blob: d767fea9fb1d564f56fa0c8442664e05f88f70a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The C++ style guide recommends using <re2> instead of <regex>. However, the
// former isn't available in V8.
#include <regex> // NOLINT(build/c++11)
#include <vector>
#include "src/codegen/arm64/register-arm64.h"
#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
#include "test/cctest/disasm-regex-helper.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// Poison register.
const int kPRegCode = kSpeculationPoisonRegister.code();
const std::string kPReg = // NOLINT(runtime/string)
"x" + std::to_string(kPRegCode);
} // namespace
TEST(DisasmPoisonMonomorphicLoad) {
if (i::FLAG_always_opt || !i::FLAG_opt) return;
i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
i::FLAG_untrusted_code_mitigations = true;
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
"function mono(o) { return o.x; };"
"mono({ x : 1 });"
"mono({ x : 1 });"
"mono({ x : 1 });");
// Matches that the property access sequence is instrumented with
// poisoning.
std::vector<std::string> patterns_array = {
"ldur <<Map:w[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj:x[0-9]+>>, #-1\\]", // load map
"ldr <<ExpMap:w[0-9]+>>, pc", // load expected map
"cmp <<Map>>, <<ExpMap>>", // compare maps
"", // deopt if different
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", ne", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldursw x<<Field:[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load the field
"and x<<Field>>, x<<Field>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
std::vector<std::string> patterns_array = {
"ldur <<Map:x[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj:x[0-9]+>>, #-1\\]", // load map
"ldr <<ExpMap:x[0-9]+>>, pc", // load expected map
"cmp <<Map>>, <<ExpMap>>", // compare maps
"", // deopt if different
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", ne", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldur <<Field:x[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load the field
"and <<Field>>, <<Field>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
CHECK(CheckDisassemblyRegexPatterns("mono", patterns_array));
TEST(DisasmPoisonPolymorphicLoad) {
if (i::FLAG_always_opt || !i::FLAG_opt) return;
i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
i::FLAG_untrusted_code_mitigations = true;
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
"function poly(o) { return o.x + 1; };"
"let o1 = { x : 1 };"
"let o2 = { y : 1 };"
"o2.x = 2;"
// Matches that the property access sequence is instrumented with
// poisoning.
std::vector<std::string> patterns_array = {
"ldur <<Map0:w[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj:x[0-9]+>>, #-1\\]", // load map
"ldr <<ExpMap:w[0-9]+>>, pc", // load map const #1
"cmp <<Map0>>, <<ExpMap>>", // compare maps
"b.eq", // ? go to the load
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", eq", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldur <<Map1:w[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #-1\\]", // load map
"ldr <<ExpMap1:w[0-9]+>>, pc", // load map const #2
"cmp <<Map1>>, <<ExpMap1>>", // compare maps
"", // deopt if different
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", ne", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldur w<<Field:[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load the field
"and x<<Field>>, x<<Field>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
"asr w[0-9]+, w<<Field>>, #1", // untag
"b", // goto merge point
// Lcase1:
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", ne", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldursw x<<BSt:[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load backing store
"tbz w<<BSt>>, #0, #\\+0x8", // branchful decompress
"add x<<BSt>>, x26, x<<BSt>>", // Add root to ref
"and x<<BSt>>, x<<BSt>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
"ldur w<<Prop:[0-9]+>>, \\[x<<BSt>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load the property
"and x<<Prop>>, x<<Prop>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
// Ldone:
std::vector<std::string> patterns_array = {
"ldur <<Map0:x[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj:x[0-9]+>>, #-1\\]", // load map
"ldr <<ExpMap0:x[0-9]+>>, pc", // load map const #1
"cmp <<Map0>>, <<ExpMap0>>", // compare maps
"b.eq", // ? go to the load
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", eq", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldur <<Map1:x[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #-1\\]", // load map
"ldr <<ExpMap1:x[0-9]+>>, pc", // load map const #2
"cmp <<Map1>>, <<ExpMap1>>", // compare maps
"", // deopt if different
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", ne", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldur <<Field:x[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load the field
"and <<Field>>, <<Field>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
"asr x[0-9]+, <<Field>>, #32", // untag
"b", // goto merge point
// Lcase1:
"csel " + kPReg + ", xzr, " + kPReg + ", ne", // update the poison
"csdb", // spec. barrier
"ldur <<BSt:x[0-9]+>>, \\[<<Obj>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load backing store
"and <<BSt>>, <<BSt>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
"ldur <<Prop:x[0-9]+>>, \\[<<BSt>>, #[0-9]+\\]", // load the property
"and <<Prop>>, <<Prop>>, " + kPReg, // apply the poison
// Ldone:
CHECK(CheckDisassemblyRegexPatterns("poly", patterns_array));
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8