| <title>Vibration API: cancel ongoing vibrate() with 0</title> |
| <link rel='author' title='Robin Berjon' href='mailto:robin@berjon.com'/> |
| <link rel='help' href='http://www.w3.org/TR/vibration/#methods'/> |
| <meta name='flags' content='dom, interact'/> |
| <meta name='assert' content='If pattern is 0, cancel the pre-existing instance of the processing vibration patterns algorithm'/> |
| After hitting the button below, your device must vibrate for a short period of time (roughly one |
| second). If it vibrates for a longer time (roughly five seconds, it should feel somewhat long) then |
| <button id='vib'>Vibrate!</button> |
| <script src='/common/vendor-prefix.js' data-prefixed-objects='[{"ancestors":["navigator"], "name":"vibrate"}]'></script> |
| if (undefined !== navigator.vibrate) { |
| document.getElementById("vib").onclick = function () { |