blob: 1516038a2df5791685a1f895af26ff51e89ca11e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './stats-panel.mjs';
import './map-panel/map-details.mjs';
import './map-panel/map-transitions.mjs';
import {FocusEvent} from './events.mjs';
import {DOM, V8CustomElement} from './helper.mjs';
import {MapLogEntry} from './log/map.mjs';
(templateText) =>
class MapPanel extends V8CustomElement {
constructor() {
this.searchBarBtn.addEventListener('click', e => this.handleSearchBar(e));
this.addEventListener(, e => this.handleUpdateMapDetails(e));
handleUpdateMapDetails(e) {
if (e.entry instanceof MapLogEntry) { = e.entry;
get mapTransitionsPanel() {
return this.$('#map-transitions');
get mapDetailsPanel() {
return this.$('#map-details');
get searchBarBtn() {
return this.$('#searchBarBtn');
get searchBar() {
return this.$('#searchBar');
set timeline(timeline) {
this._timeline = timeline;
set map(value) {
this._map = value; = this._map;
handleSearchBar(e) {
let searchBar = this.$('#searchBarInput');
let searchBarInput = searchBar.value;
// access the map from model cache
let selectedMap = MapLogEntry.get(parseInt(searchBarInput));
if (selectedMap) {
searchBar.className = 'success';
} else {
searchBar.className = 'failure';
this.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(selectedMap));
set selectedMapLogEntries(list) {
this.mapTransitionsPanel.selectedMapLogEntries = list;
get selectedMapLogEntries() {
return this.mapTransitionsPanel.selectedMapLogEntries;