blob: 061fa027db1a2cfc70a247a715222f90582f89fb [file] [log] [blame]
"""WebDriver element location functionality."""
class SearchContext(object):
"""Abstract class that provides the core element location functionality."""
def find_element_by_css(self, selector):
"""Find the first element matching a css selector."""
return self._find_element('css selector', selector)
def find_elements_by_css(self, selector):
"""Find all elements matching a css selector."""
return self._find_elements('css selector', selector)
def find_element_by_link_text(self, text):
"""Find the first link with the given text."""
return self._find_element('link text', text)
def find_elements_by_link_text(self, text):
"""Find all links with the given text."""
return self._find_elements('link text', text)
def find_element_by_partial_link_text(self, text):
"""Find the first link containing the given text."""
return self._find_element('partial link text', text)
def find_elements_by_partial_link_text(self, text):
"""Find all links containing the given text."""
return self._find_elements('partial link text', text)
def find_element_by_xpath(self, xpath):
"""Find the first element matching the xpath."""
return self._find_element('xpath', xpath)
def find_elements_by_xpath(self, xpath):
"""Find all elements matching the xpath."""
return self._find_elements('xpath', xpath)
def _find_element(self, strategy, value):
return self.execute('POST',
self._get_locator(strategy, value))
def _find_elements(self, strategy, value):
return self.execute('POST',
self._get_locator(strategy, value))
def _get_locator(self, strategy, value):
if self.mode == 'strict':
return {'strategy': strategy, 'value': value}
elif self.mode == 'compatibility':
return {'using': strategy, 'value': value}