blob: 25bf4f0b0bf3d3a19f889e0febe8e21783fbb17e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
TDIR=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d demo_repo.XXXXXXXXXX)
trap "rm -rf $TDIR" EXIT
cd $TDIR
silent git clone "$REMOTE" .
silent git reset --hard stage_1
silent git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/master stage_1
silent git tag -d $(git tag -l 'stage_*')
silent git checkout origin/master
silent git branch -d master
silent git config color.ui always
if [[ ! "$BLANK_DEMO" ]]
silent git new-branch cool_feature
c "Add widget"
c "Refactor spleen"
silent git tag spleen_tag
c "another improvement"
silent git new-branch --upstream_current subfeature
c "slick commenting action"
c "integrate with CoolService"
silent git checkout cool_feature
c "Respond to CL comments"
silent git new-branch fixit
c "Epic README update"
c "Add neat feature"
silent git new-branch --upstream_current frozen_branch
c "a deleted file"
c "modfile"
c "FREEZE.unindexed"