blob: f40d48737962bde40aea088584cb760f9214046c [file] [log] [blame]
import urlparse
import error
import transport
element_key = "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf"
def command(func):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self, "session"):
session = self.session
session = self
if session.session_id is None:
assert session.session_id is not None
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
inner.__name__ = func.__name__
inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
return inner
class Timeouts(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def _get(self, key=None):
timeouts = self.session.send_session_command("GET", "timeouts")
if key is not None:
return timeouts[key]
return timeouts
def _set(self, key, secs):
body = {key: secs * 1000}
timeouts = self.session.send_session_command("POST", "timeouts", body)
return timeouts[key]
def script(self):
return self._get("script")
def script(self, secs):
return self._set("script", secs)
def page_load(self):
return self._get("pageLoad")
def page_load(self, secs):
return self._set("pageLoad", secs)
def implicit(self):
return self._get("implicit")
def implicit(self, secs):
return self._set("implicit", secs)
def __str__(self):
name = "%s.%s" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
return "<%s script=%d, load=%d, implicit=%d>" % \
(name, self.script, self.page_load, self.implicit)
class ActionSequence(object):
"""API for creating and performing action sequences.
Each action method adds one or more actions to a queue. When perform()
is called, the queued actions fire in order.
May be chained together as in::
ActionSequence(session, "key", id) \
.key_down("a") \
.key_up("a") \
def __init__(self, session, action_type, input_id, pointer_params=None):
"""Represents a sequence of actions of one type for one input source.
:param session: WebDriver session.
:param action_type: Action type; may be "none", "key", or "pointer".
:param input_id: ID of input source.
:param pointer_params: Optional dictionary of pointer parameters.
self.session = session
self._id = input_id
self._type = action_type
self._actions = []
self._pointer_params = pointer_params
def dict(self):
d = {
"type": self._type,
"id": self._id,
"actions": self._actions,
if self._pointer_params is not None:
d["parameters"] = self._pointer_params
return d
def perform(self):
"""Perform all queued actions."""
def _key_action(self, subtype, value):
self._actions.append({"type": subtype, "value": value})
def _pointer_action(self, subtype, button):
self._actions.append({"type": subtype, "button": button})
def pause(self, duration):
self._actions.append({"type": "pause", "duration": duration})
return self
def pointer_move(self, x, y, duration=None, origin=None):
"""Queue a pointerMove action.
:param x: Destination x-axis coordinate of pointer in CSS pixels.
:param y: Destination y-axis coordinate of pointer in CSS pixels.
:param duration: Number of milliseconds over which to distribute the
move. If None, remote end defaults to 0.
:param origin: Origin of coordinates, either "viewport", "pointer" or
an Element. If None, remote end defaults to "viewport".
action = {
"type": "pointerMove",
"x": x,
"y": y
if duration is not None:
action["duration"] = duration
if origin is not None:
action["origin"] = origin if isinstance(origin, basestring) else origin.json()
return self
def pointer_up(self, button=0):
"""Queue a pointerUp action for `button`.
:param button: Pointer button to perform action with.
Default: 0, which represents main device button.
self._pointer_action("pointerUp", button)
return self
def pointer_down(self, button=0):
"""Queue a pointerDown action for `button`.
:param button: Pointer button to perform action with.
Default: 0, which represents main device button.
self._pointer_action("pointerDown", button)
return self
def click(self, element=None, button=0):
"""Queue a click with the specified button.
If an element is given, move the pointer to that element first,
otherwise click current pointer coordinates.
:param element: Optional element to click.
:param button: Integer representing pointer button to perform action
with. Default: 0, which represents main device button.
if element:
self.pointer_move(0, 0, origin=element)
return self.pointer_down(button).pointer_up(button)
def key_up(self, value):
"""Queue a keyUp action for `value`.
:param value: Character to perform key action with.
self._key_action("keyUp", value)
return self
def key_down(self, value):
"""Queue a keyDown action for `value`.
:param value: Character to perform key action with.
self._key_action("keyDown", value)
return self
def send_keys(self, keys):
"""Queue a keyDown and keyUp action for each character in `keys`.
:param keys: String of keys to perform key actions with.
for c in keys:
return self
class Actions(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def perform(self, actions=None):
"""Performs actions by tick from each action sequence in `actions`.
:param actions: List of input source action sequences. A single action
sequence may be created with the help of
body = {"actions": [] if actions is None else actions}
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "actions", body)
def release(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("DELETE", "actions")
def sequence(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return an empty ActionSequence of the designated type.
See ActionSequence for parameter list.
return ActionSequence(self.session, *args, **kwargs)
class Window(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def rect(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("GET", "window/rect")
def size(self):
rect = self.rect
return (rect["width"], rect["height"])
def size(self, data):
width, height = data
body = {"width": width, "height": height}
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/rect", body)
def position(self):
rect = self.rect
return (rect["x"], rect["y"])
def position(self, data):
data = x, y
body = {"x": x, "y": y}
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/rect", body)
def state(self):
return self.rect["state"]
def maximize(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/maximize")
def minimize(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/minimize")
def fullscreen(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/fullscreen")
class Find(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def css(self, selector, all=True):
return self._find_element("css selector", selector, all)
def _find_element(self, strategy, selector, all):
route = "elements" if all else "element"
body = {"using": strategy,
"value": selector}
data = self.session.send_session_command("POST", route, body)
if all:
rv = [self.session._element(item) for item in data]
rv = self.session._element(data)
return rv
class Cookies(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def __getitem__(self, name):
self.session.send_session_command("GET", "cookie/%s" % name, {})
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
cookie = {"name": name,
"value": None}
if isinstance(name, (str, unicode)):
cookie["value"] = value
elif hasattr(value, "value"):
cookie["value"] = value.value
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "cookie/%s" % name, {})
class UserPrompt(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def dismiss(self):
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "alert/dismiss")
def accept(self):
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "alert/accept")
def text(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("GET", "alert/text")
def text(self, value):
body = {"value": list(value)}
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "alert/text", body=body)
class Session(object):
def __init__(self, host, port, url_prefix="/", capabilities=None,
timeout=None, extension=None):
self.transport = transport.HTTPWireProtocol(
host, port, url_prefix, timeout=timeout)
self.capabilities = capabilities
self.session_id = None
self.timeouts = None
self.window = None
self.find = None
self._element_cache = {}
self.extension = None
self.extension_cls = extension
self.timeouts = Timeouts(self)
self.window = Window(self)
self.find = Find(self)
self.alert = UserPrompt(self)
self.actions = Actions(self)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __del__(self):
def start(self):
if self.session_id is not None:
body = {}
if self.capabilities is not None:
body["capabilities"] = self.capabilities
value = self.send_command("POST", "session", body=body)
self.session_id = value["sessionId"]
self.capabilities = value["capabilities"]
if self.extension_cls:
self.extension = self.extension_cls(self)
return value
def end(self):
if self.session_id is None:
url = "session/%s" % self.session_id
self.send_command("DELETE", url)
self.session_id = None
def send_command(self, method, url, body=None):
Send a command to the remote end and validate its success.
:param method: HTTP method to use in request.
:param uri: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
e.g. `window/rect`.
:param body: Optional body of the HTTP request.
:return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
the result of parsing the body as JSON.
:raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
an error.
response = self.transport.send(method, url, body)
value = response.body["value"]
if response.status != 200:
cls = error.get(value.get("error"))
raise cls(value.get("message"))
return value
def send_session_command(self, method, uri, body=None):
Send a command to an established session and validate its success.
:param method: HTTP method to use in request.
:param url: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
e.g. `window/rect`.
:param body: Optional body of the HTTP request. Must be JSON
:return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
the result of parsing the body as JSON.
:raises error.SessionNotCreatedException: If there is no active
:raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
an error.
if self.session_id is None:
raise error.SessionNotCreatedException()
url = urlparse.urljoin("session/%s/" % self.session_id, uri)
return self.send_command(method, url, body)
def url(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "url")
def url(self, url):
if urlparse.urlsplit(url).netloc is None:
return self.url(url)
body = {"url": url}
return self.send_session_command("POST", "url", body)
def back(self):
return self.send_session_command("POST", "back")
def forward(self):
return self.send_session_command("POST", "forward")
def refresh(self):
return self.send_session_command("POST", "refresh")
def title(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "title")
def window_handle(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "window")
def window_handle(self, handle):
body = {"handle": handle}
return self.send_session_command("POST", "window", body=body)
def switch_frame(self, frame):
if frame == "parent":
url = "frame/parent"
body = None
url = "frame"
if isinstance(frame, Element):
body = {"id": frame.json()}
body = {"id": frame}
return self.send_session_command("POST", url, body)
def close(self):
return self.send_session_command("DELETE", "window")
def handles(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "window/handles")
def active_element(self):
data = self.send_session_command("GET", "element/active")
if data is not None:
return self._element(data)
def _element(self, data):
elem_id = data[element_key]
assert elem_id
if elem_id in self._element_cache:
return self._element_cache[elem_id]
return Element(self, elem_id)
def cookies(self, name=None):
if name is None:
url = "cookie"
url = "cookie/%s" % name
return self.send_session_command("GET", url, {})
def set_cookie(self, name, value, path=None, domain=None, secure=None, expiry=None):
body = {"name": name,
"value": value}
if path is not None:
body["path"] = path
if domain is not None:
body["domain"] = domain
if secure is not None:
body["secure"] = secure
if expiry is not None:
body["expiry"] = expiry
self.send_session_command("POST", "cookie", {"cookie": body})
def delete_cookie(self, name=None):
if name is None:
url = "cookie"
url = "cookie/%s" % name
self.send_session_command("DELETE", url, {})
def execute_script(self, script, args=None):
if args is None:
args = []
body = {
"script": script,
"args": args
return self.send_session_command("POST", "execute/sync", body)
def execute_async_script(self, script, args=None):
if args is None:
args = []
body = {
"script": script,
"args": args
return self.send_session_command("POST", "execute/async", body)
def screenshot(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "screenshot")
class Element(object):
def __init__(self, session, id):
self.session = session = id
assert id not in self.session._element_cache
self.session._element_cache[] = self
def send_element_command(self, method, uri, body=None):
url = "element/%s/%s" % (, uri)
return self.session.send_session_command(method, url, body)
def json(self):
return {element_key:}
def find_element(self, strategy, selector):
body = {"using": strategy,
"value": selector}
elem = self.send_element_command("POST", "element", body)
return self.session._element(elem)
def click(self):
self.send_element_command("POST", "click", {})
def tap(self):
self.send_element_command("POST", "tap", {})
def clear(self):
self.send_element_command("POST", self.url("clear"), {})
def send_keys(self, text):
return self.send_element_command("POST", "value", {"text": text})
def text(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "text")
def name(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "name")
def style(self, property_name):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "css/%s" % property_name)
def rect(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "rect")
def selected(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "selected")
def attribute(self, name):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "attribute/%s" % name)
# This MUST come last because otherwise @property decorators above
# will be overridden by this.
def property(self, name):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "property/%s" % name)