0, 'Sync failed!')
-      # Verify that we got the desired git checkout.
-      results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac'])
-      actual = results[0].splitlines()
-      expected = [
-        'src: %srepo_1' % self.git_base,
-        'src/repo2: %srepo_2@%s' % (self.git_base,
-                                    self.githash('repo_2', 1)[:7]),
-        'src/repo2/repo_renamed: %srepo_3' % self.git_base,
-      ]
-      self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
-      # Change the desired checkout back to svn.
-      self.gclient(['config', '--spec',
-          'solutions=['
-          '{"name": "src",'
-          ' "url": "' + self.svn_base + 'trunk/src"},'
-          ']'
-      ])
-      # Verify that the sync succeeds.
-      results = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--force'])
-      self.assertEqual(results[2], 0, 'Sync failed!')
-      # Verify that we have the expected svn checkout.
-      results = self.gclient(['revinfo', '--deps', 'mac'])
-      actual = results[0].splitlines()
-      expected = [
-        'src: %strunk/src' % self.svn_base,
-        'src/file/other: File("%strunk/other/DEPS")' % self.svn_base,
-        'src/other: %strunk/other' % self.svn_base,
-        'src/third_party/foo: %strunk/third_party/foo@1' % self.svn_base,
-      ]
-      self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
 class GClientSmokeFromCheckout(GClientSmokeBase):
   # WebKit abuses this. It has a .gclient and a DEPS from a checkout.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 6be9e1f..b0b7436 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
   def testMembersChanged(self):
     members = [
         'Annotated', 'AutoFlush', 'CheckCallAndFilter', 'CommandToStr',
-        'CheckCallAndFilterAndHeader',
-        'enable_deletion_of_conflicting_checkouts', # TODO(borenet): Remove!
-        'Error', 'ExecutionQueue', 'FileRead',
+        'CheckCallAndFilterAndHeader', 'Error', 'ExecutionQueue', 'FileRead',
         'FileWrite', 'FindFileUpwards', 'FindGclientRoot',
         'GetGClientRootAndEntries', 'GetEditor', 'GetExeSuffix',
         'GetMacWinOrLinux', 'GitFilter', 'IsDateRevision', 'MakeDateRevision',
@@ -41,9 +39,7 @@
         'GCLIENT_CHILDREN_LOCK', 'GClientChildren', 'SplitUrlRevision',
         'SyntaxErrorToError', 'UpgradeToHttps', 'Wrapper', 'WorkItem',
         'codecs', 'lockedmethod', 'logging', 'os', 'pipes', 'Queue', 're',
-        'rmtree', 'safe_makedirs', 'safe_rename',
-        'socket', # TODO(borenet): Remove!
-        'stat', 'subprocess',
+        'rmtree', 'safe_makedirs', 'safe_rename', 'stat', 'subprocess',
         'subprocess2', 'sys', 'tempfile', 'threading', 'time', 'urlparse',
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 2a1de53..ff03c03 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -169,18 +169,6 @@
     self._capture(['reset', '--hard', 'HEAD^'])
     self.assertEquals(scm.GIT.GetGitSvnHeadRev(cwd=self.clone_dir), 1)
-  def testIsGitSvn(self):
-    if not self.enabled:
-      return
-    # Git-svn
-    self.assertTrue(scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(self.clone_dir))
-    # Pure git
-    git_dir = scm.os.path.join(self.FAKE_REPOS.git_root, 'repo_1')
-    self.assertFalse(scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(git_dir))
-    # Pure svn
-    svn_dir = scm.os.path.join(self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_checkout, 'trunk')
-    self.assertFalse(scm.GIT.IsGitSvn(svn_dir))
   def testParseGitSvnSha1(self):
     test_sha1 = 'a5c63ce8671922e5c59c0dea49ef4f9d4a3020c9'
     expected_output = test_sha1 + '\n'