blob: 8477e3eb39a7effa274bffded9b7ea57eb28432d [file] [log] [blame]
var treeify = require('../treeify');
// Based on information taken from the Tree of Life web project
var Eukaryotes = {
'Archaeplastida (Plantae)': {
'Green plants': 'green algae & land plants',
'Rhodophyta': 'red algae',
'Glaucophytes': 'microalgae'
'Unikonts': {
'Opisthokonts': {
'Animals': null,
'Choanoflagellates': null,
'Filasterea': null,
'Ichthyosporea': null,
'Fungi': 'mushrooms, sac fungi, yeast, molds, etc',
'Nucleariidae': 'filose amoebae'
'Amoebozoa': 'amoebae, slime molds, and parasitic protists',
'Chromalveolates': {
'': {
'Rhizaria': {
'Cercozoa': 'amoeboflagellates',
'Foraminifera': 'complex cells with reticulopodia',
'Radiolaria': null
'Alveolates': 'dinoflagellates, ciliates and apicomplexan parasites',
'Stramenopiles': 'e.g. water molds, diatoms, brown algae'
'Hacrobia': 'Haptophyta, Cryptomonads, etc.'
'Excavates': {
'Malawimonads': null,
'Discicristates': {
'Euglenozoa': 'euglenids, diplonemids and kinetoplastids',
'Heterolobosea': 'amoeboflagellates with discoidal mitchondrial cristae',
'Jakobida': 'free-living, heterotrophic flagellates'
'Parabasalids': 'trichomonads and hypermastigotes',
'Fornicata': 'diplomonads and retortamonads',
'Preaxostyla': 'oxymonads and Trimastix'
treeify.asLines(Eukaryotes, true, function(line) {