blob: cdc04b231b4b6cdf4d3832968381cacffd1363d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/third_party/quic/quartc/quartc_factory.h"
#include "net/third_party/quic/core/crypto/quic_random.h"
#include "net/third_party/quic/platform/api/quic_ptr_util.h"
#include "net/third_party/quic/platform/api/quic_socket_address.h"
#include "net/third_party/quic/quartc/quartc_session.h"
namespace quic {
QuartcFactory::QuartcFactory(const QuartcFactoryConfig& factory_config)
: alarm_factory_(factory_config.alarm_factory),
clock_(factory_config.clock) {}
QuartcFactory::~QuartcFactory() {}
std::unique_ptr<QuartcSession> QuartcFactory::CreateQuartcSession(
const QuartcSessionConfig& quartc_session_config) {
Perspective perspective = quartc_session_config.perspective;
// QuartcSession will eventually own both |writer| and |quic_connection|.
auto writer =
// Fixes behavior of StopReading() with level-triggered stream sequencers.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_stop_reading_when_level_triggered, true);
// Quartc uses zombie streams -- we close the stream for read as soon as we
// create a stream -- this makes the stream a zombie stream. b/115323618
// revealed that closing zombie streams is problematic, and enabling this flag
// fixes it.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_fix_reset_zombie_streams, true);
std::unique_ptr<QuicConnection> quic_connection =
CreateQuicConnection(perspective, writer.get());
QuicTagVector copt;
// Enable and request QUIC to include receive timestamps in ACK frames.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_send_timestamps, true);
// Enable ACK_DECIMATION_WITH_REORDERING. It requires ack_decimation to be
// false.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_enable_ack_decimation, false);
// Enable time-based loss detection.
// Use BBR for congestion control.
// Note: flag settings have no effect for Exoblaze builds since
// SetQuicReloadableFlag() gets stubbed out.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_less_probe_rtt, true); // Enable BBR6,7,8.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_unified_iw_options, true); // Enable IWXX opts.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_slower_startup3, true); // Enable BBQX opts.
SetQuicReloadableFlag(quic_bbr_flexible_app_limited, true); // Enable BBR9.
copt.push_back(kBBR3); // Stay in low-gain until in-flight < BDP.
copt.push_back(kBBR5); // 40 RTT ack aggregation.
copt.push_back(kBBR6); // Use a 0.75 * BDP cwnd during PROBE_RTT.
copt.push_back(kBBR8); // Skip PROBE_RTT if app-limited.
copt.push_back(kBBR9); // Ignore app-limited if enough data is in flight.
copt.push_back(kBBQ1); // 2.773 pacing gain in STARTUP.
copt.push_back(kBBQ2); // 2.0 CWND gain in STARTUP.
copt.push_back(kBBQ4); // 0.75 pacing gain in DRAIN.
copt.push_back(k1RTT); // Exit STARTUP after 1 RTT with no gains.
copt.push_back(kIW10); // 10-packet (14600 byte) initial cwnd.
// TODO(b/112192153): Test and possible enable slower startup when pipe
// filling is ready to use. Slower startup is kBBRS.
QuicConfig quic_config;
// Use the limits for the session & stream flow control. The default 16KB
// limit leads to significantly undersending (not reaching BWE on the outgoing
// bitrate) due to blocked frames, and it leads to high latency (and one-way
// delay). Setting it to its limits is not going to cause issues (our streams
// are small generally, and if we were to buffer 24MB it wouldn't be the end
// of the world). We can consider setting different limits in future (e.g. 1MB
// stream, 1.5MB session). It's worth noting that on 1mbps bitrate, limit of
// 24MB can capture approx 4 minutes of the call, and the default increase in
// size of the window (half of the window size) is approximately 2 minutes of
// the call.
if (quartc_session_config.max_time_before_crypto_handshake >
QuicTime::Delta::Zero()) {
if (quartc_session_config.max_idle_time_before_crypto_handshake >
QuicTime::Delta::Zero()) {
if (quartc_session_config.idle_network_timeout > QuicTime::Delta::Zero()) {
// The ICE transport provides a unique 5-tuple for each connection. Save
// overhead by omitting the connection id.
return QuicMakeUnique<QuartcSession>(
std::move(quic_connection), quic_config,
quartc_session_config.unique_remote_server_id, perspective,
this /*QuicConnectionHelperInterface*/, clock_, std::move(writer));
std::unique_ptr<QuicConnection> QuartcFactory::CreateQuicConnection(
Perspective perspective,
QuartcPacketWriter* packet_writer) {
// dummy_id and dummy_address are used because Quartc network layer will not
// use these two.
QuicConnectionId dummy_id = 0;
QuicSocketAddress dummy_address(QuicIpAddress::Any4(), 0 /*Port*/);
return QuicMakeUnique<QuicConnection>(
dummy_id, dummy_address, this, /*QuicConnectionHelperInterface*/
alarm_factory_ /*QuicAlarmFactory*/, packet_writer, /*owns_writer=*/false,
perspective, CurrentSupportedVersions());
const QuicClock* QuartcFactory::GetClock() const {
return clock_;
QuicRandom* QuartcFactory::GetRandomGenerator() {
return QuicRandom::GetInstance();
QuicBufferAllocator* QuartcFactory::GetStreamSendBufferAllocator() {
return &buffer_allocator_;
std::unique_ptr<QuartcFactory> CreateQuartcFactory(
const QuartcFactoryConfig& factory_config) {
return std::unique_ptr<QuartcFactory>(new QuartcFactory(factory_config));
} // namespace quic