blob: ced9c6e51e3cd96b72d1cdcac29a2ce367181b8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/media_serializers_base.h"
#include "media/base/status_codes.h"
// Mojo namespaces for serialization friend declarations.
namespace mojo {
template <typename T, typename U>
struct StructTraits;
} // namespace mojo
namespace media {
// See media/base/ for details and instructions for
// using TypedStatus<T>.
// This is the type that enum classes used for specializing |TypedStatus| must
// extend from.
using StatusCodeType = uint16_t;
// This is the type that TypedStatusTraits::Group should be.
using StatusGroupType = base::StringPiece;
namespace internal {
struct MEDIA_EXPORT StatusData {
StatusData(const StatusData&);
StatusData(StatusGroupType group, StatusCodeType code, std::string message);
StatusData& operator=(const StatusData&);
std::unique_ptr<StatusData> copy() const;
void AddLocation(const base::Location&);
// Enum group ID.
std::string group;
// Entry within enum, cast to base type.
StatusCodeType code;
// The current error message (Can be used for
std::string message;
// Stack frames
std::vector<base::Value> frames;
// Causes
std::vector<StatusData> causes;
// Data attached to the error
base::Value data;
} // namespace internal
// See media/base/ for details and instructions for using TypedStatus.
template <typename T>
class MEDIA_EXPORT TypedStatus {
static_assert(std::is_enum<typename T::Codes>::value,
"TypedStatus must only be specialized with enum types.");
using Traits = T;
using Codes = typename T::Codes;
// default constructor to please the Mojo Gods.
TypedStatus() = default;
// Constructor to create a new TypedStatus from a numeric code & message.
// These are immutable; if you'd like to change them, then you likely should
// create a new TypedStatus.
// NOTE: This should never be given a location parameter when called - It is
// defaulted in order to grab the caller location.
TypedStatus(Codes code,
base::StringPiece message = "",
const base::Location& location = base::Location::Current()) {
// Note that |message| would be dropped when code is the default value,
// so DCHECK that it is not set.
if (code == Traits::DefaultEnumValue()) {
data_ = std::make_unique<internal::StatusData>(
Traits::Group(), static_cast<StatusCodeType>(code),
TypedStatus(const TypedStatus<T>& copy) { *this = copy; }
TypedStatus<T>& operator=(const TypedStatus<T>& copy) {
if (!copy.data_) {
return *this;
data_ = copy.data_->copy();
return *this;
// DEPRECATED: check code() == ok value.
bool is_ok() const { return !data_; }
Codes code() const {
if (!data_)
return *Traits::DefaultEnumValue();
return static_cast<Codes>(data_->code);
const std::string group() const {
return data_ ? data_->group : Traits::Group();
const std::string& message() const {
return data_->message;
// Adds the current location to StatusBase as it’s passed upwards.
// This does not need to be called at every location that touches it, but
// should be called for those locations where the path is ambiguous or
// critical. This can be especially helpful across IPC boundaries. This will
// fail on an OK status.
// NOTE: This should never be given a parameter when called - It is defaulted
// in order to grab the caller location.
TypedStatus<T>&& AddHere(
const base::Location& location = base::Location::Current()) && {
// We can't call MediaSerialize directly, because we can't include the
// default serializers header, since it includes this header.
return std::move(*this);
// Allows us to append any datatype which can be converted to
// an int/bool/string/base::Value. Any existing data associated with |key|
// will be overwritten by |value|. This will fail on an OK status.
template <typename D>
TypedStatus<T>&& WithData(const char* key, const D& value) && {
data_->data.SetKey(key, MediaSerialize(value));
return std::move(*this);
template <typename D>
void WithData(const char* key, const D& value) & {
data_->data.SetKey(key, MediaSerialize(value));
// Add |cause| as the error that triggered this one.
template <typename AnyTraitsType>
TypedStatus<T>&& AddCause(TypedStatus<AnyTraitsType>&& cause) && {
DCHECK(data_ && cause.data_);
return std::move(*this);
// Add |cause| as the error that triggered this one.
template <typename AnyTraitsType>
void AddCause(TypedStatus<AnyTraitsType>&& cause) & {
DCHECK(data_ && cause.data_);
inline bool operator==(T code) const { return code == this->code(); }
inline bool operator!=(T code) const { return code != this->code(); }
inline bool operator==(const TypedStatus<T>& other) const {
return other.code() == code();
inline bool operator!=(const TypedStatus<T>& other) const {
return other.code() != code();
template <typename OtherType>
class Or {
~Or() = default;
// Implicit constructors allow returning |OtherType| or |TypedStatus|
// directly.
Or(TypedStatus<T>&& error) : error_(std::move(error)) {
// |T| must either not have a default code, or not be default
DCHECK(!Traits::DefaultEnumValue() ||
*Traits::DefaultEnumValue() != code());
Or(const TypedStatus<T>& error) : error_(error) {
DCHECK(!Traits::DefaultEnumValue() ||
*Traits::DefaultEnumValue() != code());
Or(OtherType&& value) : value_(std::move(value)) {}
Or(const OtherType& value) : value_(value) {}
Or(typename T::Codes code,
const base::Location& location = base::Location::Current())
: error_(TypedStatus<T>(code, "", location)) {
DCHECK(!Traits::DefaultEnumValue() ||
*Traits::DefaultEnumValue() != code);
// Move- and copy- construction and assignment are okay.
Or(const Or&) = default;
Or(Or&&) = default;
Or& operator=(Or&) = default;
Or& operator=(Or&&) = default;
bool has_value() const { return value_.has_value(); }
bool has_error() const { return error_.has_value(); }
inline bool operator==(typename T::Codes code) const {
return code == this->code();
inline bool operator!=(typename T::Codes code) const {
return code != this->code();
// Return the error, if we have one.
// Callers should ensure that this |has_error()|.
TypedStatus<T> error() && {
auto error = std::move(*error_);
return error;
// Return the value, if we have one.
// Callers should ensure that this |has_value()|.
OtherType value() && {
auto value = std::move(std::get<0>(*value_));
return value;
typename T::Codes code() const {
DCHECK(error_ || value_);
// It is invalid to call |code()| on an |Or| with a value that
// is specialized in a TypedStatus with no DefaultEnumValue.
DCHECK(error_ || Traits::DefaultEnumValue());
return error_ ? error_->code() : *Traits::DefaultEnumValue();
absl::optional<TypedStatus<T>> error_;
// We wrap |OtherType| in a container so that windows COM wrappers work.
// They override operator& and similar, and won't compile in a
// absl::optional.
absl::optional<std::tuple<OtherType>> value_;
std::unique_ptr<internal::StatusData> data_;
template <typename StatusEnum, typename DataView>
friend struct mojo::StructTraits;
// Allow media-serialization
friend struct internal::MediaSerializer<TypedStatus<T>>;
void SetInternalData(std::unique_ptr<internal::StatusData> data) {
data_ = std::move(data);
template <typename T>
inline bool operator==(typename T::Codes code, const TypedStatus<T>& status) {
return status == code;
template <typename T>
inline bool operator!=(typename T::Codes code, const TypedStatus<T>& status) {
return status != code;
// Define TypedStatus<StatusCode> as Status in the media namespace for
// backwards compatibility. Also define StatusOr as Status::Or for the
// same reason.
struct GeneralStatusTraits {
using Codes = StatusCode;
static constexpr StatusGroupType Group() { return "GeneralStatusCode"; }
static constexpr absl::optional<StatusCode> DefaultEnumValue() {
return StatusCode::kOk;
using Status = TypedStatus<GeneralStatusTraits>;
template <typename T>
using StatusOr = Status::Or<T>;
// Convenience function to return |kOk|.
// OK won't have a message, trace, or data associated with them, and DCHECK
// if they are added.
MEDIA_EXPORT Status OkStatus();
} // namespace media