blob: 2b5b20e1899dbabde9dd19627358eb9f66eb1b76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/gradients/GrGradientShader.h"
#include "src/gpu/gradients/GrGradientBitmapCache.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "src/core/SkMathPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkRuntimeEffectPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrColor.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrColorInfo.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrMatrixEffect.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrSkSLFP.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrTextureEffect.h"
using Vec4 = skvx::Vec<4, float>;
// Intervals smaller than this (that aren't hard stops) on low-precision-only devices force us to
// use the textured gradient
static const SkScalar kLowPrecisionIntervalLimit = 0.01f;
// Each cache entry costs 1K or 2K of RAM. Each bitmap will be 1x256 at either 32bpp or 64bpp.
static const int kMaxNumCachedGradientBitmaps = 32;
static const int kGradientTextureSize = 256;
// NOTE: signature takes raw pointers to the color/pos arrays and a count to make it easy for
// MakeColorizer to transparently take care of hard stops at the end points of the gradient.
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_textured_colorizer(const SkPMColor4f* colors,
const SkScalar* positions, int count, bool premul, const GrFPArgs& args) {
static GrGradientBitmapCache gCache(kMaxNumCachedGradientBitmaps, kGradientTextureSize);
// Use 8888 or F16, depending on the destination config.
// TODO: Use 1010102 for opaque gradients, at least if destination is 1010102?
SkColorType colorType = kRGBA_8888_SkColorType;
if (GrColorTypeIsWiderThan(args.fDstColorInfo->colorType(), 8)) {
auto f16Format = args.fContext->priv().caps()->getDefaultBackendFormat(
GrColorType::kRGBA_F16, GrRenderable::kNo);
if (f16Format.isValid()) {
colorType = kRGBA_F16_SkColorType;
SkAlphaType alphaType = premul ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kUnpremul_SkAlphaType;
SkBitmap bitmap;
gCache.getGradient(colors, positions, count, colorType, alphaType, &bitmap);
SkASSERT(1 == bitmap.height() && SkIsPow2(bitmap.width()));
auto view = std::get<0>(GrMakeCachedBitmapProxyView(args.fContext, bitmap, GrMipmapped::kNo));
if (!view) {
SkDebugf("Gradient won't draw. Could not create texture.");
return nullptr;
auto m = SkMatrix::Scale(view.width(), 1.f);
return GrTextureEffect::Make(std::move(view), alphaType, m, GrSamplerState::Filter::kLinear);
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_single_interval_colorizer(const SkPMColor4f& start,
const SkPMColor4f& end) {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
uniform half4 start;
uniform half4 end;
half4 main(float2 coord) {
// Clamping and/or wrapping was already handled by the parent shader so the output
// color is a simple lerp.
return mix(start, end, half(coord.x));
return GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "SingleIntervalColorizer", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"start", start,
"end", end);
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_dual_interval_colorizer(const SkPMColor4f& c0,
const SkPMColor4f& c1,
const SkPMColor4f& c2,
const SkPMColor4f& c3,
float threshold) {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
uniform float4 scale[2];
uniform float4 bias[2];
uniform half threshold;
half4 main(float2 coord) {
half t = half(coord.x);
float4 s, b;
if (t < threshold) {
s = scale[0];
b = bias[0];
} else {
s = scale[1];
b = bias[1];
return half4(t * s + b);
// Derive scale and biases from the 4 colors and threshold
Vec4 vc0 = Vec4::Load(c0.vec());
Vec4 vc1 = Vec4::Load(c1.vec());
Vec4 vc2 = Vec4::Load(c2.vec());
Vec4 vc3 = Vec4::Load(c3.vec());
const Vec4 scale[2] = {(vc1 - vc0) / threshold,
(vc3 - vc2) / (1 - threshold)};
const Vec4 bias[2] = {vc0,
vc2 - threshold * scale[1]};
return GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "DualIntervalColorizer", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"scale", SkMakeSpan(scale),
"bias", SkMakeSpan(bias),
"threshold", threshold);
// The "unrolled" colorizer contains hand-written nested ifs which perform a binary search.
// This works on ES2 hardware that doesn't support non-constant array indexes.
// However, to keep code size under control, we are limited to a small number of stops.
static constexpr int kMaxUnrolledColorCount = 16;
static constexpr int kMaxUnrolledIntervalCount = kMaxUnrolledColorCount / 2;
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_unrolled_colorizer(int intervalCount,
const SkPMColor4f* scale,
const SkPMColor4f* bias,
SkRect thresholds1_7,
SkRect thresholds9_13) {
SkASSERT(intervalCount >= 1 && intervalCount <= 8);
static SkOnce once[kMaxUnrolledIntervalCount];
static sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> effects[kMaxUnrolledIntervalCount];
once[intervalCount - 1]([intervalCount] {
SkString sksl;
// The 7 threshold positions that define the boundaries of the 8 intervals (excluding t = 0,
// and t = 1) are packed into two half4s instead of having up to 7 separate scalar uniforms.
// For low interval counts, the extra components are ignored in the shader, but the uniform
// simplification is worth it. It is assumed thresholds are provided in increasing value,
// mapped as:
// - thresholds1_7.x = boundary between (0,1) and (2,3) -> 1_2
// - .y = boundary between (2,3) and (4,5) -> 3_4
// - .z = boundary between (4,5) and (6,7) -> 5_6
// - .w = boundary between (6,7) and (8,9) -> 7_8
// - thresholds9_13.x = boundary between (8,9) and (10,11) -> 9_10
// - .y = boundary between (10,11) and (12,13) -> 11_12
// - .z = boundary between (12,13) and (14,15) -> 13_14
// - .w = unused
sksl.append("uniform half4 thresholds1_7, thresholds9_13;");
// With the current hardstop detection threshold of 0.00024, the maximum scale and bias
// values will be on the order of 4k (since they divide by dt). That is well outside the
// precision capabilities of half floats, which can lead to inaccurate gradient calculations
sksl.appendf("uniform float4 scale[%d];", intervalCount);
sksl.appendf("uniform float4 bias[%d];", intervalCount);
// Explicit binary search for the proper interval that t falls within. The interval
// count checks are constant expressions, which are then optimized to the minimal number
// of branches for the specific interval count.
half4 main(float2 coord) {
half t = half(coord.x);
float4 s, b;
// thresholds1_7.w is mid point for intervals (0,7) and (8,15)
if (%d <= 4 || t < thresholds1_7.w) {
// thresholds1_7.y is mid point for intervals (0,3) and (4,7)
if (%d <= 2 || t < thresholds1_7.y) {
// thresholds1_7.x is mid point for intervals (0,1) and (2,3)
if (%d <= 1 || t < thresholds1_7.x) {
%s s = scale[0]; b = bias[0];
} else {
%s s = scale[1]; b = bias[1];
} else {
// thresholds1_7.z is mid point for intervals (4,5) and (6,7)
if (%d <= 3 || t < thresholds1_7.z) {
%s s = scale[2]; b = bias[2];
} else {
%s s = scale[3]; b = bias[3];
} else {
// thresholds9_13.y is mid point for intervals (8,11) and (12,15)
if (%d <= 6 || t < thresholds9_13.y) {
// thresholds9_13.x is mid point for intervals (8,9) and (10,11)
if (%d <= 5 || t < thresholds9_13.x) {
%s s = scale[4]; b = bias[4];
} else {
%s s = scale[5]; b = bias[5];
} else {
// thresholds9_13.z is mid point for intervals (12,13) and (14,15)
if (%d <= 7 || t < thresholds9_13.z) {
%s s = scale[6]; b = bias[6];
} else {
%s s = scale[7]; b = bias[7];
return t * s + b;
)", intervalCount,
(intervalCount <= 0) ? "//" : "",
(intervalCount <= 1) ? "//" : "",
(intervalCount <= 2) ? "//" : "",
(intervalCount <= 3) ? "//" : "",
(intervalCount <= 4) ? "//" : "",
(intervalCount <= 5) ? "//" : "",
(intervalCount <= 6) ? "//" : "",
(intervalCount <= 7) ? "//" : "");
auto result = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(std::move(sksl));
SkASSERTF(result.effect, "%s", result.errorText.c_str());
effects[intervalCount - 1] = std::move(result.effect);
return GrSkSLFP::Make(effects[intervalCount - 1], "UnrolledBinaryColorizer",
/*inputFP=*/nullptr, GrSkSLFP::OptFlags::kNone,
"thresholds1_7", thresholds1_7,
"thresholds9_13", thresholds9_13,
"scale", SkMakeSpan(scale, intervalCount),
"bias", SkMakeSpan(bias, intervalCount));
// The "looping" colorizer uses a real loop to binary-search the array of gradient stops.
static constexpr int kMaxLoopingColorCount = 128;
static constexpr int kMaxLoopingIntervalCount = kMaxLoopingColorCount / 2;
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_looping_colorizer(int intervalCount,
const SkPMColor4f* scale,
const SkPMColor4f* bias,
const SkScalar* thresholds) {
SkASSERT(intervalCount >= 1 && intervalCount <= kMaxLoopingIntervalCount);
SkASSERT((intervalCount & 3) == 0); // intervals are required to come in groups of four
int intervalChunks = intervalCount / 4;
int cacheIndex = (size_t)intervalChunks - 1;
struct EffectCacheEntry {
SkOnce once;
sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect> effect;
static EffectCacheEntry effectCache[kMaxLoopingIntervalCount / 4];
SkASSERT(cacheIndex >= 0 && cacheIndex < (int)SK_ARRAY_COUNT(effectCache));
EffectCacheEntry* cacheEntry = &effectCache[cacheIndex];
cacheEntry->once([intervalCount, intervalChunks, cacheEntry] {
SkString sksl;
// Binary search for the interval that `t` falls within. We can precalculate the number of
// loop iterations we need, and we know `t` will always be in range, so we can just loop a
// fixed number of times and can be guaranteed to have found the proper element.
// Threshold values are stored in half4s to keep them compact, so the last two rounds of
// binary search are hand-unrolled to allow them to use swizzles.
// Note that this colorizer is also designed to handle the case of exactly 4 intervals (a
// single chunk). In this case, the binary search for-loop will optimize away entirely, as
// it can be proven to execute zero times. We also optimize away the calculation of `4 *
// chunk` near the end via an @if statement, as the result will always be in chunk 0.
int loopCount = SkNextLog2(intervalChunks);
uniform half4 thresholds[%d];
uniform float4 scale[%d];
uniform float4 bias[%d];
half4 main(float2 coord) {
half t = half(coord.x);
// Choose a chunk from thresholds via binary search in a loop.
int low = 0;
int high = %d;
int chunk = %d;
for (int loop = 0; loop < %d; ++loop) {
if (t < thresholds[chunk].w) {
high = chunk;
} else {
low = chunk + 1;
chunk = (low + high) / 2;
// Choose the final position via explicit 4-way binary search.
int pos;
if (t < thresholds[chunk].y) {
pos = (t < thresholds[chunk].x) ? 0 : 1;
} else {
pos = (t < thresholds[chunk].z) ? 2 : 3;
@if (%d > 0) {
pos += 4 * chunk;
return t * scale[pos] + bias[pos];
)", /* thresholds: */ intervalChunks,
/* scale: */ intervalCount,
/* bias: */ intervalCount,
/* high: */ intervalChunks - 1,
/* chunk: */ (intervalChunks - 1) / 2,
/* loopCount: */ loopCount,
/* @if (loopCount > 0): */ loopCount);
auto result = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader(std::move(sksl),
SkASSERTF(result.effect, "%s", result.errorText.c_str());
cacheEntry->effect = std::move(result.effect);
return GrSkSLFP::Make(cacheEntry->effect, "LoopingBinaryColorizer",
/*inputFP=*/nullptr, GrSkSLFP::OptFlags::kNone,
"thresholds", SkMakeSpan((const SkV4*)thresholds, intervalChunks),
"scale", SkMakeSpan(scale, intervalCount),
"bias", SkMakeSpan(bias, intervalCount));
// Converts an input array of {colors, positions} into an array of {scales, biases, thresholds}.
// The length of the result array may differ from the input due to hard-stops or empty intervals.
int build_intervals(int inputLength,
const SkPMColor4f* inColors,
const SkScalar* inPositions,
int outputLength,
SkPMColor4f* outScales,
SkPMColor4f* outBiases,
SkScalar* outThresholds) {
// Depending on how the positions resolve into hard stops or regular stops, the number of
// intervals specified by the number of colors/positions can change. For instance, a plain
// 3 color gradient is two intervals, but a 4 color gradient with a hard stop is also
// two intervals. At the most extreme end, an 8 interval gradient made entirely of hard
// stops has 16 colors.
int intervalCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < inputLength - 1; i++) {
if (intervalCount >= outputLength) {
// Already reached our output limit, and haven't run out of color stops. This gradient
// cannot be represented without more intervals.
return 0;
SkScalar t0 = inPositions[i];
SkScalar t1 = inPositions[i + 1];
SkScalar dt = t1 - t0;
// If the interval is empty, skip to the next interval. This will automatically create
// distinct hard stop intervals as needed. It also protects against malformed gradients
// that have repeated hard stops at the very beginning that are effectively unreachable.
if (SkScalarNearlyZero(dt)) {
Vec4 c0 = Vec4::Load(inColors[i].vec());
Vec4 c1 = Vec4::Load(inColors[i + 1].vec());
Vec4 scale = (c1 - c0) / dt;
Vec4 bias = c0 - t0 * scale; + intervalCount); + intervalCount);
outThresholds[intervalCount] = t1;
return intervalCount;
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_unrolled_binary_colorizer(
const SkPMColor4f* colors, const SkScalar* positions, int count) {
if (count > kMaxUnrolledColorCount) {
// Definitely cannot represent this gradient configuration
return nullptr;
SkPMColor4f scales[kMaxUnrolledIntervalCount];
SkPMColor4f biases[kMaxUnrolledIntervalCount];
SkScalar thresholds[kMaxUnrolledIntervalCount] = {};
int intervalCount = build_intervals(count, colors, positions,
kMaxUnrolledIntervalCount, scales, biases, thresholds);
if (intervalCount <= 0) {
return nullptr;
SkRect thresholds1_7 = {thresholds[0], thresholds[1], thresholds[2], thresholds[3]},
thresholds9_13 = {thresholds[4], thresholds[5], thresholds[6], 0.0};
return make_unrolled_colorizer(intervalCount, scales, biases, thresholds1_7, thresholds9_13);
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_looping_binary_colorizer(const SkPMColor4f* colors,
const SkScalar* positions,
int count) {
if (count > kMaxLoopingColorCount) {
// Definitely cannot represent this gradient configuration
return nullptr;
SkPMColor4f scales[kMaxLoopingIntervalCount];
SkPMColor4f biases[kMaxLoopingIntervalCount];
SkScalar thresholds[kMaxLoopingIntervalCount] = {};
int intervalCount = build_intervals(count, colors, positions,
kMaxLoopingIntervalCount, scales, biases, thresholds);
if (intervalCount <= 0) {
return nullptr;
// We round up the number of intervals to the next power of two. This reduces the number of
// unique shaders and doesn't require any additional GPU processing power, but this does waste a
// handful of uniforms.
int roundedSize = std::max(4, SkNextPow2(intervalCount));
SkASSERT(roundedSize <= kMaxLoopingIntervalCount);
for (; intervalCount < roundedSize; ++intervalCount) {
thresholds[intervalCount] = thresholds[intervalCount - 1];
scales[intervalCount] = scales[intervalCount - 1];
biases[intervalCount] = biases[intervalCount - 1];
return make_looping_colorizer(intervalCount, scales, biases, thresholds);
// Analyze the shader's color stops and positions and chooses an appropriate colorizer to represent
// the gradient.
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_colorizer(const SkPMColor4f* colors,
const SkScalar* positions,
int count,
bool premul,
const GrFPArgs& args) {
// If there are hard stops at the beginning or end, the first and/or last color should be
// ignored by the colorizer since it should only be used in a clamped border color. By detecting
// and removing these stops at the beginning, it makes optimizing the remaining color stops
// simpler.
// SkGradientShaderBase guarantees that pos[0] == 0 by adding a default value.
bool bottomHardStop = SkScalarNearlyEqual(positions[0], positions[1]);
// The same is true for pos[end] == 1
bool topHardStop = SkScalarNearlyEqual(positions[count - 2], positions[count - 1]);
if (bottomHardStop) {
if (topHardStop) {
// Two remaining colors means a single interval from 0 to 1
// (but it may have originally been a 3 or 4 color gradient with 1-2 hard stops at the ends)
if (count == 2) {
return make_single_interval_colorizer(colors[0], colors[1]);
const GrShaderCaps* caps = args.fContext->priv().caps()->shaderCaps();
auto intervalsExceedPrecisionLimit = [&]() -> bool {
// The remaining analytic colorizers use scale*t+bias, and the scale/bias values can become
// quite large when thresholds are close (but still outside the hardstop limit). If float
// isn't 32-bit, output can be incorrect if the thresholds are too close together. However,
// the analytic shaders are higher quality, so they can be used with lower precision
// hardware when the thresholds are not ill-conditioned.
if (!caps->floatIs32Bits()) {
// Could run into problems. Check if thresholds are close together (with a limit of .01,
// so that scales will be less than 100, which leaves 4 decimals of precision on
// 16-bit).
for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
SkScalar dt = SkScalarAbs(positions[i] - positions[i + 1]);
if (dt <= kLowPrecisionIntervalLimit && dt > SK_ScalarNearlyZero) {
return true;
return false;
auto makeDualIntervalColorizer = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> {
// The dual-interval colorizer uses the same principles as the binary-search colorizer, but
// is limited to exactly 2 intervals.
if (count == 3) {
// Must be a dual interval gradient, where the middle point is at 1 and the
// two intervals share the middle color stop.
return make_dual_interval_colorizer(colors[0], colors[1],
colors[1], colors[2],
if (count == 4 && SkScalarNearlyEqual(positions[1], positions[2])) {
// Two separate intervals that join at the same threshold position
return make_dual_interval_colorizer(colors[0], colors[1],
colors[2], colors[3],
// The gradient can't be represented in only two intervals.
return nullptr;
int binaryColorizerLimit = caps->nonconstantArrayIndexSupport() ? kMaxLoopingColorCount
: kMaxUnrolledColorCount;
if ((count <= binaryColorizerLimit) && !intervalsExceedPrecisionLimit()) {
// The dual-interval colorizer uses the same principles as the binary-search colorizer, but
// is limited to exactly 2 intervals.
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> colorizer = makeDualIntervalColorizer();
if (colorizer) {
return colorizer;
// Attempt to create an analytic colorizer that uses a binary-search loop.
colorizer = caps->nonconstantArrayIndexSupport()
? make_looping_binary_colorizer(colors, positions, count)
: make_unrolled_binary_colorizer(colors, positions, count);
if (colorizer) {
return colorizer;
// Otherwise fall back to a rasterized gradient sampled by a texture, which can handle
// arbitrary gradients. (This has limited sampling resolution, and always blurs hard-stops.)
return make_textured_colorizer(colors, positions, count, premul, args);
// This top-level effect implements clamping on the layout coordinate and requires specifying the
// border colors that are used when outside the clamped boundary. Gradients with the
// SkTileMode::kClamp should use the colors at their first and last stop (after adding default stops
// for t=0,t=1) as the border color. This will automatically replicate the edge color, even when
// there is a hard stop.
// The SkTileMode::kDecal can be produced by specifying transparent black as the border colors,
// regardless of the gradient's stop colors.
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_clamped_gradient(
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> colorizer,
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> gradLayout,
SkPMColor4f leftBorderColor,
SkPMColor4f rightBorderColor,
bool makePremul,
bool colorsAreOpaque) {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
uniform shader colorizer;
uniform shader gradLayout;
uniform half4 leftBorderColor; // t < 0.0
uniform half4 rightBorderColor; // t > 1.0
uniform int makePremul; // specialized
uniform int layoutPreservesOpacity; // specialized
half4 main(float2 coord) {
half4 t = gradLayout.eval(coord);
half4 outColor;
// If t.x is below 0, use the left border color without invoking the child processor.
// If any t.x is above 1, use the right border color. Otherwise, t is in the [0, 1]
// range assumed by the colorizer FP, so delegate to the child processor.
if (!bool(layoutPreservesOpacity) && t.y < 0) {
// layout has rejected this fragment (rely on sksl to remove this branch if the
// layout FP preserves opacity is false)
outColor = half4(0);
} else if (t.x < 0) {
outColor = leftBorderColor;
} else if (t.x > 1.0) {
outColor = rightBorderColor;
} else {
// Always sample from (x, 0), discarding y, since the layout FP can use y as a
// side-channel.
outColor = colorizer.eval(t.x0);
if (bool(makePremul)) {
outColor.rgb *= outColor.a;
return outColor;
// If the layout does not preserve opacity, remove the opaque optimization,
// but otherwise respect the provided color opacity state (which should take
// into account the opacity of the border colors).
bool layoutPreservesOpacity = gradLayout->preservesOpaqueInput();
GrSkSLFP::OptFlags optFlags = GrSkSLFP::OptFlags::kCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha;
if (colorsAreOpaque && layoutPreservesOpacity) {
optFlags |= GrSkSLFP::OptFlags::kPreservesOpaqueInput;
return GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "ClampedGradient", /*inputFP=*/nullptr, optFlags,
"colorizer", GrSkSLFP::IgnoreOptFlags(std::move(colorizer)),
"gradLayout", GrSkSLFP::IgnoreOptFlags(std::move(gradLayout)),
"leftBorderColor", leftBorderColor,
"rightBorderColor", rightBorderColor,
"makePremul", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(makePremul),
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_tiled_gradient(
const GrFPArgs& args,
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> colorizer,
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> gradLayout,
bool mirror,
bool makePremul,
bool colorsAreOpaque) {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
uniform shader colorizer;
uniform shader gradLayout;
uniform int mirror; // specialized
uniform int makePremul; // specialized
uniform int layoutPreservesOpacity; // specialized
uniform int useFloorAbsWorkaround; // specialized
half4 main(float2 coord) {
half4 t = gradLayout.eval(coord);
if (!bool(layoutPreservesOpacity) && t.y < 0) {
// layout has rejected this fragment (rely on sksl to remove this branch if the
// layout FP preserves opacity is false)
return half4(0);
} else {
if (bool(mirror)) {
half t_1 = t.x - 1;
half tiled_t = t_1 - 2 * floor(t_1 * 0.5) - 1;
if (bool(useFloorAbsWorkaround)) {
// At this point the expected value of tiled_t should between -1 and 1, so
// this clamp has no effect other than to break up the floor and abs calls
// and make sure the compiler doesn't merge them back together.
tiled_t = clamp(tiled_t, -1, 1);
t.x = abs(tiled_t);
} else {
// Simple repeat mode
t.x = fract(t.x);
// Always sample from (x, 0), discarding y, since the layout FP can use y as a
// side-channel.
half4 outColor = colorizer.eval(t.x0);
if (bool(makePremul)) {
outColor.rgb *= outColor.a;
return outColor;
// If the layout does not preserve opacity, remove the opaque optimization,
// but otherwise respect the provided color opacity state (which should take
// into account the opacity of the border colors).
bool layoutPreservesOpacity = gradLayout->preservesOpaqueInput();
GrSkSLFP::OptFlags optFlags = GrSkSLFP::OptFlags::kCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha;
if (colorsAreOpaque && layoutPreservesOpacity) {
optFlags |= GrSkSLFP::OptFlags::kPreservesOpaqueInput;
const bool useFloorAbsWorkaround =
return GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "TiledGradient", /*inputFP=*/nullptr, optFlags,
"colorizer", GrSkSLFP::IgnoreOptFlags(std::move(colorizer)),
"gradLayout", GrSkSLFP::IgnoreOptFlags(std::move(gradLayout)),
"mirror", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(mirror),
"makePremul", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(makePremul),
// Combines the colorizer and layout with an appropriately configured top-level effect based on the
// gradient's tile mode
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> make_gradient(
const SkGradientShaderBase& shader,
const GrFPArgs& args,
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> layout,
const SkMatrix* overrideMatrix = nullptr) {
// No shader is possible if a layout couldn't be created, e.g. a layout-specific Make() returned
// null.
if (layout == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// Wrap the layout in a matrix effect to apply the gradient's matrix:
SkMatrix matrix;
if (!shader.totalLocalMatrix(args.fPreLocalMatrix)->invert(&matrix)) {
return nullptr;
// Some two-point conical gradients use a custom matrix here
matrix.postConcat(overrideMatrix ? *overrideMatrix : shader.getGradientMatrix());
layout = GrMatrixEffect::Make(matrix, std::move(layout));
// Convert all colors into destination space and into SkPMColor4fs, and handle
// premul issues depending on the interpolation mode
bool inputPremul = shader.getGradFlags() & SkGradientShader::kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag;
bool allOpaque = true;
SkAutoSTMalloc<4, SkPMColor4f> colors(shader.fColorCount);
SkColor4fXformer xformedColors(shader.fOrigColors4f, shader.fColorCount,
shader.fColorSpace.get(), args.fDstColorInfo->colorSpace());
for (int i = 0; i < shader.fColorCount; i++) {
const SkColor4f& upmColor = xformedColors.fColors[i];
colors[i] = inputPremul ? upmColor.premul()
: SkPMColor4f{ upmColor.fR, upmColor.fG, upmColor.fB, upmColor.fA };
if (allOpaque && !SkScalarNearlyEqual(colors[i].fA, 1.0)) {
allOpaque = false;
// SkGradientShader stores positions implicitly when they are evenly spaced, but the getPos()
// implementation performs a branch for every position index. Since the shader conversion
// requires lots of position tests, calculate all of the positions up front if needed.
SkTArray<SkScalar, true> implicitPos;
SkScalar* positions;
if (shader.fOrigPos) {
positions = shader.fOrigPos;
} else {
SkScalar posScale = SK_Scalar1 / (shader.fColorCount - 1);
for (int i = 0 ; i < shader.fColorCount; i++) {
implicitPos.push_back(SkIntToScalar(i) * posScale);
positions = implicitPos.begin();
// All gradients are colorized the same way, regardless of layout
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> colorizer = make_colorizer(
colors.get(), positions, shader.fColorCount, inputPremul, args);
if (colorizer == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// The top-level effect has to export premul colors, but under certain conditions it doesn't
// need to do anything to achieve that: i.e. its interpolating already premul colors
// (inputPremul) or all the colors have a = 1, in which case premul is a no op. Note that this
// allOpaque check is more permissive than SkGradientShaderBase's isOpaque(), since we can
// optimize away the make-premul op for two point conical gradients (which report false for
// isOpaque).
bool makePremul = !inputPremul && !allOpaque;
// All tile modes are supported (unless something was added to SkShader)
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> gradient;
switch(shader.getTileMode()) {
case SkTileMode::kRepeat:
gradient = make_tiled_gradient(args, std::move(colorizer), std::move(layout),
/* mirror */ false, makePremul, allOpaque);
case SkTileMode::kMirror:
gradient = make_tiled_gradient(args, std::move(colorizer), std::move(layout),
/* mirror */ true, makePremul, allOpaque);
case SkTileMode::kClamp:
// For the clamped mode, the border colors are the first and last colors, corresponding
// to t=0 and t=1, because SkGradientShaderBase enforces that by adding color stops as
// appropriate. If there is a hard stop, this grabs the expected outer colors for the
// border.
gradient = make_clamped_gradient(std::move(colorizer), std::move(layout),
colors[0], colors[shader.fColorCount - 1],
makePremul, allOpaque);
case SkTileMode::kDecal:
// Even if the gradient colors are opaque, the decal borders are transparent so
// disable that optimization
gradient = make_clamped_gradient(std::move(colorizer), std::move(layout),
makePremul, /* colorsAreOpaque */ false);
if (gradient == nullptr) {
// Unexpected tile mode
return nullptr;
if (args.fInputColorIsOpaque) {
// If the input alpha is known to be 1, we don't need to take the kSrcIn path. This is
// just an optimization. However, we can't just return 'gradient' here. We need to actually
// inhibit the coverage-as-alpha optimization, or we'll fail to incorporate AA correctly.
// The OverrideInput FP happens to do that, so wrap our fp in one of those. The gradient FP
// doesn't actually use the input color at all, so the overridden input is irrelevant.
return GrFragmentProcessor::OverrideInput(std::move(gradient), SK_PMColor4fWHITE, false);
return GrFragmentProcessor::MulChildByInputAlpha(std::move(gradient));
namespace GrGradientShader {
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> MakeLinear(const SkLinearGradient& shader,
const GrFPArgs& args) {
// We add a tiny delta to t. When gradient stops are set up so that a hard stop in a vertically
// or horizontally oriented gradient falls exactly at a column or row of pixel centers we can
// get slightly different interpolated t values along the column/row. By adding the delta
// we will consistently get the color to the "right" of the stop. Of course if the hard stop
// falls at X.5 - delta then we still could get inconsistent results, but that is much less
// likely.
// If/when we add filtering of the gradient this can be removed.
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
half4 main(float2 coord) {
return half4(half(coord.x) + 0.00001, 1, 0, 0); // y = 1 for always valid
// The linear gradient never rejects a pixel so it doesn't change opacity
auto fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "LinearLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
return make_gradient(shader, args, std::move(fp));
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> MakeRadial(const SkRadialGradient& shader,
const GrFPArgs& args) {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
half4 main(float2 coord) {
return half4(half(length(coord)), 1, 0, 0); // y = 1 for always valid
// The radial gradient never rejects a pixel so it doesn't change opacity
auto fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "RadialLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
return make_gradient(shader, args, std::move(fp));
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> MakeSweep(const SkSweepGradient& shader,
const GrFPArgs& args) {
// On some devices they incorrectly implement atan2(y,x) as atan(y/x). In actuality it is
// atan2(y,x) = 2 * atan(y / (sqrt(x^2 + y^2) + x)). So to work around this we pass in (sqrt(x^2
// + y^2) + x) as the second parameter to atan2 in these cases. We let the device handle the
// undefined behavior of the second paramenter being 0 instead of doing the divide ourselves and
// using atan instead.
int useAtanWorkaround =
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
uniform half bias;
uniform half scale;
uniform int useAtanWorkaround; // specialized
half4 main(float2 coord) {
half angle = bool(useAtanWorkaround)
? half(2 * atan(-coord.y, length(coord) - coord.x))
: half(atan(-coord.y, -coord.x));
// 0.1591549430918 is 1/(2*pi), used since atan returns values [-pi, pi]
half t = (angle * 0.1591549430918 + 0.5 + bias) * scale;
return half4(t, 1, 0, 0); // y = 1 for always valid
// The sweep gradient never rejects a pixel so it doesn't change opacity
auto fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "SweepLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"bias", shader.getTBias(),
"scale", shader.getTScale(),
"useAtanWorkaround", GrSkSLFP::Specialize(useAtanWorkaround));
return make_gradient(shader, args, std::move(fp));
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> MakeConical(const SkTwoPointConicalGradient& shader,
const GrFPArgs& args) {
// The 2 point conical gradient can reject a pixel so it does change opacity even if the input
// was opaque. Thus, all of these layout FPs disable that optimization.
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp;
SkTLazy<SkMatrix> matrix;
switch (shader.getType()) {
case SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Type::kStrip: {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
uniform half r0_2;
half4 main(float2 p) {
half v = 1; // validation flag, set to negative to discard fragment later
float t = r0_2 - p.y * p.y;
if (t >= 0) {
t = p.x + sqrt(t);
} else {
v = -1;
return half4(half(t), v, 0, 0);
float r0 = shader.getStartRadius() / shader.getCenterX1();
fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "TwoPointConicalStripLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"r0_2", r0 * r0);
} break;
case SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Type::kRadial: {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
uniform half r0;
uniform half lengthScale;
half4 main(float2 p) {
half v = 1; // validation flag, set to negative to discard fragment later
float t = length(p) * lengthScale - r0;
return half4(half(t), v, 0, 0);
float dr = shader.getDiffRadius();
float r0 = shader.getStartRadius() / dr;
bool isRadiusIncreasing = dr >= 0;
fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "TwoPointConicalRadialLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"r0", r0,
"lengthScale", isRadiusIncreasing ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
// GPU radial matrix is different from the original matrix, since we map the diff radius
// to have |dr| = 1, so manually compute the final gradient matrix here.
// Map center to (0, 0)
// scale |diffRadius| to 1
matrix->postScale(1 / dr, 1 / dr);
} break;
case SkTwoPointConicalGradient::Type::kFocal: {
static auto effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader, R"(
// Optimization flags, all specialized:
uniform int isRadiusIncreasing;
uniform int isFocalOnCircle;
uniform int isWellBehaved;
uniform int isSwapped;
uniform int isNativelyFocal;
uniform half invR1; // 1/r1
uniform half fx; // focalX = r0/(r0-r1)
half4 main(float2 p) {
float t = -1;
half v = 1; // validation flag, set to negative to discard fragment later
float x_t = -1;
if (bool(isFocalOnCircle)) {
x_t = dot(p, p) / p.x;
} else if (bool(isWellBehaved)) {
x_t = length(p) - p.x * invR1;
} else {
float temp = p.x * p.x - p.y * p.y;
// Only do sqrt if temp >= 0; this is significantly slower than checking
// temp >= 0 in the if statement that checks r(t) >= 0. But GPU may break if
// we sqrt a negative float. (Although I havevn't observed that on any
// devices so far, and the old approach also does sqrt negative value
// without a check.) If the performance is really critical, maybe we should
// just compute the area where temp and x_t are always valid and drop all
// these ifs.
if (temp >= 0) {
if (bool(isSwapped) || !bool(isRadiusIncreasing)) {
x_t = -sqrt(temp) - p.x * invR1;
} else {
x_t = sqrt(temp) - p.x * invR1;
// The final calculation of t from x_t has lots of static optimizations but only
// do them when x_t is positive (which can be assumed true if isWellBehaved is
// true)
if (!bool(isWellBehaved)) {
// This will still calculate t even though it will be ignored later in the
// pipeline to avoid a branch
if (x_t <= 0.0) {
v = -1;
if (bool(isRadiusIncreasing)) {
if (bool(isNativelyFocal)) {
t = x_t;
} else {
t = x_t + fx;
} else {
if (bool(isNativelyFocal)) {
t = -x_t;
} else {
t = -x_t + fx;
if (bool(isSwapped)) {
t = 1 - t;
return half4(half(t), v, 0, 0);
const SkTwoPointConicalGradient::FocalData& focalData = shader.getFocalData();
bool isRadiusIncreasing = (1 - focalData.fFocalX) > 0,
isFocalOnCircle = focalData.isFocalOnCircle(),
isWellBehaved = focalData.isWellBehaved(),
isSwapped = focalData.isSwapped(),
isNativelyFocal = focalData.isNativelyFocal();
fp = GrSkSLFP::Make(effect, "TwoPointConicalFocalLayout", /*inputFP=*/nullptr,
"isRadiusIncreasing", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isRadiusIncreasing),
"isFocalOnCircle", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isFocalOnCircle),
"isWellBehaved", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isWellBehaved),
"isSwapped", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isSwapped),
"isNativelyFocal", GrSkSLFP::Specialize<int>(isNativelyFocal),
"invR1", 1.0f / focalData.fR1,
"fx", focalData.fFocalX);
} break;
return make_gradient(shader, args, std::move(fp), matrix.getMaybeNull());
RandomParams::RandomParams(SkRandom* random) {
// Set color count to min of 2 so that we don't trigger the const color optimization and make
// a non-gradient processor.
fColorCount = random->nextRangeU(2, kMaxRandomGradientColors);
fUseColors4f = random->nextBool();
// if one color, omit stops, otherwise randomly decide whether or not to
if (fColorCount == 1 || (fColorCount >= 2 && random->nextBool())) {
fStops = nullptr;
} else {
fStops = fStopStorage;
// if using SkColor4f, attach a random (possibly null) color space (with linear gamma)
if (fUseColors4f) {
fColorSpace = GrTest::TestColorSpace(random);
SkScalar stop = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < fColorCount; ++i) {
if (fUseColors4f) {
fColors4f[i].fR = random->nextUScalar1();
fColors4f[i].fG = random->nextUScalar1();
fColors4f[i].fB = random->nextUScalar1();
fColors4f[i].fA = random->nextUScalar1();
} else {
fColors[i] = random->nextU();
if (fStops) {
fStops[i] = stop;
stop = i < fColorCount - 1 ? stop + random->nextUScalar1() * (1.f - stop) : 1.f;
fTileMode = static_cast<SkTileMode>(random->nextULessThan(kSkTileModeCount));
} // namespace GrGradientShader