blob: 56048f875fd2d9514cde2864b79b5272070c40ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from webkitpy.common.system.filesystem_mock import MockFileSystem
from webkitpy.common.system.executive_mock import MockExecutive
class MockGit(object):
# Arguments are listed below, even if they're unused, in order to match
# the Git class. pylint: disable=unused-argument
executable_name = 'mock-git'
def __init__(self, cwd=None, filesystem=None, executive=None):
self.checkout_root = '/mock-checkout'
self.cwd = cwd or self.checkout_root
self.added_paths = set()
self._filesystem = filesystem or MockFileSystem()
self._executive = executive or MockExecutive()
self._local_commits = []
def add(self, destination_path, return_exit_code=False):
self.add_list([destination_path], return_exit_code)
def add_list(self, destination_paths, return_exit_code=False):
if return_exit_code:
return 0
def has_working_directory_changes(self, pathspec=None):
return False
def ensure_cleanly_tracking_remote_master(self):
def current_branch(self):
return 'mock-branch-name'
def current_branch_or_ref(self):
return 'mock-branch-name'
def checkout_branch(self, name):
def create_clean_branch(self, name):
def delete_branch(self, name):
def supports_local_commits(self):
return True
def exists(self, path):
# TestRealMain.test_real_main (and several other rebaseline tests) are sensitive to this return value.
# We should make those tests more robust, but for now we just return True always (since no test needs otherwise).
return True
def absolute_path(self, *comps):
return self._filesystem.join(self.checkout_root, *comps)
def commit_position(self, path):
return 5678
def commit_position_from_git_commit(self, git_commit):
if git_commit == '6469e754a1':
return 1234
if git_commit == '624c3081c0':
return 5678
if git_commit == '624caaaaaa':
return 10000
return None
def timestamp_of_revision(self, path, revision):
return '2013-02-01 08:48:05 +0000'
def commit_locally_with_message(self, message):
def local_commits(self):
"""Returns the internal recording of commits made via |commit_locally_with_message|.
This is a testing convenience method; commits are formatted as:
[ message, commit_all_working_directory_changes, author ].
return self._local_commits
def delete(self, path):
return self.delete_list([path])
def delete_list(self, paths):
if not self._filesystem:
for path in paths:
if self._filesystem.exists(path):
def move(self, origin, destination):
if self._filesystem:
self._filesystem.move(self.absolute_path(origin), self.absolute_path(destination))
def changed_files(self, diff_filter='ADM'):
return []
def unstaged_changes(self):
return {}