blob: befa7bdbef31809aa91d26c4f4a267325800e48d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <errno.h>
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/memory.h"
#include "starboard/once.h"
#include "starboard/thread.h"
static SbThreadLocalKey g_errno_key = kSbThreadLocalKeyInvalid;
static SbOnceControl g_errno_once = SB_ONCE_INITIALIZER;
void initialize_errno_key(void) {
g_errno_key = SbThreadCreateLocalKey(SbMemoryDeallocate);
SB_DCHECK(g_errno_key != kSbThreadLocalKeyInvalid);
// __errno_location() provides every thread with its own copy of |errno|.
// The first time __errno_location() is invoked it will initialize a global key.
// This key will then by used by every thread to set, and get, their instance of
// errno from thread-local storage.
int *__errno_location(void) {
SB_DCHECK(SbOnce(&g_errno_once, &initialize_errno_key));
int* value = (int*)SbThreadGetLocalValue(g_errno_key);
if (value) {
return value;
value = (int*)SbMemoryAllocate(sizeof(int));
SB_DCHECK(SbThreadSetLocalValue(g_errno_key, value));
*value = 0;
return value;