| # Copyright 2018 Google LLC. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| # If you have more than one device attached, run `adb devices -l` and then set |
| # the ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable to the correct serial number. |
| $0 skqp-universal-debug.apk |
| $0 skqp-universal-debug.apk vk_hairmodes gles_gammatext gles_aarectmodes |
| SKQP_ARGS="-e class org.skia.skqp.SkQPRunner#${1}" |
| SKQP_ARGS="${SKQP_ARGS},org.skia.skqp.SkQPRunner#${arg}" |
| TDIR="$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/skqp_report.XXXXXXXXXX")" |
| sh "$THIS/run_apk.sh" "$APK" "$TDIR" |
| "$THIS/../../bin/sysopen" "$TDIR"/skqp_report_*/report.html |