blob: f8c091e06556cb1ffee50d5797b79998bb788720 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export class ContextDetailBuilder {
* @param {!Protocol.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext} context
constructor(context) {
this._fragment = createDocumentFragment();
this._container = createElementWithClass('div', 'context-detail-container');
* @param {!Protocol.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext} context
_build(context) {
const title = context.contextType === 'realtime' ? ls`AudioContext` : ls`OfflineAudioContext`;
this._addTitle(title, context.contextId);
this._addEntry(ls`State`, context.contextState);
this._addEntry(ls`Sample Rate`, context.sampleRate, 'Hz');
if (context.contextType === 'realtime') {
this._addEntry(ls`Callback Buffer Size`, context.callbackBufferSize, 'frames');
this._addEntry(ls`Max Output Channels`, context.maxOutputChannelCount, 'ch');
* @param {string} title
* @param {string} subtitle
_addTitle(title, subtitle) {
<div class="context-detail-header">
<div class="context-detail-title">${title}</div>
<div class="context-detail-subtitle">${subtitle}</div>
* @param {string} entry
* @param {(string|number)} value
* @param {string=} unit
_addEntry(entry, value, unit) {
const valueWithUnit = value + (unit ? ` ${unit}` : '');
<div class="context-detail-row">
<div class="context-detail-row-entry">${entry}</div>
<div class="context-detail-row-value">${valueWithUnit}</div>
* @return {!DocumentFragment}
getFragment() {
return this._fragment;
export class AudioContextSummaryBuilder {
* @param {!Protocol.WebAudio.GraphObjectId} contextId
* @param {!Protocol.WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData} contextRealtimeData
constructor(contextId, contextRealtimeData) {
const time = contextRealtimeData.currentTime.toFixed(3);
const mean = (contextRealtimeData.callbackIntervalMean * 1000).toFixed(3);
const stddev = (Math.sqrt(contextRealtimeData.callbackIntervalVariance) * 1000).toFixed(3);
const capacity = (contextRealtimeData.renderCapacity * 100).toFixed(3);
this._fragment = createDocumentFragment();
<div class="context-summary-container">
<span>${ls`Current Time`}: ${time} s</span>
<span>${ls`Callback Interval`}: μ = ${mean} ms, σ = ${stddev} ms</span>
<span>${ls`Render Capacity`}: ${capacity} %</span>
* @return {!DocumentFragment}
getFragment() {
return this._fragment;
/* Legacy exported object */
self.WebAudio = self.WebAudio || {};
/* Legacy exported object */
WebAudio = WebAudio || {};
* @constructor
WebAudio.ContextDetailBuilder = ContextDetailBuilder;
* @constructor
WebAudio.AudioContextSummaryBuilder = AudioContextSummaryBuilder;