| // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /** |
| * @implements {UI.Searchable} |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.HeapProfileView = class extends Profiler.ProfileView { |
| /** |
| * @param {!Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileHeader} profileHeader |
| */ |
| constructor(profileHeader) { |
| super(); |
| |
| this._profileHeader = profileHeader; |
| this._profileType = profileHeader.profileType(); |
| const views = [ |
| Profiler.ProfileView.ViewTypes.Flame, Profiler.ProfileView.ViewTypes.Heavy, Profiler.ProfileView.ViewTypes.Tree |
| ]; |
| |
| const isNativeProfile = this._profileType.id === Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapProfileType.TypeId || |
| this._profileType.id === Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotType.TypeId; |
| if (isNativeProfile) { |
| views.push(Profiler.ProfileView.ViewTypes.Text); |
| } |
| |
| this.initialize(new Profiler.HeapProfileView.NodeFormatter(this), views); |
| const profile = new Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileModel(profileHeader._profile || profileHeader.protocolProfile()); |
| this.adjustedTotal = profile.total; |
| this.setProfile(profile); |
| |
| this._selectedSizeText = new UI.ToolbarText(); |
| |
| if (Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('samplingHeapProfilerTimeline')) { |
| this._timelineOverview = new Profiler.HeapTimelineOverview(); |
| this._timelineOverview.addEventListener( |
| Profiler.HeapTimelineOverview.IdsRangeChanged, this._onIdsRangeChanged.bind(this)); |
| this._timelineOverview.show(this.element, this.element.firstChild); |
| this._timelineOverview.start(); |
| |
| this._profileType.addEventListener( |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.Events.StatsUpdate, this._onStatsUpdate, this); |
| this._profileType.once(Profiler.ProfileType.Events.ProfileComplete).then(() => { |
| this._profileType.removeEventListener( |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.Events.StatsUpdate, this._onStatsUpdate, this); |
| this._timelineOverview.stop(); |
| this._timelineOverview.updateGrid(); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {!Array<!UI.ToolbarItem>} |
| */ |
| syncToolbarItems() { |
| return [...super.syncToolbarItems(), this._selectedSizeText]; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!Common.Event} event |
| */ |
| _onIdsRangeChanged(event) { |
| const minId = /** @type {number} */ (event.data.minId); |
| const maxId = /** @type {number} */ (event.data.maxId); |
| this._selectedSizeText.setText(ls`Selected size: ${Number.bytesToString(event.data.size)}`); |
| this._setSelectionRange(minId, maxId); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {number} minId |
| * @param {number} maxId |
| */ |
| _setSelectionRange(minId, maxId) { |
| const profile = new Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileModel( |
| this._profileHeader._profile || this._profileHeader.protocolProfile(), minId, maxId); |
| this.adjustedTotal = profile.total; |
| this.setProfile(profile); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!Common.Event} event |
| */ |
| _onStatsUpdate(event) { |
| const profile = event.data; |
| |
| if (!this._totalTime) { |
| this._timestamps = []; |
| this._sizes = []; |
| this._max = []; |
| this._ordinals = []; |
| this._totalTime = 30000; |
| this._lastOrdinal = 0; |
| } |
| |
| this._sizes.fill(0); |
| this._sizes.push(0); |
| this._timestamps.push(Date.now()); |
| this._ordinals.push(this._lastOrdinal + 1); |
| this._lastOrdinal = profile.samples.reduce((res, sample) => Math.max(res, sample.ordinal), this._lastOrdinal); |
| for (const sample of profile.samples) { |
| const bucket = this._ordinals.upperBound(sample.ordinal) - 1; |
| this._sizes[bucket] += sample.size; |
| } |
| this._max.push(this._sizes.peekLast()); |
| |
| if (this._timestamps.peekLast() - this._timestamps[0] > this._totalTime) { |
| this._totalTime *= 2; |
| } |
| |
| const samples = /** @type {!Profiler.HeapTimelineOverview.Samples} */ ({ |
| sizes: this._sizes, |
| max: this._max, |
| ids: this._ordinals, |
| timestamps: this._timestamps, |
| totalTime: this._totalTime |
| }); |
| |
| this._timelineOverview.setSamples(samples); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {string} columnId |
| * @return {string} |
| */ |
| columnHeader(columnId) { |
| switch (columnId) { |
| case 'self': |
| return Common.UIString('Self Size (bytes)'); |
| case 'total': |
| return Common.UIString('Total Size (bytes)'); |
| } |
| return ''; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {!PerfUI.FlameChartDataProvider} |
| */ |
| createFlameChartDataProvider() { |
| return new Profiler.HeapFlameChartDataProvider( |
| /** @type {!Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileModel} */ (this.profile()), this._profileHeader.heapProfilerModel()); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {!UI.SimpleView} view |
| */ |
| populateTextView(view) { |
| const guides = '+!:|'; |
| let text = `Sampling memory profile.\n\nDate/Time: ${new Date()}\n` + |
| `Report Version: 7\n` + |
| `App Version: ${/Chrom\S*/.exec(navigator.appVersion)[0] || 'Unknown'}\n` + |
| `Node Weight: 1 KiB\n` + |
| `Total Size: ${Math.round(this.profile().root.total / 1024)} KiB\n` + |
| `----\n\nCall graph:\n`; |
| const sortedChildren = this.profile().root.children.sort((a, b) => b.total - a.total); |
| const modules = this.profile().modules.map( |
| m => Object.assign({address: BigInt(m.baseAddress), endAddress: BigInt(m.baseAddress) + BigInt(m.size)}, m)); |
| modules.sort((m1, m2) => m1.address > m2.address ? 1 : m1.address < m2.address ? -1 : 0); |
| for (const child of sortedChildren) { |
| printTree(' ', child !== sortedChildren.peekLast(), child); |
| } |
| |
| text += '\nBinary Images:\n'; |
| for (const module of modules) { |
| const fileName = /[^/\\]*$/.exec(module.name)[0]; |
| const version = '1.0'; |
| const formattedUuid = module.uuid.includes('-') ? |
| module.uuid : |
| module.uuid.replace(/(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12}).*/, '$1-$2-$3-$4-$5'); |
| text += `${('0x' + module.address.toString(16)).padStart(18)} - `; |
| text += `${('0x' + (module.endAddress - BigInt(1)).toString(16)).padStart(18)}`; |
| text += ` ${fileName} (${version}) <${formattedUuid}> ${module.name}\n`; |
| } |
| |
| view.contentElement.createChild('pre', 'profile-text-view monospace').textContent = text; |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {string} padding |
| * @param {boolean} drawGuide |
| * @param {!SDK.ProfileNode} node |
| */ |
| function printTree(padding, drawGuide, node) { |
| const addressText = /0x[0-9a-f]*|[0-9]*/.exec(node.functionName)[0] || ''; |
| let module; |
| if (addressText) { |
| const address = BigInt(addressText); |
| const pos = modules.upperBound(address, (address, module) => address - module.address); |
| if (pos > 0 && address < modules[pos - 1].endAddress) { |
| module = modules[pos - 1]; |
| } |
| } |
| const functionName = |
| (addressText ? node.functionName.substr(addressText.length + 1) : node.functionName) || '???'; |
| text += `${padding}${Math.round(node.total / 1024)} ${functionName} `; |
| if (module) { |
| const fileName = /[^/\\]*$/.exec(module.name); |
| if (fileName) { |
| text += `(in ${fileName}) `; |
| } |
| const offset = BigInt(addressText) - module.address; |
| text += `load address ${module.baseAddress} + 0x${offset.toString(16)} `; |
| } |
| if (addressText) { |
| text += `[${addressText}]`; |
| } |
| text += '\n'; |
| const guideChar = drawGuide ? guides[padding.length / 2 % guides.length] : ' '; |
| const nextPadding = padding + guideChar + ' '; |
| const sortedChildren = node.children.sort((a, b) => b.total - a.total); |
| for (const child of sortedChildren) { |
| printTree(nextPadding, child !== sortedChildren.peekLast(), child); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileTypeBase = class extends Profiler.ProfileType { |
| /** |
| * @param {string} typeId |
| * @param {string} description |
| */ |
| constructor(typeId, description) { |
| super(typeId, description); |
| this._recording = false; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {?Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileHeader} |
| */ |
| profileBeingRecorded() { |
| return /** @type {?Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileHeader} */ (super.profileBeingRecorded()); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {string} |
| */ |
| typeName() { |
| return 'Heap'; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {string} |
| */ |
| fileExtension() { |
| return '.heapprofile'; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| get buttonTooltip() { |
| return this._recording ? ls`Stop heap profiling` : ls`Start heap profiling`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {boolean} |
| */ |
| buttonClicked() { |
| if (this._recording) { |
| this._stopRecordingProfile(); |
| } else { |
| this._startRecordingProfile(); |
| } |
| return this._recording; |
| } |
| |
| _startRecordingProfile() { |
| const heapProfilerModel = UI.context.flavor(SDK.HeapProfilerModel); |
| if (this.profileBeingRecorded() || !heapProfilerModel) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const profileHeader = new Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileHeader(heapProfilerModel, this); |
| this.setProfileBeingRecorded(profileHeader); |
| this.addProfile(profileHeader); |
| profileHeader.updateStatus(ls`Recording\u2026`); |
| |
| const icon = UI.Icon.create('smallicon-warning'); |
| icon.title = ls`Heap profiler is recording`; |
| UI.inspectorView.setPanelIcon('heap_profiler', icon); |
| |
| this._recording = true; |
| this._startSampling(); |
| } |
| |
| async _stopRecordingProfile() { |
| this._recording = false; |
| if (!this.profileBeingRecorded() || !this.profileBeingRecorded().heapProfilerModel()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| this.profileBeingRecorded().updateStatus(ls`Stopping\u2026`); |
| const profile = await this._stopSampling(); |
| const recordedProfile = this.profileBeingRecorded(); |
| if (recordedProfile) { |
| console.assert(profile); |
| recordedProfile.setProtocolProfile(profile); |
| recordedProfile.updateStatus(''); |
| this.setProfileBeingRecorded(null); |
| } |
| UI.inspectorView.setPanelIcon('heap_profiler', null); |
| this.dispatchEventToListeners(Profiler.ProfileType.Events.ProfileComplete, recordedProfile); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {string} title |
| * @return {!Profiler.ProfileHeader} |
| */ |
| createProfileLoadedFromFile(title) { |
| return new Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileHeader(null, this, title); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| profileBeingRecordedRemoved() { |
| this._stopRecordingProfile(); |
| } |
| |
| _startSampling() { |
| throw 'Not implemented'; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * return {!Promise<!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile>} |
| */ |
| _stopSampling() { |
| throw 'Not implemented'; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType = class extends Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileTypeBase { |
| constructor() { |
| super(Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.TypeId, ls`Allocation sampling`); |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.instance = this; |
| this._updateTimer = null; |
| this._updateIntervalMs = 200; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| get treeItemTitle() { |
| return ls`SAMPLING PROFILES`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| get description() { |
| return ls`Record memory allocations using sampling method. |
| This profile type has minimal performance overhead and can be used for long running operations. |
| It provides good approximation of allocations broken down by JavaScript execution stack.`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {boolean} |
| */ |
| hasTemporaryView() { |
| return Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('samplingHeapProfilerTimeline'); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| _startSampling() { |
| this.profileBeingRecorded().heapProfilerModel().startSampling(); |
| if (Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('samplingHeapProfilerTimeline')) { |
| this._updateTimer = setTimeout(this._updateStats.bind(this), this._updateIntervalMs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * return {!Promise<!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile>} |
| */ |
| _stopSampling() { |
| clearTimeout(this._updateTimer); |
| this._updateTimer = null; |
| this.dispatchEventToListeners(Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.Events.RecordingStopped); |
| return this.profileBeingRecorded().heapProfilerModel().stopSampling(); |
| } |
| |
| async _updateStats() { |
| const profile = await this.profileBeingRecorded().heapProfilerModel().getSamplingProfile(); |
| if (!this._updateTimer) { |
| return; |
| } |
| this.dispatchEventToListeners(Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.Events.StatsUpdate, profile); |
| this._updateTimer = setTimeout(this._updateStats.bind(this), this._updateIntervalMs); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.TypeId = 'SamplingHeap'; |
| |
| /** @override @suppress {checkPrototypalTypes} @enum {symbol} */ |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileType.Events = { |
| RecordingStopped: Symbol('RecordingStopped'), |
| StatsUpdate: Symbol('StatsUpdate') |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapProfileType = class extends Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileTypeBase { |
| constructor() { |
| super(Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapProfileType.TypeId, ls`Native memory allocation sampling`); |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapProfileType.instance = this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| get treeItemTitle() { |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| get description() { |
| return ls`Allocation profiles show sampled native memory allocations from the renderer process.`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| _startSampling() { |
| this.profileBeingRecorded().heapProfilerModel().startNativeSampling(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * return {!Promise<!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile>} |
| */ |
| _stopSampling() { |
| return this.profileBeingRecorded().heapProfilerModel().stopNativeSampling(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapProfileType.TypeId = 'SamplingNativeHeapRecording'; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotType = class extends Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileTypeBase { |
| /** |
| * @param {string} processType |
| */ |
| constructor(processType) { |
| super(Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotType.TypeId, ls`Native memory allocation snapshot (${processType})`); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {boolean} |
| */ |
| isInstantProfile() { |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| get treeItemTitle() { |
| return ls`NATIVE SNAPSHOTS`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| */ |
| get description() { |
| return ls`Native memory snapshots show sampled native allocations in the renderer process since start up. |
| Chrome has to be started with --memlog=all flag. Check flags at chrome://flags`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {boolean} |
| */ |
| buttonClicked() { |
| this._takeSnapshot(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @return {!Promise} |
| */ |
| async _takeSnapshot() { |
| if (this.profileBeingRecorded()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const heapProfilerModel = UI.context.flavor(SDK.HeapProfilerModel); |
| if (!heapProfilerModel) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const profile = |
| new Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileHeader(heapProfilerModel, this, ls`Snapshot ${this.nextProfileUid()}`); |
| this.setProfileBeingRecorded(profile); |
| this.addProfile(profile); |
| profile.updateStatus(ls`Snapshotting\u2026`); |
| |
| const protocolProfile = await this._takeNativeSnapshot(/** @type {!SDK.HeapProfilerModel} */ (heapProfilerModel)); |
| const recordedProfile = this.profileBeingRecorded(); |
| if (recordedProfile) { |
| console.assert(protocolProfile); |
| recordedProfile.setProtocolProfile(/** @type {!Protocol.Profiler.Profile} */ (protocolProfile)); |
| recordedProfile.updateStatus(''); |
| this.setProfileBeingRecorded(null); |
| } |
| |
| this.dispatchEventToListeners(Profiler.ProfileType.Events.ProfileComplete, recordedProfile); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!SDK.HeapProfilerModel} heapProfilerModel |
| * @return {!Promise<!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile>} |
| */ |
| _takeNativeSnapshot(heapProfilerModel) { |
| throw 'Not implemented'; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotType.TypeId = 'SamplingNativeHeapSnapshot'; |
| |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotBrowserType = class extends Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotType { |
| constructor() { |
| super(ls`Browser`); |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotBrowserType.instance = this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {!SDK.HeapProfilerModel} heapProfilerModel |
| * @return {!Promise<!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile>} |
| */ |
| async _takeNativeSnapshot(heapProfilerModel) { |
| return await heapProfilerModel.takeNativeBrowserSnapshot(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotRendererType = class extends Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotType { |
| constructor() { |
| super(ls`Renderer`); |
| Profiler.SamplingNativeHeapSnapshotRendererType.instance = this; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {!SDK.HeapProfilerModel} heapProfilerModel |
| * @return {!Promise<!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile>} |
| */ |
| async _takeNativeSnapshot(heapProfilerModel) { |
| return await heapProfilerModel.takeNativeSnapshot(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileHeader = class extends Profiler.WritableProfileHeader { |
| /** |
| * @param {?SDK.HeapProfilerModel} heapProfilerModel |
| * @param {!Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileTypeBase} type |
| * @param {string=} title |
| */ |
| constructor(heapProfilerModel, type, title) { |
| super( |
| heapProfilerModel && heapProfilerModel.debuggerModel(), type, |
| title || Common.UIString('Profile %d', type.nextProfileUid())); |
| this._heapProfilerModel = heapProfilerModel; |
| this._protocolProfile = |
| /** @type {!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile} */ ({head: {callFrame: {}, children: []}}); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {!Profiler.ProfileView} |
| */ |
| createView() { |
| return new Profiler.HeapProfileView(this); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @return {!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile} |
| */ |
| protocolProfile() { |
| return this._protocolProfile; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @return {?SDK.HeapProfilerModel} |
| */ |
| heapProfilerModel() { |
| return this._heapProfilerModel; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode = class extends SDK.ProfileNode { |
| /** |
| * @param {!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode} node |
| */ |
| constructor(node) { |
| const callFrame = node.callFrame || /** @type {!Protocol.Runtime.CallFrame} */ ({ |
| // Backward compatibility for old CpuProfileNode format. |
| functionName: node['functionName'], |
| scriptId: node['scriptId'], |
| url: node['url'], |
| lineNumber: node['lineNumber'] - 1, |
| columnNumber: node['columnNumber'] - 1 |
| }); |
| super(callFrame); |
| this.self = node.selfSize; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileModel = class extends SDK.ProfileTreeModel { |
| /** |
| * @param {!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile} profile |
| * @param {number=} minOrdinal |
| * @param {number=} maxOrdinal |
| */ |
| constructor(profile, minOrdinal, maxOrdinal) { |
| super(); |
| this.modules = profile.modules || []; |
| |
| /** @type {?Map<number, number>} */ |
| let nodeIdToSizeMap = null; |
| if (minOrdinal || maxOrdinal) { |
| nodeIdToSizeMap = new Map(); |
| minOrdinal = minOrdinal || 0; |
| maxOrdinal = maxOrdinal || Infinity; |
| for (const sample of profile.samples) { |
| if (sample.ordinal < minOrdinal || sample.ordinal > maxOrdinal) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| const size = nodeIdToSizeMap.get(sample.nodeId) || 0; |
| nodeIdToSizeMap.set(sample.nodeId, size + sample.size); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| this.initialize(translateProfileTree(profile.head)); |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!Protocol.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode} root |
| * @return {!Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode} |
| */ |
| function translateProfileTree(root) { |
| const resultRoot = new Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode(root); |
| const sourceNodeStack = [root]; |
| const targetNodeStack = [resultRoot]; |
| while (sourceNodeStack.length) { |
| const sourceNode = sourceNodeStack.pop(); |
| const targetNode = targetNodeStack.pop(); |
| targetNode.children = sourceNode.children.map(child => { |
| const targetChild = new Profiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode(child); |
| if (nodeIdToSizeMap) { |
| targetChild.self = nodeIdToSizeMap.get(child.id) || 0; |
| } |
| return targetChild; |
| }); |
| sourceNodeStack.pushAll(sourceNode.children); |
| targetNodeStack.pushAll(targetNode.children); |
| } |
| pruneEmptyBranches(resultRoot); |
| return resultRoot; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!SDK.ProfileNode} node |
| * @return {boolean} |
| */ |
| function pruneEmptyBranches(node) { |
| node.children = node.children.filter(pruneEmptyBranches); |
| return !!(node.children.length || node.self); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @implements {Profiler.ProfileDataGridNode.Formatter} |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.HeapProfileView.NodeFormatter = class { |
| /** |
| * @param {!Profiler.HeapProfileView} profileView |
| */ |
| constructor(profileView) { |
| this._profileView = profileView; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {number} value |
| * @return {string} |
| */ |
| formatValue(value) { |
| return Number.withThousandsSeparator(value); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {number} value |
| * @return {string} |
| */ |
| formatValueAccessibleText(value) { |
| return ls`${value} bytes`; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {number} value |
| * @param {!Profiler.ProfileDataGridNode} node |
| * @return {string} |
| */ |
| formatPercent(value, node) { |
| return Common.UIString('%.2f\xa0%%', value); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {!Profiler.ProfileDataGridNode} node |
| * @return {?Element} |
| */ |
| linkifyNode(node) { |
| const heapProfilerModel = this._profileView._profileHeader.heapProfilerModel(); |
| return this._profileView.linkifier().maybeLinkifyConsoleCallFrame( |
| heapProfilerModel ? heapProfilerModel.target() : null, node.profileNode.callFrame, 'profile-node-file'); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| /** |
| * @unrestricted |
| */ |
| Profiler.HeapFlameChartDataProvider = class extends Profiler.ProfileFlameChartDataProvider { |
| /** |
| * @param {!SDK.ProfileTreeModel} profile |
| * @param {?SDK.HeapProfilerModel} heapProfilerModel |
| */ |
| constructor(profile, heapProfilerModel) { |
| super(); |
| this._profile = profile; |
| this._heapProfilerModel = heapProfilerModel; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {number} |
| */ |
| minimumBoundary() { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {number} |
| */ |
| totalTime() { |
| return this._profile.root.total; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {number} value |
| * @param {number=} precision |
| * @return {string} |
| */ |
| formatValue(value, precision) { |
| return Common.UIString('%s\xa0KB', Number.withThousandsSeparator(value / 1e3)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @return {!PerfUI.FlameChart.TimelineData} |
| */ |
| _calculateTimelineData() { |
| /** |
| * @param {!SDK.ProfileNode} node |
| * @return {number} |
| */ |
| function nodesCount(node) { |
| return node.children.reduce((count, node) => count + nodesCount(node), 1); |
| } |
| const count = nodesCount(this._profile.root); |
| /** @type {!Array<!SDK.ProfileNode>} */ |
| const entryNodes = new Array(count); |
| const entryLevels = new Uint16Array(count); |
| const entryTotalTimes = new Float32Array(count); |
| const entryStartTimes = new Float64Array(count); |
| let depth = 0; |
| let maxDepth = 0; |
| let position = 0; |
| let index = 0; |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {!SDK.ProfileNode} node |
| */ |
| function addNode(node) { |
| const start = position; |
| entryNodes[index] = node; |
| entryLevels[index] = depth; |
| entryTotalTimes[index] = node.total; |
| entryStartTimes[index] = position; |
| ++index; |
| ++depth; |
| node.children.forEach(addNode); |
| --depth; |
| maxDepth = Math.max(maxDepth, depth); |
| position = start + node.total; |
| } |
| addNode(this._profile.root); |
| |
| this._maxStackDepth = maxDepth + 1; |
| this._entryNodes = entryNodes; |
| this._timelineData = new PerfUI.FlameChart.TimelineData(entryLevels, entryTotalTimes, entryStartTimes, null); |
| |
| return this._timelineData; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @override |
| * @param {number} entryIndex |
| * @return {?Element} |
| */ |
| prepareHighlightedEntryInfo(entryIndex) { |
| const node = this._entryNodes[entryIndex]; |
| if (!node) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| const entryInfo = []; |
| /** |
| * @param {string} title |
| * @param {string} value |
| */ |
| function pushEntryInfoRow(title, value) { |
| entryInfo.push({title: title, value: value}); |
| } |
| pushEntryInfoRow(ls`Name`, UI.beautifyFunctionName(node.functionName)); |
| pushEntryInfoRow(ls`Self size`, Number.bytesToString(node.self)); |
| pushEntryInfoRow(ls`Total size`, Number.bytesToString(node.total)); |
| const linkifier = new Components.Linkifier(); |
| const link = linkifier.maybeLinkifyConsoleCallFrame( |
| this._heapProfilerModel ? this._heapProfilerModel.target() : null, node.callFrame); |
| if (link) { |
| pushEntryInfoRow(ls`URL`, link.textContent); |
| } |
| linkifier.dispose(); |
| return Profiler.ProfileView.buildPopoverTable(entryInfo); |
| } |
| }; |