blob: a6f1a3c7399435d743b6288d17eba2b98a994191 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
import types
import py
from py.builtin import set, frozenset, reversed, sorted
def test_enumerate():
l = [0,1,2]
for i,x in enumerate(l):
assert i == x
def test_any():
assert not py.builtin.any([0,False, None])
assert py.builtin.any([0,False, None,1])
def test_all():
assert not py.builtin.all([True, 1, False])
assert py.builtin.all([True, 1, object])
def test_BaseException():
assert issubclass(IndexError, py.builtin.BaseException)
assert issubclass(Exception, py.builtin.BaseException)
assert issubclass(KeyboardInterrupt, py.builtin.BaseException)
class MyRandomClass(object):
assert not issubclass(MyRandomClass, py.builtin.BaseException)
assert py.builtin.BaseException.__module__ in ('exceptions', 'builtins')
assert Exception.__name__ == 'Exception'
def test_GeneratorExit():
assert py.builtin.GeneratorExit.__module__ in ('exceptions', 'builtins')
assert issubclass(py.builtin.GeneratorExit, py.builtin.BaseException)
def test_reversed():
reversed = py.builtin.reversed
r = reversed("hello")
assert iter(r) is r
s = "".join(list(r))
assert s == "olleh"
assert list(reversed(list(reversed("hello")))) == ['h','e','l','l','o']
py.test.raises(TypeError, reversed, reversed("hello"))
def test_simple():
s = set([1, 2, 3, 4])
assert s == set([3, 4, 2, 1])
s1 = s.union(set([5, 6]))
assert 5 in s1
assert 1 in s1
def test_frozenset():
s = set([frozenset([0, 1]), frozenset([1, 0])])
assert len(s) == 1
def test_sorted():
if sorted == py.builtin.sorted:
return # don't test a real builtin
for s in [py.builtin.sorted]:
def test():
assert s([3, 2, 1]) == [1, 2, 3]
assert s([1, 2, 3], reverse=True) == [3, 2, 1]
l = s([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], key=lambda x: x % 2)
assert l == [2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5]
l = s([1, 2, 3, 4], cmp=lambda x, y: -cmp(x, y))
assert l == [4, 3, 2, 1]
l = s([1, 2, 3, 4], cmp=lambda x, y: -cmp(x, y),
key=lambda x: x % 2)
assert l == [1, 3, 2, 4]
def compare(x, y):
assert type(x) == str
assert type(y) == str
return cmp(x, y)
data = 'The quick Brown fox Jumped over The lazy Dog'.split()
s(data, cmp=compare, key=str.lower)
yield test
def test_print_simple():
from py.builtin import print_
py.test.raises(TypeError, "print_(hello=3)")
f =
print_("hello", "world", file=f)
s = f.getvalue()
assert s == "hello world\n"
f =
print_("hello", end="", file=f)
s = f.getvalue()
assert s == "hello"
f =
print_("xyz", "abc", sep="", end="", file=f)
s = f.getvalue()
assert s == "xyzabc"
class X:
def __repr__(self): return "rep"
f =
print_(X(), file=f)
assert f.getvalue() == "rep\n"
def test_execfile(tmpdir):
test_file = tmpdir.join("")
test_file.write("x = y\ndef f(): pass")
ns = {"y" : 42}
py.builtin.execfile(str(test_file), ns)
assert ns["x"] == 42
assert py.code.getrawcode(ns["f"]).co_filename == str(test_file)
class A:
y = 3
x = 4
assert A.x == 3
def test_getfuncdict():
def f():
f.x = 4
assert py.builtin._getfuncdict(f)["x"] == 4
assert py.builtin._getfuncdict(2) is None
def test_callable():
class A: pass
assert py.builtin.callable(test_callable)
assert py.builtin.callable(A)
assert py.builtin.callable(list)
assert py.builtin.callable(id)
assert not py.builtin.callable(4)
assert not py.builtin.callable("hi")
def test_totext():
py.builtin._totext("hello", "UTF-8")
def test_bytes_text():
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
assert py.builtin.text == unicode
assert py.builtin.bytes == str
assert py.builtin.text == str
assert py.builtin.bytes == bytes
def test_totext_badutf8():
# this was in printouts within the pytest testsuite
# totext would fail
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
errors = 'surrogateescape'
else: # old python has crappy error handlers
errors = 'replace'
py.builtin._totext("\xa6", "UTF-8", errors)
def test_reraise():
from py.builtin import _reraise
raise Exception()
except Exception:
cls, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
excinfo = py.test.raises(Exception, "_reraise(cls, val, tb)")
def test_exec():
l = []
assert l == [1]
d = {}
py.builtin.exec_("x=4", d)
assert d['x'] == 4
def test_tryimport():
py.test.raises(ImportError, py.builtin._tryimport, 'xqwe123')
x = py.builtin._tryimport('asldkajsdl', 'py')
assert x == py
x = py.builtin._tryimport('asldkajsdl', 'py.path')
assert x == py.path
def test_getcode():
code = py.builtin._getcode(test_getcode)
assert isinstance(code, types.CodeType)
assert py.builtin._getcode(4) is None