Less attempted magic in pulling toolchain

- Don't try to wrap download_from_google_storage --config, instead just
request that the user runs it manually. (This is annoying either way
but making it magically run makes it less clear what's going on, and so
harder to debug when something goes wrong, per linked bug).

- Check that SHA1s are passed as expected on the command line in case
the script is run directly, rather than from gyp_chromium.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/189093017

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@256049 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
1 file changed
tree: 80c423bcf9aefa0f65fe581261682ee89c1f790b
  1. bootstrap/
  2. git-templates/
  3. git_utils/
  4. recipes/
  5. support/
  6. testing_support/
  7. tests/
  8. third_party/
  9. win_toolchain/
  10. zsh-goodies/
  11. .gitignore
  12. annotated_gclient.py
  13. apply_issue
  14. apply_issue.bat
  15. apply_issue.py
  16. breakpad.py
  17. checkout.py
  18. chrome-update-create-task.bat
  19. chrome-update.bat
  20. chrome-update.py
  21. clang-format
  22. clang-format.bat
  23. clang_format.py
  24. codereview.settings
  25. commit_queue.py
  26. cpplint.bat
  27. cpplint.py
  28. cpplint_chromium.py
  29. create-chromium-git-src
  30. create-ntfs-junction.c
  31. create-ntfs-junction.exe
  32. crup-runner.sh
  33. download_from_google_storage
  34. download_from_google_storage.bat
  35. download_from_google_storage.py
  36. drover
  37. drover.bat
  38. drover.py
  39. fetch
  40. fetch.bat
  41. fetch.py
  42. fix_encoding.py
  43. gcl
  44. gcl.bat
  45. gcl.py
  46. gclient
  47. gclient-new-workdir.py
  48. gclient.bat
  49. gclient.py
  50. gclient_completion.sh
  51. gclient_scm.py
  52. gclient_utils.py
  53. gerrit_util.py
  54. git-cache
  55. git-cl
  56. git-cl-upload-hook
  57. git-crsync
  58. git-crup
  59. git-gs
  60. git-lkgr
  61. git-number
  62. git-runhooks
  63. git-try
  64. git_cache.py
  65. git_cl.py
  66. git_common.py
  67. git_number.py
  68. git_try.py
  69. gn
  70. gn.bat
  71. gn.py
  72. hammer
  73. hammer.bat
  75. my_activity.py
  76. my_reviews.py
  77. ninja
  78. ninja-linux32
  79. ninja-linux64
  80. ninja-mac
  81. ninja.exe
  82. OWNERS
  83. owners.py
  84. owners_finder.py
  85. patch.py
  86. PRESUBMIT.py
  87. presubmit_canned_checks.py
  88. presubmit_support.py
  89. profile.xml
  90. pylint
  91. pylint.py
  92. pylintrc
  93. README
  94. README.codereview
  95. README.gclient
  96. README.git-cl
  97. README.testing
  98. repo
  99. rietveld.py
  100. scm.py
  101. subcommand.py
  102. subprocess2.py
  103. trychange.py
  104. update_depot_tools
  105. update_depot_tools.bat
  106. upload_to_google_storage.py
  108. watchlists.py
  109. weekly
  110. wtf