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<title>Request error</title>
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test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("", {"window" : "http://test.url"}); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
},"RequestInit's window is not null");
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("http://:not a valid URL"); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
},"Input URL is not valid")
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("http://user:pass@test.url"); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
},"Input URL has credentials");
// Since request is polyfilled, it needs to be possible to create a Request with the mode
// 'navigate'.
// test(function() {
// assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("", {"mode" : "navigate"}); },
// "Expect TypeError exception");
// },"RequestInit's mode is navigate");
// Referrer is not supported due to privacy concerns.
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("", {"referrer" : "http://:not a valid URL"}); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
},"RequestInit's referrer is invalid");
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("", {"method" : "IN VALID"}); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
}, "RequestInit's method is invalid");
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("", {"method" : "TRACE"}); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
}, "RequestInit's method is forbidden");
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Request("", {"mode" : "no-cors", "method" : "PUT"}); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
},"RequestInit's mode is no-cors and method is not simple");
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() ,
function() { new Request("", {"mode" : "no-cors", "integrity" : "not an empty string"}); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
},"RequestInit's mode is no-cors and integrity is not empty");
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() ,
function() { new Request("", {"mode" : "cors", "cache" : "only-if-cached"}); },
"Expect TypeError exception");
},"RequestInit's cache mode is only-if-cached and mode is not same-origin");
test(function() {
var initialHeaders = new Headers([["Content-Type", "potato"]]);
var initialRequest = new Request("", {"headers" : initialHeaders});
var request = new Request(initialRequest);
assert_equals(request.headers.get("Content-Type"), "potato");
}, "Request should get its content-type from the init request");
test(function() {
var initialHeaders = new Headers([["Content-Type", "potato"]]);
var initialRequest = new Request("", {"headers" : initialHeaders});
var headers = new Headers([]);
var request = new Request(initialRequest, {"headers" : headers});
}, "Request should not get its content-type from the init request if init headers are provided");
test(function() {
var initialHeaders = new Headers([["Content-Type-Extra", "potato"]]);
var initialRequest = new Request("", {"headers" : initialHeaders, "body" : "this is my plate", "method" : "POST"});
var request = new Request(initialRequest);
assert_equals(request.headers.get("Content-Type"), "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
}, "Request should get its content-type from the body if none is provided");
test(function() {
var initialHeaders = new Headers([["Content-Type", "potato"]]);
var initialRequest = new Request("", {"headers" : initialHeaders, "body" : "this is my plate", "method" : "POST"});
var request = new Request(initialRequest);
assert_equals(request.headers.get("Content-Type"), "potato");
}, "Request should get its content-type from init headers if one is provided");
// Referrer is not supported due to privacy concerns.
var parameters = [/*"referrerPolicy",*/ "mode", "credentials", "cache", "redirect"];
parameters.forEach(function(parameter) {
test(function() {
var options = { };
options[parameter] = "BAD";
assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { new Request("", options); });
},"Bad " + parameter +" init parameter value");
function testOnlyIfCachedMode(fetchMode, ok) {
test(function() {
var options = {"cache": "only-if-cached", "mode": fetchMode};
if (ok)
new Request("test", options);
assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { new Request("test", options); });
}, "Request with cache mode: only-if-cached and fetch mode: " + fetchMode);
testOnlyIfCachedMode("same-origin", true);
testOnlyIfCachedMode("cors", false);
testOnlyIfCachedMode("no-cors", false);