blob: b8ca9581314bf3c154ec0b2887744cea613c3535 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @unrestricted
export class Node {
* @param {string|symbol} id
* @param {?SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
constructor(id, event) {
/** @type {number} */
this.totalTime = 0;
/** @type {number} */
this.selfTime = 0;
/** @type {string|symbol} */ = id;
/** @type {?SDK.TracingModel.Event} */
this.event = event;
/** @type {?Node} */
/** @type {string} */
this._groupId = '';
this._isGroupNode = false;
* @return {boolean}
isGroupNode() {
return this._isGroupNode;
* @return {boolean}
hasChildren() {
throw 'Not implemented';
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
children() {
throw 'Not implemented';
* @param {function(!SDK.TracingModel.Event):boolean} matchFunction
* @param {!Array<!Node>=} results
* @return {!Array<!Node>}
searchTree(matchFunction, results) {
results = results || [];
if (this.event && matchFunction(this.event)) {
for (const child of this.children().values()) {
child.searchTree(matchFunction, results);
return results;
export class TopDownNode extends Node {
* @param {string|symbol} id
* @param {?SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
* @param {?TopDownNode} parent
constructor(id, event, parent) {
super(id, event);
/** @type {?TopDownRootNode} */
this._root = parent && parent._root;
this._hasChildren = false;
this._children = null;
this.parent = parent;
* @override
* @return {boolean}
hasChildren() {
return this._hasChildren;
* @override
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
children() {
return this._children || this._buildChildren();
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
_buildChildren() {
/** @type {!Array<!TopDownNode>} */
const path = [];
for (let node = this; node.parent && !node._isGroupNode; node = node.parent) {
path.push(/** @type {!TopDownNode} */ (node));
/** @type {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache} */
const children = new Map();
const self = this;
const root = this._root;
const startTime = root._startTime;
const endTime = root._endTime;
const instantEventCallback = root._doNotAggregate ? onInstantEvent : undefined;
const eventIdCallback = root._doNotAggregate ? undefined : _eventId;
const eventGroupIdCallback = root._eventGroupIdCallback;
let depth = 0;
let matchedDepth = 0;
let currentDirectChild = null;
root._events, onStartEvent, onEndEvent, instantEventCallback, startTime, endTime, root._filter);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
function onStartEvent(e) {
if (depth > path.length + 2) {
if (!matchPath(e)) {
const duration = Math.min(endTime, e.endTime) - Math.max(startTime, e.startTime);
if (duration < 0) {
console.error('Negative event duration');
processEvent(e, duration);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
function onInstantEvent(e) {
if (matchedDepth === path.length && depth <= path.length + 2) {
processEvent(e, 0);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
* @param {number} duration
function processEvent(e, duration) {
if (depth === path.length + 2) {
currentDirectChild._hasChildren = true;
currentDirectChild.selfTime -= duration;
let id;
let groupId = '';
if (!eventIdCallback) {
id = Symbol('uniqueId');
} else {
id = eventIdCallback(e);
groupId = eventGroupIdCallback ? eventGroupIdCallback(e) : '';
if (groupId) {
id += '/' + groupId;
let node = children.get(id);
if (!node) {
node = new TopDownNode(id, e, self);
node._groupId = groupId;
children.set(id, node);
node.selfTime += duration;
node.totalTime += duration;
currentDirectChild = node;
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
* @return {boolean}
function matchPath(e) {
if (matchedDepth === path.length) {
return true;
if (matchedDepth !== depth - 1) {
return false;
if (!e.endTime) {
return false;
if (!eventIdCallback) {
if (e === path[matchedDepth].event) {
return false;
let id = eventIdCallback(e);
const groupId = eventGroupIdCallback ? eventGroupIdCallback(e) : '';
if (groupId) {
id += '/' + groupId;
if (id === path[matchedDepth].id) {
return false;
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
function onEndEvent(e) {
if (matchedDepth > depth) {
matchedDepth = depth;
this._children = children;
return children;
export class TopDownRootNode extends TopDownNode {
* @param {!Array<!SDK.TracingModel.Event>} events
* @param {!Array<!TimelineModel.TimelineModelFilter>} filters
* @param {number} startTime
* @param {number} endTime
* @param {boolean=} doNotAggregate
* @param {?function(!SDK.TracingModel.Event):string=} eventGroupIdCallback
constructor(events, filters, startTime, endTime, doNotAggregate, eventGroupIdCallback) {
super('', null, null);
this._root = this;
this._events = events;
this._filter = e => filters.every(f => f.accept(e));
this._startTime = startTime;
this._endTime = endTime;
this._eventGroupIdCallback = eventGroupIdCallback;
this._doNotAggregate = doNotAggregate;
this.totalTime = endTime - startTime;
this.selfTime = this.totalTime;
* @override
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
children() {
return this._children || this._grouppedTopNodes();
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
_grouppedTopNodes() {
const flatNodes = super.children();
for (const node of flatNodes.values()) {
this.selfTime -= node.totalTime;
if (!this._eventGroupIdCallback) {
return flatNodes;
const groupNodes = new Map();
for (const node of flatNodes.values()) {
const groupId = this._eventGroupIdCallback(/** @type {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} */ (node.event));
let groupNode = groupNodes.get(groupId);
if (!groupNode) {
groupNode = new GroupNode(groupId, this, /** @type {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} */ (node.event));
groupNodes.set(groupId, groupNode);
groupNode.addChild(node, node.selfTime, node.totalTime);
this._children = groupNodes;
return groupNodes;
export class BottomUpRootNode extends Node {
* @param {!Array<!SDK.TracingModel.Event>} events
* @param {!TimelineModel.TimelineModelFilter} textFilter
* @param {!Array<!TimelineModel.TimelineModelFilter>} filters
* @param {number} startTime
* @param {number} endTime
* @param {?function(!SDK.TracingModel.Event):string} eventGroupIdCallback
constructor(events, textFilter, filters, startTime, endTime, eventGroupIdCallback) {
super('', null);
/** @type {?TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache} */
this._children = null;
this._events = events;
this._textFilter = textFilter;
this._filter = e => filters.every(f => f.accept(e));
this._startTime = startTime;
this._endTime = endTime;
this._eventGroupIdCallback = eventGroupIdCallback;
this.totalTime = endTime - startTime;
* @override
* @return {boolean}
hasChildren() {
return true;
* @param {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache} children
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
_filterChildren(children) {
for (const [id, child] of children) {
if (child.event && !this._textFilter.accept(child.event)) {
children.delete(/** @type {string|symbol} */ (id));
return children;
* @override
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
children() {
if (!this._children) {
this._children = this._filterChildren(this._grouppedTopNodes());
return this._children;
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
_ungrouppedTopNodes() {
const root = this;
const startTime = this._startTime;
const endTime = this._endTime;
/** @type {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache} */
const nodeById = new Map();
/** @type {!Array<number>} */
const selfTimeStack = [endTime - startTime];
/** @type {!Array<boolean>} */
const firstNodeStack = [];
/** @type {!Map<string, number>} */
const totalTimeById = new Map();
this._events, onStartEvent, onEndEvent, undefined, startTime, endTime, this._filter);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
function onStartEvent(e) {
const duration = Math.min(e.endTime, endTime) - Math.max(e.startTime, startTime);
selfTimeStack[selfTimeStack.length - 1] -= duration;
const id = _eventId(e);
const noNodeOnStack = !totalTimeById.has(id);
if (noNodeOnStack) {
totalTimeById.set(id, duration);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
function onEndEvent(e) {
const id = _eventId(e);
let node = nodeById.get(id);
if (!node) {
node = new BottomUpNode(root, id, e, false, root);
nodeById.set(id, node);
node.selfTime += selfTimeStack.pop();
if (firstNodeStack.pop()) {
node.totalTime += totalTimeById.get(id);
if (firstNodeStack.length) {
this.selfTime = selfTimeStack.pop();
for (const pair of nodeById) {
if (pair[1].selfTime <= 0) {
nodeById.delete(/** @type {string} */ (pair[0]));
return nodeById;
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
_grouppedTopNodes() {
const flatNodes = this._ungrouppedTopNodes();
if (!this._eventGroupIdCallback) {
return flatNodes;
const groupNodes = new Map();
for (const node of flatNodes.values()) {
const groupId = this._eventGroupIdCallback(/** @type {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} */ (node.event));
let groupNode = groupNodes.get(groupId);
if (!groupNode) {
groupNode = new GroupNode(groupId, this, /** @type {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} */ (node.event));
groupNodes.set(groupId, groupNode);
groupNode.addChild(node, node.selfTime, node.selfTime);
return groupNodes;
export class GroupNode extends Node {
* @param {string} id
* @param {!BottomUpRootNode|!TopDownRootNode} parent
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
constructor(id, parent, event) {
super(id, event);
this._children = new Map();
this.parent = parent;
this._isGroupNode = true;
* @param {!BottomUpNode} child
* @param {number} selfTime
* @param {number} totalTime
addChild(child, selfTime, totalTime) {
this._children.set(, child);
this.selfTime += selfTime;
this.totalTime += totalTime;
child.parent = this;
* @override
* @return {boolean}
hasChildren() {
return true;
* @override
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
children() {
return this._children;
export class BottomUpNode extends Node {
* @param {!BottomUpRootNode} root
* @param {string} id
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
* @param {boolean} hasChildren
* @param {!Node} parent
constructor(root, id, event, hasChildren, parent) {
super(id, event);
this.parent = parent;
this._root = root;
this._depth = (parent._depth || 0) + 1;
/** @type {?TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache} */
this._cachedChildren = null;
this._hasChildren = hasChildren;
setHasChildren() {
this._hasChildren = true;
* @override
* @return {boolean}
hasChildren() {
return this._hasChildren;
* @override
* @return {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache}
children() {
if (this._cachedChildren) {
return this._cachedChildren;
/** @type {!Array<number>} */
const selfTimeStack = [0];
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
const eventIdStack = [];
/** @type {!Array<!SDK.TracingModel.Event>} */
const eventStack = [];
/** @type {!TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.ChildrenCache} */
const nodeById = new Map();
const startTime = this._root._startTime;
const endTime = this._root._endTime;
let lastTimeMarker = startTime;
const self = this;
this._root._events, onStartEvent, onEndEvent, undefined, startTime, endTime, this._root._filter);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
function onStartEvent(e) {
const duration = Math.min(e.endTime, endTime) - Math.max(e.startTime, startTime);
if (duration < 0) {
console.assert(false, 'Negative duration of an event');
selfTimeStack[selfTimeStack.length - 1] -= duration;
const id = _eventId(e);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} e
function onEndEvent(e) {
const selfTime = selfTimeStack.pop();
const id = eventIdStack.pop();
let node;
for (node = self; node._depth > 1; node = node.parent) {
if ( !== eventIdStack[eventIdStack.length + 1 - node._depth]) {
if ( !== id || eventIdStack.length < self._depth) {
const childId = eventIdStack[eventIdStack.length - self._depth];
node = nodeById.get(childId);
if (!node) {
const event = eventStack[eventStack.length - self._depth];
const hasChildren = eventStack.length > self._depth;
node = new BottomUpNode(self._root, childId, event, hasChildren, self);
nodeById.set(childId, node);
const totalTime = Math.min(e.endTime, endTime) - Math.max(e.startTime, lastTimeMarker);
node.selfTime += selfTime;
node.totalTime += totalTime;
lastTimeMarker = Math.min(e.endTime, endTime);
this._cachedChildren = this._root._filterChildren(nodeById);
return this._cachedChildren;
* @override
* @param {function(!SDK.TracingModel.Event):boolean} matchFunction
* @param {!Array<!Node>=} results
* @return {!Array<!Node>}
searchTree(matchFunction, results) {
results = results || [];
if (this.event && matchFunction(this.event)) {
return results;
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
* @return {?string}
export function eventURL(event) {
const data = event.args['data'] || event.args['beginData'];
if (data && data['url']) {
return data['url'];
let frame = eventStackFrame(event);
while (frame) {
const url = frame['url'];
if (url) {
return url;
frame = frame.parent;
return null;
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
* @return {?Protocol.Runtime.CallFrame}
export function eventStackFrame(event) {
if ( === TimelineModel.TimelineModel.RecordType.JSFrame) {
return /** @type {?Protocol.Runtime.CallFrame} */ (event.args['data'] || null);
return TimelineModel.TimelineData.forEvent(event).topFrame();
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
* @return {string}
export function _eventId(event) {
if ( === TimelineModel.TimelineModel.RecordType.TimeStamp) {
return `${}:${}`;
if ( !== TimelineModel.TimelineModel.RecordType.JSFrame) {
const frame = event.args['data'];
const location = frame['scriptId'] || frame['url'] || '';
const functionName = frame['functionName'];
const name = TimelineModel.TimelineJSProfileProcessor.isNativeRuntimeFrame(frame) ?
TimelineModel.TimelineJSProfileProcessor.nativeGroup(functionName) || functionName :
return `f:${name}@${location}`;
/* Legacy exported object */
self.TimelineModel = self.TimelineModel || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
TimelineModel = TimelineModel || {};
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree = {};
/** @constructor */
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.Node = Node;
/** @constructor */
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.TopDownNode = TopDownNode;
/** @constructor */
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.TopDownRootNode = TopDownRootNode;
/** @constructor */
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.BottomUpRootNode = BottomUpRootNode;
/** @constructor */
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.GroupNode = GroupNode;
/** @constructor */
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.BottomUpNode = BottomUpNode;
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.eventURL = eventURL;
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree.eventStackFrame = eventStackFrame;
TimelineModel.TimelineProfileTree._eventId = _eventId;
* @typedef {Map<string|symbol, !Node>}