blob: 541dd17426a88742b0a1e43ebb2252537397c119 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
package org.skia.androidkit;
import android.os.Build;
import org.skia.androidkit.Canvas;
import org.skia.androidkit.Image;
public class Surface {
private long mNativeInstance;
* Create a Surface backed by the provided Bitmap.
* The Bitmap must be mutable and its pixels are locked for the lifetime of the Surface.
public Surface(Bitmap bitmap) {
static public Surface CreateVulkan(android.view.Surface surface) {
return new Surface(nCreateVKSurface(surface));
static public Surface CreateGL(android.view.Surface surface) {
return new Surface(nCreateGLSurface(surface));
* Create a Surface backed by the provided Android Surface (android.view.Surface).
* AndroidKit handles thread management. Assumes OpenGL backend.
static public Surface createThreadedSurface(android.view.Surface surface) {
return new Surface(nCreateThreadedSurface(surface));
* The Canvas associated with this Surface.
public Canvas getCanvas() {
// TODO: given that canvases are now ephemeral, it would make sense to be more explicit
// e.g. lockCanvas/unlockCanvasAndPost?
return new Canvas(this, nGetNativeCanvas(mNativeInstance));
* Returns an Image capturing the Surface contents.
* Subsequent drawing to Surface contents are not captured.
public Image makeImageSnapshot() {
return new Image(nMakeImageSnapshot(mNativeInstance));
* Triggers the immediate execution of all pending draw operations.
* Additionaly, if the backing device is multi-buffered, submits the current
* buffer to be displayed.
public void flushAndSubmit() {
public int getWidth() {
return nGetWidth(mNativeInstance);
public int getHeight() {
return nGetHeight(mNativeInstance);
* Releases any resources associated with this Surface.
public void release() {
mNativeInstance = 0;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
private Surface(long native_instance) {
mNativeInstance = native_instance;
private static long CreateBitmapInstance(Bitmap bitmap) {
if (!bitmap.isMutable()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Immutable bitmap passed to Surface constructor");
return nCreateBitmap(bitmap);
private static native long nCreateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap);
private static native long nCreateThreadedSurface(android.view.Surface surface);
private static native long nCreateVKSurface(android.view.Surface surface);
private static native long nCreateGLSurface(android.view.Surface surface);
private static native void nRelease(long nativeInstance);
private static native long nGetNativeCanvas(long nativeInstance);
private static native void nFlushAndSubmit(long nativeInstance);
private static native int nGetWidth(long nativeInstance);
private static native int nGetHeight(long nativeInstance);
private static native long nMakeImageSnapshot(long nativeInstance);