blob: 3c0729705487eb8266a46a98d9d86cee9dfd9b5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/capture/video/video_capture_feedback.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
// Arbitrary limit above what is considered a reasonable request.
constexpr size_t kCombinedMappedSizesCountLimit = 6;
void SortSizesDescending(std::vector<gfx::Size>& sizes) {
std::sort(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(),
[](gfx::Size& a, gfx::Size& b) { return a.height() > b.height(); });
} // namespace
VideoCaptureFeedback::VideoCaptureFeedback() = default;
VideoCaptureFeedback::VideoCaptureFeedback(const VideoCaptureFeedback& other) =
VideoCaptureFeedback::VideoCaptureFeedback(double resource_utilization,
float max_framerate_fps,
int max_pixels)
: resource_utilization(resource_utilization),
max_pixels(max_pixels) {}
VideoCaptureFeedback::~VideoCaptureFeedback() = default;
void VideoCaptureFeedback::Combine(const VideoCaptureFeedback& other) {
// Take maximum of non-negative and finite |resource_utilization| values.
if (other.resource_utilization >= 0 &&
std::isfinite(other.resource_utilization)) {
if (!std::isfinite(resource_utilization) ||
resource_utilization < other.resource_utilization) {
resource_utilization = other.resource_utilization;
// Take minimum non-negative max_pixels value to satisfy both constraints.
if (other.max_pixels > 0 &&
(max_pixels <= 0 || max_pixels > other.max_pixels)) {
max_pixels = other.max_pixels;
// Take minimum of non-negative max_framerate_fps.
if (other.max_framerate_fps >= 0.0 &&
(max_framerate_fps < 0.0 || max_framerate_fps > other.max_framerate_fps))
max_framerate_fps = other.max_framerate_fps;
// If any consumer wants mapped frames, all of them should get it.
require_mapped_frame |= other.require_mapped_frame;
// Merge mapped sizes for all consumers.
for (const gfx::Size& mapped_size : other.mapped_sizes) {
// Skip duplicates.
if (std::find(mapped_sizes.begin(), mapped_sizes.end(), mapped_size) !=
mapped_sizes.end()) {
// As a safety measure, limit the number of sizes that can be asked for.
if (mapped_sizes.size() >= kCombinedMappedSizesCountLimit) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Consumer mapped sizes count exceeds "
<< kCombinedMappedSizesCountLimit;
bool VideoCaptureFeedback::Empty() const {
return !std::isfinite(max_framerate_fps) &&
max_pixels == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() &&
(resource_utilization < 0.0) && !require_mapped_frame &&
VideoCaptureFeedback& VideoCaptureFeedback::WithUtilization(float utilization) {
resource_utilization = utilization;
return *this;
VideoCaptureFeedback& VideoCaptureFeedback::WithMaxFramerate(
float framerate_fps) {
max_framerate_fps = framerate_fps;
return *this;
VideoCaptureFeedback& VideoCaptureFeedback::WithMaxPixels(int pixels) {
max_pixels = pixels;
return *this;
VideoCaptureFeedback& VideoCaptureFeedback::RequireMapped(bool require) {
require_mapped_frame = require;
return *this;
VideoCaptureFeedback& VideoCaptureFeedback::WithMappedSizes(
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes) {
mapped_sizes = std::move(sizes);
return *this;
} // namespace media