blob: bd0c15c6482595b926accce693c98ff0b9dfd2a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Constants corresponding to the bundle type identifier for XCTest and XCUITest
# targets.
_ios_xcode_xctest_bundle_id = ""
_ios_xcode_xcuitest_bundle_id = ""
template("create_signed_bundle") {
"output_name must be defined for $target_name")
"product_type must be defined for $target_name")
"bundle_extension must be defined for $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.bundle_binary_target) !=
"Only one of bundle_binary_target or bundle_executable_path may be " +
"specified for $target_name")
if (defined(invoker.xcode_test_application_name)) {
invoker.product_type == _ios_xcode_xctest_bundle_id ||
invoker.product_type == _ios_xcode_xcuitest_bundle_id,
"xcode_test_application_name can be only defined for Xcode unit or " +
"ui test target.")
if (defined(invoker.bundle_executable_path)) {
_bundle_executable_path = invoker.bundle_executable_path
} else {
_bundle_binary_target = invoker.bundle_binary_target
_bundle_binary_output = get_label_info(_bundle_binary_target, "name")
if (defined(invoker.bundle_binary_output)) {
_bundle_binary_output = invoker.bundle_binary_output
_bundle_executable_path =
get_label_info(_bundle_binary_target, "target_out_dir") +
_output_name = invoker.output_name
_bundle_gen_dir = root_out_dir
_bundle_extension = invoker.bundle_extension
create_bundle(target_name) {
bundle_root_dir = "$_bundle_gen_dir/$_output_name$_bundle_extension"
bundle_contents_dir = bundle_root_dir
bundle_resources_dir = bundle_contents_dir
bundle_executable_dir = bundle_contents_dir
code_signing_script =
code_signing_sources = [ _bundle_executable_path ]
code_signing_outputs = [ "$bundle_executable_dir/$_output_name" ]
if (ios_enable_code_signing) {
code_signing_outputs +=
[ "$bundle_contents_dir/_CodeSignature/CodeResources" ]
if (defined(invoker.extra_system_frameworks)) {
foreach(_framework, invoker.extra_system_frameworks) {
code_signing_outputs += [ "$bundle_contents_dir/Frameworks/" +
get_path_info(_framework, "file") ]
code_signing_args = [
"-t=" + ios_sdk_name,
"-i=" + ios_code_signing_identity,
"-b=" + rebase_path(_bundle_executable_path, root_build_dir),
code_signing_args += [ rebase_path(bundle_root_dir, root_build_dir) ]
if (!ios_enable_code_signing) {
code_signing_args += [ "--disable-code-signature" ]
if (defined(invoker.extra_system_frameworks)) {
# All framework in extra_system_frameworks are expected to be
# system framework and the path to be already system absolute
# so do not use rebase_path here.
foreach(_framework, invoker.extra_system_frameworks) {
code_signing_args += [ "-F=" + _framework ]
_entitlements_path =
code_signing_args +=
[ "-e=" + rebase_path(_entitlements_path, root_build_dir) ]
xcode_extra_attributes = {
IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = ios_deployment_target
if (defined(invoker.xcode_extra_attributes)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.xcode_extra_attributes, "*")
if (!defined(public_deps)) {
public_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.bundle_binary_target)) {
public_deps += [ invoker.bundle_binary_target ]
if (defined(invoker.bundle_deps)) {
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += invoker.bundle_deps
template("info_plist") {
"A template plist file must be specified for $target_name")
"The executable_name must be specified for $target_name")
_plist_templates = invoker.plist_templates
_executable_name = invoker.executable_name
_target_name = target_name
_output_name = "$target_gen_dir/$_target_name.plist"
_format = "binary1"
_substitutions = [
if (defined(invoker.extra_substitutions)) {
foreach(_substitution, invoker.extra_substitutions) {
_substitutions += [ _substitution ]
_merge_plist_target = _target_name + "_merge_plist"
_merged_plist_output_name = "$target_gen_dir/${_target_name}_merged.plist"
action(_merge_plist_target) {
script = "//third_party/mini_chromium/mini_chromium/build/ios/"
sources = _plist_templates
outputs = [ _merged_plist_output_name ]
args = [
"-o=" + rebase_path(_merged_plist_output_name, root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
action(target_name) {
script = "//third_party/mini_chromium/mini_chromium/build/ios/"
sources = [ _merged_plist_output_name ]
outputs = [ _output_name ]
args = [
"-f=" + _format,
"-o=" + rebase_path(_output_name, root_build_dir),
"-t=" + rebase_path(_merged_plist_output_name, root_build_dir),
foreach(_substitution, _substitutions) {
args += [ "-s=$_substitution" ]
deps = [ ":$_merge_plist_target" ]
template("ios_app_bundle") {
_output_name = target_name
_target_name = target_name
_plist_templates = []
if (defined(invoker.info_plist)) {
_plist_templates += [ invoker.info_plist ]
_plist_extra_substitutions = []
if (defined(invoker.extra_substitutions)) {
_plist_extra_substitutions += invoker.extra_substitutions
_executable_sources_target = _target_name + "_executable_sources"
_generate_executable_target = _target_name + "_generate_executable"
source_set(_executable_sources_target) {
visibility = [ ":$_generate_executable_target" ]
executable(_generate_executable_target) {
visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ]
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$_executable_sources_target" ]
if (!defined(libs)) {
libs = []
libs += [ "UIKit.framework" ]
if (!defined(ldflags)) {
ldflags = []
ldflags += [
output_name = _output_name
output_prefix_override = true
output_dir = "$target_out_dir"
_generate_info_plist_target = target_name + "_generate_info_plist"
_bundle_info_plist_target = target_name + "_bundle_info_plist"
info_plist(_generate_info_plist_target) {
visibility = [ ":$_bundle_info_plist_target" ]
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
executable_name = _output_name
plist_templates = [
plist_templates += _plist_templates
extra_substitutions = _plist_extra_substitutions
bundle_data(_bundle_info_plist_target) {
visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ]
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
sources = get_target_outputs(":$_generate_info_plist_target")
outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Info.plist" ]
public_deps = [ ":$_generate_info_plist_target" ]
_bundle_executable_path = get_label_info(":$_generate_executable_target",
"target_out_dir") + "/$_output_name"
create_signed_bundle(_target_name) {
output_name = _output_name
product_type = ""
bundle_extension = ".app"
bundle_executable_path = _bundle_executable_path
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [
template("ios_xctest_bundle") {
assert(defined(invoker.deps), "deps must be defined for $target_name")
"product_type must be defined for $target_name")
assert(invoker.product_type == _ios_xcode_xctest_bundle_id ||
invoker.product_type == _ios_xcode_xcuitest_bundle_id,
"product_type defined for $target_name is invalid.")
"host_target must be defined for $target_name")
"xcode_test_application_name must be defined for $target_name")
assert(invoker.xcode_test_application_name != target_name)
_target_name = target_name
_output_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
_output_name = invoker.output_name
_loadable_module_source = _target_name + "_loadable_module_source"
_loadable_module_target = _target_name + "_loadable_module"
source_set(_loadable_module_source) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_loadable_module_target" ]
loadable_module(_loadable_module_target) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ]
deps = [ ":$_loadable_module_source" ]
configs +=
[ "//third_party/mini_chromium/mini_chromium/build/ios:xctest_config" ]
output_dir = "$target_out_dir"
output_name = _output_name
output_prefix_override = true
output_extension = ""
_info_plist_target = _target_name + "_info_plist"
_info_plist_bundle = _target_name + "_info_plist_bundle"
info_plist(_info_plist_target) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_info_plist_bundle" ]
plist_templates = [
executable_name = _output_name
if (defined(invoker.xctest_bundle_principal_class)) {
_principal_class = invoker.xctest_bundle_principal_class
} else {
# Fall back to a reasonable default value.
_principal_class = "NSObject"
extra_substitutions = [
bundle_data(_info_plist_bundle) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ]
public_deps = [ ":$_info_plist_target" ]
sources = get_target_outputs(":$_info_plist_target")
outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Info.plist" ]
_xctest_bundle = _target_name + "_bundle"
create_signed_bundle(_target_name) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_xctest_bundle" ]
bundle_extension = ".xctest"
output_name = _output_name
bundle_executable_path = get_label_info(":$_loadable_module_target",
"target_out_dir") + "/$_output_name"
# Test files need to be known to Xcode for proper indexing and discovery
# of tests function for XCTest, but the compilation is done via ninja and
# thus must prevent Xcode from linking object files via this hack.
xcode_extra_attributes = {
# For XCUITest, Xcode requires specifying the host application name via
# the TEST_TARGET_NAME attribute.
if (invoker.product_type == _ios_xcode_xcuitest_bundle_id) {
TEST_TARGET_NAME = invoker.xcode_test_application_name
# For XCTest, Xcode requires specifying the host application path via
# both BUNDLE_LOADER and TEST_HOST attributes.
if (invoker.product_type == _ios_xcode_xctest_bundle_id) {
"\$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/${invoker.xcode_test_application_name}" +
deps = [ ":$_info_plist_bundle" ]
public_deps = [ ":$_loadable_module_target" ]
bundle_data(_xctest_bundle) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "host_target" ])
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$host_target" ]
public_deps = [ ":$_target_name" ]
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/$_output_name.xctest" ]
outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/PlugIns/$_output_name.xctest" ]
template("ios_xctest_test") {
# Invokers must specify their own target for the xctest module.
"xctest_module_target is required.")
_target_name = target_name
_output_name = target_name
_xctest_target = _target_name + "_module"
_xctest_output = _output_name + "_module"
_host_target = _target_name
_host_output = _output_name
_xctest_module_target = invoker.xctest_module_target
ios_xctest_bundle(_xctest_target) {
output_name = _xctest_output
product_type = _ios_xcode_xctest_bundle_id
host_target = _host_target
xcode_test_application_name = _host_output
deps = [ _xctest_module_target ]
ios_app_bundle(_host_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "testonly" ])
testonly = true
# Xcode needs the following frameworks installed in the application (and
# signed) for the XCTest to run, so install them using
# extra_system_frameworks.
_ios_platform_library = "$ios_sdk_platform_path/Developer/Library"
extra_system_frameworks = [
_xctest_bundle = _xctest_target + "_bundle"
if (!defined(bundle_deps)) {
bundle_deps = []
bundle_deps += [ ":$_xctest_bundle" ]
if (!defined(ldflags)) {
ldflags = []
ldflags += [
template("ios_xcuitest_test_runner_bundle") {
"xctest_bundle must be defined for $target_name")
_target_name = target_name
_output_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
_output_name = invoker.output_name
_xctrunner_path =
# When creating the test runner for an XCUITest, the arm64e slice of the binary
# must be removed (at least until the app ships with arm64e slice which is not
# yet supported by Apple).
action("xctest_runner_without_arm64e") {
testonly = true
script =
sources = [ "$_xctrunner_path/XCTRunner" ]
outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/XCTRunner" ]
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
_info_plist_target = _target_name + "_info_plist"
_info_plist_bundle = _target_name + "_info_plist_bundle"
info_plist(_info_plist_target) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_info_plist_bundle" ]
executable_name = _output_name
plist_templates = [
# NOTE: The XCTRunnerAddition+Info.plist must come after the Info.plist
# because it overrides the values under "CFBundleIdentifier" and
# "CFBundleName".
bundle_data(_info_plist_bundle) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ]
public_deps = [ ":$_info_plist_target" ]
sources = get_target_outputs(":$_info_plist_target")
outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Info.plist" ]
_pkginfo_bundle = _target_name + "_pkginfo_bundle"
bundle_data(_pkginfo_bundle) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":$_target_name" ]
sources = [ "$_xctrunner_path/PkgInfo" ]
outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/PkgInfo" ]
_xctest_bundle = invoker.xctest_bundle
create_signed_bundle(_target_name) {
testonly = true
bundle_binary_target = ":xctest_runner_without_arm64e"
bundle_binary_output = "XCTRunner"
bundle_extension = ".app"
product_type = ""
output_name = _output_name
# Xcode needs the following frameworks installed in the application
# (and signed) for the XCUITest to run, so install them using
# extra_system_frameworks.
extra_system_frameworks = [
bundle_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.bundle_deps)) {
bundle_deps += invoker.bundle_deps
bundle_deps += [
template("ios_xcuitest_test") {
assert(defined(invoker.deps), "deps must be defined for $target_name")
"xcode_test_application_name must be defined for $target_name")
_xcuitest_target = target_name
_xcuitest_runner_target = _xcuitest_target + "_runner"
_xcuitest_module_target = _xcuitest_target + "_module"
group(_xcuitest_target) {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":$_xcuitest_runner_target" ]
_xcuitest_module_output = _xcuitest_target
ios_xctest_bundle(_xcuitest_module_target) {
product_type = _ios_xcode_xcuitest_bundle_id
host_target = _xcuitest_runner_target
output_name = _xcuitest_module_output
deps = invoker.deps
_xcuitest_runner_output = _xcuitest_target + "-Runner"
ios_xcuitest_test_runner_bundle(_xcuitest_runner_target) {
output_name = _xcuitest_runner_output
xctest_bundle = _xcuitest_module_target + "_bundle"
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "bundle_deps" ])