| .. title:: clang-tidy - objc-property-declaration |
| |
| objc-property-declaration |
| ========================= |
| |
| Finds property declarations in Objective-C files that do not follow the pattern |
| of property names in Apple's programming guide. The property name should be |
| in the format of Lower Camel Case. |
| |
| For code: |
| |
| .. code-block:: objc |
| |
| @property(nonatomic, assign) int LowerCamelCase; |
| |
| The fix will be: |
| |
| .. code-block:: objc |
| |
| @property(nonatomic, assign) int lowerCamelCase; |
| |
| The check will only fix 'CamelCase' to 'camelCase'. In some other cases we will |
| only provide warning messages since the property name could be complicated. |
| Users will need to come up with a proper name by their own. |
| |
| This check also accepts special acronyms as prefixes or suffixes. Such prefixes or suffixes |
| will suppress the Lower Camel Case check according to the guide: |
| https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CodingGuidelines/Articles/NamingBasics.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20001281-1002931-BBCFHEAB |
| |
| For a full list of well-known acronyms: |
| https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CodingGuidelines/Articles/APIAbbreviations.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20001285-BCIHCGAE |
| |
| The corresponding style rule: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CodingGuidelines/Articles/NamingIvarsAndTypes.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20001284-1001757 |
| |
| The check will also accept property declared in category with a prefix of |
| lowercase letters followed by a '_' to avoid naming conflict. For example: |
| |
| .. code-block:: objc |
| |
| @property(nonatomic, assign) int abc_lowerCamelCase; |
| |
| The corresponding style rule: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/qa/qa1908/_index.html |
| |
| |
| Options |
| ------- |
| |
| .. option:: Acronyms |
| |
| Semicolon-separated list of custom acronyms that can be used as a prefix |
| or a suffix of property names. |
| |
| By default, appends to the list of default acronyms ( |
| ``IncludeDefaultAcronyms`` set to ``1``). |
| If ``IncludeDefaultAcronyms`` is set to ``0``, instead replaces the |
| default list of acronyms. |
| |
| .. option:: IncludeDefaultAcronyms |
| |
| Integer value (defaults to ``1``) to control whether the default |
| acronyms are included in the list of acronyms. |
| |
| If set to ``1``, the value in ``Acronyms`` is appended to the |
| default list of acronyms: |
| |
| |
| If set to ``0``, the value in ``Acronyms`` replaces the default list |
| of acronyms. |