blob: 3c40231d55cb1618e66fab7db7e3cd9fb3655a31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/test/video_test_helpers.h"
#include <limits>
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/gpu_memory_buffer_support.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/service/gpu_memory_buffer_factory.h"
#include "media/base/format_utils.h"
#include "media/base/video_codecs.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame_layout.h"
#include "media/filters/vp9_parser.h"
#include "media/gpu/test/video.h"
#include "media/gpu/test/video_frame_helpers.h"
#include "media/mojo/common/mojo_shared_buffer_video_frame.h"
#include "media/parsers/vp8_parser.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/buffer.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/planar_functions.h"
#include "media/gpu/chromeos/platform_video_frame_utils.h"
namespace media {
namespace test {
namespace {
constexpr uint16_t kIvfFileHeaderSize = 32;
constexpr size_t kIvfFrameHeaderSize = 12;
bool IsH264SPSNALU(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
// Check if this is an H264 SPS NALU w/ a 3 or 4 byte start code.
return (size >= 4 && data[0] == 0x0 && data[1] == 0x0 && data[2] == 0x1 &&
(data[3] & 0x1f) == 0x7) ||
(size >= 5 && data[0] == 0x0 && data[1] == 0x0 && data[2] == 0x0 &&
data[3] == 0x1 && (data[4] & 0x1f) == 0x7);
bool IsHevcSPSNALU(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
// Check if this is an HEVC SPS NALU w/ a 3 or 4 byte start code.
return (size >= 4 && data[0] == 0x0 && data[1] == 0x0 && data[2] == 0x1 &&
(data[3] & 0x7e) == 0x42) ||
(size >= 5 && data[0] == 0x0 && data[1] == 0x0 && data[2] == 0x0 &&
data[3] == 0x1 && (data[4] & 0x7e) == 0x42);
// If |reverse| is true , GetNextFrame() for a frame returns frames in a
// round-trip playback fashion (0, 1,.., |num_frames| - 2, |num_frames| - 1,
// |num_frames| - 1, |num_frames_| - 2,.., 1, 0, 0, 1,..).
// If |reverse| is false, GetNextFrame() just loops the stream (0, 1,..,
// |num_frames| - 2, |num_frames| - 1, 0, 1,..).
uint32_t GetReadFrameIndex(uint32_t frame_index,
bool reverse,
uint32_t num_frames) {
if (!reverse)
return frame_index % num_frames;
const uint32_t number_of_loops = frame_index / num_frames;
const bool is_even_loop = number_of_loops % 2 == 0;
const uint32_t local_index = frame_index % num_frames;
return is_even_loop ? local_index : num_frames - local_index - 1;
} // namespace
IvfFileHeader GetIvfFileHeader(const base::span<const uint8_t>& data) {
LOG_ASSERT(data.size_bytes() == 32u);
IvfFileHeader file_header;
memcpy(&file_header,, sizeof(IvfFileHeader));
return file_header;
IvfFrameHeader GetIvfFrameHeader(const base::span<const uint8_t>& data) {
LOG_ASSERT(data.size_bytes() == 12u);
IvfFrameHeader frame_header{};
memcpy(&frame_header.frame_size,, 4);
memcpy(&frame_header.timestamp, &data[4], 8);
return frame_header;
IvfWriter::IvfWriter(base::FilePath output_filepath) {
output_file_ = base::File(
output_filepath, base::File::FLAG_CREATE_ALWAYS | base::File::FLAG_WRITE);
bool IvfWriter::WriteFileHeader(VideoCodec codec,
const gfx::Size& resolution,
uint32_t frame_rate,
uint32_t num_frames) {
char ivf_header[kIvfFileHeaderSize] = {};
// Bytes 0-3 of an IVF file header always contain the signature 'DKIF'.
strcpy(&ivf_header[0], "DKIF");
constexpr uint16_t kVersion = 0;
auto write16 = [&ivf_header](int i, uint16_t v) {
memcpy(&ivf_header[i], &v, sizeof(v));
auto write32 = [&ivf_header](int i, uint32_t v) {
memcpy(&ivf_header[i], &v, sizeof(v));
write16(4, kVersion);
write16(6, kIvfFileHeaderSize);
switch (codec) {
case VideoCodec::kVP8:
strcpy(&ivf_header[8], "VP80");
case VideoCodec::kVP9:
strcpy(&ivf_header[8], "VP90");
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown codec: " << GetCodecName(codec);
return false;
write16(12, resolution.width());
write16(14, resolution.height());
write32(16, frame_rate);
write32(20, 1);
write32(24, num_frames);
// Reserved.
write32(28, 0);
return output_file_.WriteAtCurrentPos(ivf_header, kIvfFileHeaderSize) ==
bool IvfWriter::WriteFrame(uint32_t data_size,
uint64_t timestamp,
const uint8_t* data) {
char ivf_frame_header[kIvfFrameHeaderSize] = {};
memcpy(&ivf_frame_header[0], &data_size, sizeof(data_size));
memcpy(&ivf_frame_header[4], &timestamp, sizeof(timestamp));
bool success =
output_file_.WriteAtCurrentPos(ivf_frame_header, kIvfFrameHeaderSize) ==
static_cast<int>(kIvfFrameHeaderSize) &&
output_file_.WriteAtCurrentPos(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data),
data_size) == static_cast<int>(data_size);
return success;
EncodedDataHelper::EncodedDataHelper(const std::vector<uint8_t>& stream,
VideoCodecProfile profile)
: data_(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
profile_(profile) {}
EncodedDataHelper::~EncodedDataHelper() {
bool EncodedDataHelper::IsNALHeader(const std::string& data, size_t pos) {
return data[pos] == 0 && data[pos + 1] == 0 && data[pos + 2] == 0 &&
data[pos + 3] == 1;
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> EncodedDataHelper::GetNextBuffer() {
switch (VideoCodecProfileToVideoCodec(profile_)) {
case VideoCodec::kH264:
case VideoCodec::kHEVC:
return GetNextFragment();
case VideoCodec::kVP8:
case VideoCodec::kVP9:
case VideoCodec::kAV1:
return GetNextFrame();
return nullptr;
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> EncodedDataHelper::GetNextFragment() {
if (next_pos_to_decode_ == 0) {
size_t skipped_fragments_count = 0;
if (!LookForSPS(&skipped_fragments_count)) {
next_pos_to_decode_ = 0;
return nullptr;
num_skipped_fragments_ += skipped_fragments_count;
size_t start_pos = next_pos_to_decode_;
size_t next_nalu_pos = GetBytesForNextNALU(start_pos);
// Update next_pos_to_decode_.
next_pos_to_decode_ = next_nalu_pos;
return DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&data_[start_pos]),
next_nalu_pos - start_pos);
size_t EncodedDataHelper::GetBytesForNextNALU(size_t start_pos) {
size_t pos = start_pos;
if (pos + 4 > data_.size())
return pos;
if (!IsNALHeader(data_, pos)) {
return std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
pos += 4;
while (pos + 4 <= data_.size() && !IsNALHeader(data_, pos)) {
if (pos + 3 >= data_.size())
pos = data_.size();
return pos;
bool EncodedDataHelper::LookForSPS(size_t* skipped_fragments_count) {
*skipped_fragments_count = 0;
while (next_pos_to_decode_ + 4 < data_.size()) {
if ((profile_ >= H264PROFILE_MIN && profile_ <= H264PROFILE_MAX) &&
((data_[next_pos_to_decode_ + 4] & 0x1f) == 0x7)) {
return true;
} else if ((profile_ >= HEVCPROFILE_MIN && profile_ <= HEVCPROFILE_MAX) &&
((data_[next_pos_to_decode_ + 4] & 0x7e) == 0x42)) {
return true;
*skipped_fragments_count += 1;
next_pos_to_decode_ = GetBytesForNextNALU(next_pos_to_decode_);
return false;
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> EncodedDataHelper::GetNextFrame() {
// Helpful description:
// Only IVF video files are supported. The first 4bytes of an IVF video file's
// header should be "DKIF".
if (next_pos_to_decode_ == 0) {
if (data_.size() < kIvfFileHeaderSize) {
LOG(ERROR) << "data is too small";
return nullptr;
auto ivf_header = GetIvfFileHeader(base::span<const uint8_t>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&data_[0]), kIvfFileHeaderSize));
if (strncmp(ivf_header.signature, "DKIF", 4) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected data encountered while parsing IVF header";
return nullptr;
next_pos_to_decode_ = kIvfFileHeaderSize; // Skip IVF header.
// Group IVF data whose timestamps are the same. Spatial layers in a
// spatial-SVC stream may separately be stored in IVF data, where the
// timestamps of the IVF frame headers are the same. However, it is necessary
// for VD(A) to feed the spatial layers by a single DecoderBuffer. So this
// grouping is required.
std::vector<IvfFrame> ivf_frames;
while (!ReachEndOfStream()) {
auto frame_header = GetNextIvfFrameHeader();
if (!frame_header)
return nullptr;
// Timestamp is different from the current one. The next IVF data must be
// grouped in the next group.
if (!ivf_frames.empty() &&
frame_header->timestamp != ivf_frames[0].header.timestamp) {
auto frame_data = ReadNextIvfFrame();
if (!frame_data)
return nullptr;
if (ivf_frames.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No IVF frame is available";
return nullptr;
// Standard stream case.
if (ivf_frames.size() == 1) {
return DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ivf_frames[0].data),
if (ivf_frames.size() > 3) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Number of IVF frames with same timestamps exceeds maximum of"
<< "3: ivf_frames.size()=" << ivf_frames.size();
return nullptr;
std::string data;
std::vector<uint32_t> frame_sizes;
for (const IvfFrame& ivf : ivf_frames) {
data.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(, ivf.header.frame_size);
// Copy frame_sizes information to DecoderBuffer's side data. Since side_data
// is uint8_t*, we need to copy as uint8_t from uint32_t. The copied data is
// recognized as uint32_t in VD(A).
const uint8_t* side_data =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
size_t side_data_size =
frame_sizes.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) / sizeof(uint8_t);
return DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
data.size(), side_data, side_data_size);
absl::optional<IvfFrameHeader> EncodedDataHelper::GetNextIvfFrameHeader()
const {
const size_t pos = next_pos_to_decode_;
// Read VP8/9 frame size from IVF header.
if (pos + kIvfFrameHeaderSize > data_.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected data encountered while parsing IVF frame header";
return absl::nullopt;
return GetIvfFrameHeader(base::span<const uint8_t>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&data_[pos]), kIvfFrameHeaderSize));
absl::optional<IvfFrame> EncodedDataHelper::ReadNextIvfFrame() {
auto frame_header = GetNextIvfFrameHeader();
if (!frame_header)
return absl::nullopt;
// Skip IVF frame header.
const size_t pos = next_pos_to_decode_ + kIvfFrameHeaderSize;
// Make sure we are not reading out of bounds.
if (pos + frame_header->frame_size > data_.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected data encountered while parsing IVF frame header";
next_pos_to_decode_ = data_.size();
return absl::nullopt;
// Update next_pos_to_decode_.
next_pos_to_decode_ = pos + frame_header->frame_size;
return IvfFrame{*frame_header, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&data_[pos])};
// static
bool EncodedDataHelper::HasConfigInfo(const uint8_t* data,
size_t size,
VideoCodecProfile profile) {
if (profile >= H264PROFILE_MIN && profile <= H264PROFILE_MAX) {
// Check if this is an SPS NALU w/ a 3 or 4 byte start code.
return IsH264SPSNALU(data, size);
} else if (profile >= HEVCPROFILE_MIN && profile <= HEVCPROFILE_MAX) {
return IsHevcSPSNALU(data, size);
} else if (profile >= VP8PROFILE_MIN && profile <= VP8PROFILE_MAX) {
Vp8Parser parser;
Vp8FrameHeader frame_header;
if (!parser.ParseFrame(data, size, &frame_header)) {
// Let the VDA figure out there's something wrong with the stream.
return false;
// Stream configuration is present in a keyframe in vp8.
return frame_header.IsKeyframe();
} else if (profile >= VP9PROFILE_MIN && profile <= VP9PROFILE_MAX) {
Vp9Parser parser(false);
parser.SetStream(data, size, nullptr);
Vp9FrameHeader frame_header;
std::unique_ptr<DecryptConfig> null_config;
gfx::Size allocated_size;
Vp9Parser::Result result =
parser.ParseNextFrame(&frame_header, &allocated_size, &null_config);
if (result != Vp9Parser::kOk) {
// Let the VDA figure out there's something wrong with the stream.
return false;
// Stream configuration is present in a keyframe in vp9.
return frame_header.IsKeyframe();
} else if (profile >= AV1PROFILE_MIN && profile <= AV1PROFILE_MAX) {
// TODO(hiroh): Implement this.
return false;
// Shouldn't happen at this point.
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid profile: " << GetProfileName(profile);
return false;
struct AlignedDataHelper::VideoFrameData {
VideoFrameData() = default;
VideoFrameData(mojo::ScopedSharedBufferHandle mojo_handle)
: mojo_handle(std::move(mojo_handle)) {}
VideoFrameData(gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle gmb_handle)
: gmb_handle(std::move(gmb_handle)) {}
VideoFrameData(VideoFrameData&&) = default;
VideoFrameData& operator=(VideoFrameData&&) = default;
VideoFrameData(const VideoFrameData&) = delete;
VideoFrameData& operator=(const VideoFrameData&) = delete;
mojo::ScopedSharedBufferHandle mojo_handle;
gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle gmb_handle;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& stream,
uint32_t num_frames,
uint32_t num_read_frames,
bool reverse,
VideoPixelFormat pixel_format,
const gfx::Size& src_coded_size,
const gfx::Size& dst_coded_size,
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect,
const gfx::Size& natural_size,
uint32_t frame_rate,
VideoFrame::StorageType storage_type,
gpu::GpuMemoryBufferFactory* const gpu_memory_buffer_factory)
: num_frames_(num_frames),
elapsed_frame_time_(base::Seconds(/*secs=*/0u)) {
// If the frame_rate is passed in, then use that timing information
// to generate timestamps that increment according the frame_rate.
// Otherwise timestamps will be generated when GetNextFrame() is called
if (storage_type_ == VideoFrame::STORAGE_GPU_MEMORY_BUFFER) {
LOG_ASSERT(gpu_memory_buffer_factory_ != nullptr);
InitializeGpuMemoryBufferFrames(stream, pixel_format, src_coded_size,
} else {
InitializeAlignedMemoryFrames(stream, pixel_format, src_coded_size,
LOG_ASSERT(video_frame_data_.size() == num_frames_)
<< "Failed to initialize VideoFrames";
AlignedDataHelper::~AlignedDataHelper() {}
void AlignedDataHelper::Rewind() {
frame_index_ = 0;
bool AlignedDataHelper::AtHeadOfStream() const {
return frame_index_ == 0;
bool AlignedDataHelper::AtEndOfStream() const {
return frame_index_ == num_read_frames_;
void AlignedDataHelper::UpdateFrameRate(uint32_t frame_rate) {
if (frame_rate == 0) {
time_stamp_interval_ = base::Seconds(/*secs=*/0u);
} else {
time_stamp_interval_ = base::Seconds(/*secs=*/1u) / frame_rate;
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> AlignedDataHelper::GetNextFrame() {
base::TimeDelta frame_timestamp;
if (time_stamp_interval_.is_zero())
frame_timestamp = base::TimeTicks::Now().since_origin();
frame_timestamp = elapsed_frame_time_;
elapsed_frame_time_ += time_stamp_interval_;
uint32_t read_frame_index =
GetReadFrameIndex(frame_index_++, reverse_, num_frames_);
if (storage_type_ == VideoFrame::STORAGE_GPU_MEMORY_BUFFER) {
const auto& gmb_handle = video_frame_data_[read_frame_index].gmb_handle;
auto dup_handle = gmb_handle.Clone();
if (dup_handle.is_null()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed duplicating GpuMemoryBufferHandle";
return nullptr;
absl::optional<gfx::BufferFormat> buffer_format =
if (!buffer_format) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected format: " << layout_->format();
return nullptr;
// Create GpuMemoryBuffer from GpuMemoryBufferHandle.
gpu::GpuMemoryBufferSupport support;
auto gpu_memory_buffer = support.CreateGpuMemoryBufferImplFromHandle(
std::move(dup_handle), layout_->coded_size(), *buffer_format,
if (!gpu_memory_buffer) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create GpuMemoryBuffer from "
<< "GpuMemoryBufferHandle";
return nullptr;
gpu::MailboxHolder dummy_mailbox[media::VideoFrame::kMaxPlanes];
return media::VideoFrame::WrapExternalGpuMemoryBuffer(
visible_rect_, natural_size_, std::move(gpu_memory_buffer),
dummy_mailbox, base::DoNothing() /* mailbox_holder_release_cb_ */,
} else {
const auto& mojo_handle = video_frame_data_[read_frame_index].mojo_handle;
auto dup_handle =
if (!dup_handle.is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed duplicating mojo handle";
return nullptr;
std::vector<uint32_t> offsets(layout_->planes().size());
std::vector<int32_t> strides(layout_->planes().size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < layout_->planes().size(); i++) {
offsets[i] = layout_->planes()[i].offset;
strides[i] = layout_->planes()[i].stride;
const size_t video_frame_size =
layout_->planes().back().offset + layout_->planes().back().size;
return MojoSharedBufferVideoFrame::Create(
layout_->format(), layout_->coded_size(), visible_rect_, natural_size_,
std::move(dup_handle), video_frame_size, offsets, strides,
void AlignedDataHelper::InitializeAlignedMemoryFrames(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& stream,
const VideoPixelFormat pixel_format,
const gfx::Size& src_coded_size,
const gfx::Size& dst_coded_size) {
// Calculate padding in bytes to be added after each plane required to keep
// starting addresses of all planes at a byte boundary required by the
// platform. This padding will be added after each plane when copying to the
// temporary file.
// At the same time we also need to take into account coded_size requested by
// the VEA; each row of |src_strides| bytes in the original file needs to be
// copied into a row of |strides_| bytes in the aligned file.
size_t video_frame_size;
layout_ = GetAlignedVideoFrameLayout(pixel_format, dst_coded_size,
kPlatformBufferAlignment, nullptr,
LOG_ASSERT(video_frame_size > 0UL);
std::vector<size_t> src_plane_rows;
size_t src_video_frame_size = 0;
auto src_layout = GetAlignedVideoFrameLayout(
pixel_format, src_coded_size, 1u /* alignment */, &src_plane_rows,
LOG_ASSERT(stream.size() % src_video_frame_size == 0U)
<< "Stream byte size is not a product of calculated frame byte size";
LOG_ASSERT(video_frame_size > 0UL);
const size_t num_planes = VideoFrame::NumPlanes(pixel_format);
const uint8_t* src_frame_ptr = &stream[0];
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_frames_; i++) {
auto handle = mojo::SharedBufferHandle::Create(video_frame_size);
ASSERT_TRUE(handle.is_valid()) << "Failed allocating a handle";
auto mapping = handle->Map(video_frame_size);
uint8_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mapping.get());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; i++) {
auto src_plane_layout = src_layout.planes()[i];
auto dst_plane_layout = layout_->planes()[i];
const uint8_t* src_ptr = src_frame_ptr + src_plane_layout.offset;
uint8_t* dst_ptr = &buffer[dst_plane_layout.offset];
libyuv::CopyPlane(src_ptr, src_plane_layout.stride, dst_ptr,
dst_plane_layout.stride, src_plane_layout.stride,
src_frame_ptr += src_video_frame_size;
video_frame_data_[i] = VideoFrameData(std::move(handle));
void AlignedDataHelper::InitializeGpuMemoryBufferFrames(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& stream,
const VideoPixelFormat pixel_format,
const gfx::Size& src_coded_size,
const gfx::Size& dst_coded_size) {
layout_ = GetPlatformVideoFrameLayout(
gpu_memory_buffer_factory_, pixel_format, dst_coded_size,
ASSERT_TRUE(layout_) << "Failed getting platform VideoFrameLayout";
std::vector<size_t> src_plane_rows;
size_t src_video_frame_size = 0;
auto src_layout = GetAlignedVideoFrameLayout(
pixel_format, src_coded_size, 1u /* alignment */, &src_plane_rows,
LOG_ASSERT(stream.size() % src_video_frame_size == 0U)
<< "Stream byte size is not a product of calculated frame byte size";
const size_t num_planes = VideoFrame::NumPlanes(pixel_format);
const uint8_t* src_frame_ptr = &stream[0];
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_frames_; i++) {
auto memory_frame =
VideoFrame::CreateFrame(pixel_format, dst_coded_size, visible_rect_,
natural_size_, base::TimeDelta());
LOG_ASSERT(!!memory_frame) << "Failed creating VideoFrame";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; i++) {
libyuv::CopyPlane(src_frame_ptr + src_layout.planes()[i].offset,
src_layout.planes()[i].stride, memory_frame->data(i),
memory_frame->stride(i), src_layout.planes()[i].stride,
src_frame_ptr += src_video_frame_size;
auto frame =
CloneVideoFrame(gpu_memory_buffer_factory_, memory_frame.get(),
*layout_, VideoFrame::STORAGE_GPU_MEMORY_BUFFER,
LOG_ASSERT(!!frame) << "Failed creating GpuMemoryBuffer VideoFrame";
auto gmb_handle = CreateGpuMemoryBufferHandle(frame.get());
<< "Failed creating GpuMemoryBufferHandle";
// static
VideoFrameLayout AlignedDataHelper::GetAlignedVideoFrameLayout(
VideoPixelFormat pixel_format,
const gfx::Size& dimension,
const uint32_t alignment,
std::vector<size_t>* plane_rows,
size_t* video_frame_size) {
auto layout =
CreateVideoFrameLayout(pixel_format, dimension, alignment, plane_rows);
LOG_ASSERT(layout) << "Failed creating VideoFrameLayout";
if (video_frame_size) {
const auto& plane = layout->planes().back();
*video_frame_size = plane.offset + plane.size;
return *layout;
// static
std::unique_ptr<RawDataHelper> RawDataHelper::Create(Video* video,
bool reverse) {
size_t frame_size = 0;
VideoPixelFormat pixel_format = video->PixelFormat();
const size_t num_planes = VideoFrame::NumPlanes(pixel_format);
size_t strides[VideoFrame::kMaxPlanes] = {};
size_t plane_sizes[VideoFrame::kMaxPlanes] = {};
const gfx::Size& resolution = video->Resolution();
// Calculate size of frames and their planes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; ++i) {
const size_t bytes_per_line =
VideoFrame::RowBytes(i, pixel_format, resolution.width());
const size_t plane_size =
bytes_per_line * VideoFrame::Rows(i, pixel_format, resolution.height());
strides[i] = bytes_per_line;
plane_sizes[i] = plane_size;
frame_size += plane_size;
// Verify whether calculated frame size is valid.
const size_t data_size = video->Data().size();
if (frame_size == 0 || data_size % frame_size != 0 ||
data_size / frame_size != video->NumFrames()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid frame_size=" << frame_size
<< ", file size=" << data_size;
return nullptr;
std::vector<ColorPlaneLayout> planes(num_planes);
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; ++i) {
planes[i].stride =
VideoFrame::RowBytes(i, pixel_format, resolution.width());
planes[i].offset = offset;
planes[i].size = plane_sizes[i];
offset += plane_sizes[i];
auto layout = VideoFrameLayout::CreateWithPlanes(pixel_format, resolution,
if (!layout) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create VideoFrameLayout";
return nullptr;
return base::WrapUnique(
new RawDataHelper(video, reverse, frame_size, *layout));
RawDataHelper::RawDataHelper(Video* video,
bool reverse,
size_t frame_size,
const VideoFrameLayout& layout)
: video_(video),
layout_(layout) {}
RawDataHelper::~RawDataHelper() = default;
scoped_refptr<const VideoFrame> RawDataHelper::GetFrame(size_t index) {
uint32_t read_frame_index =
GetReadFrameIndex(index, reverse_, video_->NumFrames());
size_t offset = frame_size_ * read_frame_index;
uint8_t* frame_data[VideoFrame::kMaxPlanes] = {};
const size_t num_planes = VideoFrame::NumPlanes(video_->PixelFormat());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; ++i) {
frame_data[i] = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(video_->Data().data()) + offset;
offset += layout_->planes()[i].size;
// TODO( Investigate use of MOJO_SHARED_BUFFER, similar to
// changes made in
scoped_refptr<const VideoFrame> video_frame =
*layout_, video_->VisibleRect(), video_->VisibleRect().size(),
frame_data[0], frame_data[1], frame_data[2],
return video_frame;
} // namespace test
} // namespace media