blob: 23869d2f14aaa405a436acd6073ffbd14f2e8667 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/heap/cppgc/compactor.h"
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "include/cppgc/macros.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/compaction-worklists.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/globals.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/heap-base.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/heap-page.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/heap-space.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/raw-heap.h"
namespace cppgc {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// Freelist size threshold that must be exceeded before compaction
// should be considered.
static constexpr size_t kFreeListSizeThreshold = 512 * kKB;
// The real worker behind heap compaction, recording references to movable
// objects ("slots".) When the objects end up being compacted and moved,
// relocate() will adjust the slots to point to the new location of the
// object along with handling references for interior pointers.
// The MovableReferences object is created and maintained for the lifetime
// of one heap compaction-enhanced GC.
class MovableReferences final {
using MovableReference = CompactionWorklists::MovableReference;
explicit MovableReferences(HeapBase& heap) : heap_(heap) {}
// Adds a slot for compaction. Filters slots in dead objects.
void AddOrFilter(MovableReference*);
// Relocates a backing store |from| -> |to|.
void Relocate(Address from, Address to);
// Relocates interior slots in a backing store that is moved |from| -> |to|.
void RelocateInteriorReferences(Address from, Address to, size_t size);
// Updates the collection of callbacks from the item pushed the worklist by
// marking visitors.
void UpdateCallbacks();
HeapBase& heap_;
// Map from movable reference (value) to its slot. Upon moving an object its
// slot pointing to it requires updating. Movable reference should currently
// have only a single movable reference to them registered.
std::unordered_map<MovableReference, MovableReference*> movable_references_;
// Map of interior slots to their final location. Needs to be an ordered map
// as it is used to walk through slots starting at a given memory address.
// Requires log(n) lookup to make the early bailout reasonably fast.
// - The initial value for a given key is nullptr.
// - Upon moving an object this value is adjusted accordingly.
std::map<MovableReference*, Address> interior_movable_references_;
// The following two collections are used to allow refer back from a slot to
// an already moved object.
std::unordered_set<const void*> moved_objects_;
std::unordered_map<MovableReference*, MovableReference>
#endif // DEBUG
void MovableReferences::AddOrFilter(MovableReference* slot) {
const BasePage* slot_page = BasePage::FromInnerAddress(&heap_, slot);
const void* value = *slot;
if (!value) return;
// All slots and values are part of Oilpan's heap.
// - Slots may be contained within dead objects if e.g. the write barrier
// registered the slot while backing itself has not been marked live in
// time. Slots in dead objects are filtered below.
// - Values may only be contained in or point to live objects.
const HeapObjectHeader& slot_header =
// Filter the slot since the object that contains the slot is dead.
if (!slot_header.IsMarked()) return;
const BasePage* value_page = BasePage::FromInnerAddress(&heap_, value);
// The following cases are not compacted and do not require recording:
// - Compactable object on large pages.
// - Compactable object on non-compactable spaces.
if (value_page->is_large() || !value_page->space()->is_compactable()) return;
// Slots must reside in and values must point to live objects at this
// point. |value| usually points to a separate object but can also point
// to the an interior pointer in the same object storage which is why the
// dynamic header lookup is required.
const HeapObjectHeader& value_header =
// Slots may have been recorded already but must point to the same value.
auto reference_it = movable_references_.find(value);
if (V8_UNLIKELY(reference_it != movable_references_.end())) {
CHECK_EQ(slot, reference_it->second);
// Add regular movable reference.
movable_references_.emplace(value, slot);
// Check whether the slot itself resides on a page that is compacted.
if (V8_LIKELY(!slot_page->space()->is_compactable())) return;
interior_movable_references_.emplace(slot, nullptr);
interior_slot_to_object_.emplace(slot, slot_header.Payload());
#endif // DEBUG
void MovableReferences::Relocate(Address from, Address to) {
#endif // DEBUG
// Interior slots always need to be processed for moved objects.
// Consider an object A with slot A.x pointing to value B where A is
// allocated on a movable page itself. When B is finally moved, it needs to
// find the corresponding slot A.x. Object A may be moved already and the
// memory may have been freed, which would result in a crash.
if (!interior_movable_references_.empty()) {
const HeapObjectHeader& header = HeapObjectHeader::FromPayload(to);
const size_t size = header.GetSize() - sizeof(HeapObjectHeader);
RelocateInteriorReferences(from, to, size);
auto it = movable_references_.find(from);
// This means that there is no corresponding slot for a live object.
// This may happen because a mutator may change the slot to point to a
// different object because e.g. incremental marking marked an object
// as live that was later on replaced.
if (it == movable_references_.end()) {
// If the object is referenced by a slot that is contained on a compacted
// area itself, check whether it can be updated already.
MovableReference* slot = it->second;
auto interior_it = interior_movable_references_.find(slot);
if (interior_it != interior_movable_references_.end()) {
MovableReference* slot_location =
if (!slot_location) {
interior_it->second = to;
// Check that the containing object has not been moved yet.
auto reverse_it = interior_slot_to_object_.find(slot);
DCHECK_NE(interior_slot_to_object_.end(), reverse_it);
DCHECK_EQ(moved_objects_.end(), moved_objects_.find(reverse_it->second));
#endif // DEBUG
} else {
slot = slot_location;
// Compaction is atomic so slot should not be updated during compaction.
DCHECK_EQ(from, *slot);
// Update the slots new value.
*slot = to;
void MovableReferences::RelocateInteriorReferences(Address from, Address to,
size_t size) {
// |from| is a valid address for a slot.
auto interior_it = interior_movable_references_.lower_bound(
if (interior_it == interior_movable_references_.end()) return;
DCHECK_GE(reinterpret_cast<Address>(interior_it->first), from);
size_t offset = reinterpret_cast<Address>(interior_it->first) - from;
while (offset < size) {
if (!interior_it->second) {
// Update the interior reference value, so that when the object the slot
// is pointing to is moved, it can re-use this value.
Address refernece = to + offset;
interior_it->second = refernece;
// If the |slot|'s content is pointing into the region [from, from +
// size) we are dealing with an interior pointer that does not point to
// a valid HeapObjectHeader. Such references need to be fixed up
// immediately.
Address& reference_contents = *reinterpret_cast<Address*>(refernece);
if (reference_contents > from && reference_contents < (from + size)) {
reference_contents = reference_contents - from + to;
if (interior_it == interior_movable_references_.end()) return;
offset = reinterpret_cast<Address>(interior_it->first) - from;
class CompactionState final {
using Pages = std::vector<NormalPage*>;
CompactionState(NormalPageSpace* space, MovableReferences& movable_references)
: space_(space), movable_references_(movable_references) {}
void AddPage(NormalPage* page) {
DCHECK_EQ(space_, page->space());
// If not the first page, add |page| onto the available pages chain.
if (!current_page_)
current_page_ = page;
void RelocateObject(const NormalPage* page, const Address header,
size_t size) {
// Allocate and copy over the live object.
Address compact_frontier =
current_page_->PayloadStart() + used_bytes_in_current_page_;
if (compact_frontier + size > current_page_->PayloadEnd()) {
// Can't fit on current page. Add remaining onto the freelist and advance
// to next available page.
current_page_ = available_pages_.back();
used_bytes_in_current_page_ = 0;
compact_frontier = current_page_->PayloadStart();
if (V8_LIKELY(compact_frontier != header)) {
// Use a non-overlapping copy, if possible.
if (current_page_ == page)
memmove(compact_frontier, header, size);
memcpy(compact_frontier, header, size);
movable_references_.Relocate(header + sizeof(HeapObjectHeader),
compact_frontier + sizeof(HeapObjectHeader));
used_bytes_in_current_page_ += size;
DCHECK_LE(used_bytes_in_current_page_, current_page_->PayloadSize());
void FinishCompactingSpace() {
// If the current page hasn't been allocated into, add it to the available
// list, for subsequent release below.
if (used_bytes_in_current_page_ == 0) {
} else {
// Return remaining available pages to the free page pool, decommitting
// them from the pagefile.
for (NormalPage* page : available_pages_) {
SET_MEMORY_INACCESSIBLE(page->PayloadStart(), page->PayloadSize());
void FinishCompactingPage(NormalPage* page) {
#if DEBUG || defined(LEAK_SANITIZER) || defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || \
// Zap the unused portion, until it is either compacted into or freed.
if (current_page_ != page) {
ZapMemory(page->PayloadStart(), page->PayloadSize());
} else {
ZapMemory(page->PayloadStart() + used_bytes_in_current_page_,
page->PayloadSize() - used_bytes_in_current_page_);
void ReturnCurrentPageToSpace() {
DCHECK_EQ(space_, current_page_->space());
if (used_bytes_in_current_page_ != current_page_->PayloadSize()) {
// Put the remainder of the page onto the free list.
size_t freed_size =
current_page_->PayloadSize() - used_bytes_in_current_page_;
Address payload = current_page_->PayloadStart();
Address free_start = payload + used_bytes_in_current_page_;
SET_MEMORY_INACCESSIBLE(free_start, freed_size);
space_->free_list().Add({free_start, freed_size});
NormalPageSpace* space_;
MovableReferences& movable_references_;
// Page into which compacted object will be written to.
NormalPage* current_page_ = nullptr;
// Offset into |current_page_| to the next free address.
size_t used_bytes_in_current_page_ = 0;
// Additional pages in the current space that can be used as compaction
// targets. Pages that remain available at the compaction can be released.
Pages available_pages_;
void CompactPage(NormalPage* page, CompactionState& compaction_state) {
for (Address header_address = page->PayloadStart();
header_address < page->PayloadEnd();) {
HeapObjectHeader* header =
size_t size = header->GetSize();
DCHECK_GT(size, 0u);
DCHECK_LT(size, kPageSize);
if (header->IsFree()) {
// Unpoison the freelist entry so that we can compact into it as wanted.
ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(header_address, size);
header_address += size;
if (!header->IsMarked()) {
// Compaction is currently launched only from AtomicPhaseEpilogue, so it's
// guaranteed to be on the mutator thread - no need to postpone
// finalization.
// As compaction is under way, leave the freed memory accessible
// while compacting the rest of the page. We just zap the payload
// to catch out other finalizers trying to access it.
#if DEBUG || defined(LEAK_SANITIZER) || defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || \
ZapMemory(header, size);
header_address += size;
// Object is marked.
compaction_state.RelocateObject(page, header_address, size);
header_address += size;
void CompactSpace(NormalPageSpace* space,
MovableReferences& movable_references) {
using Pages = NormalPageSpace::Pages;
// Compaction generally follows Jonker's algorithm for fast garbage
// compaction. Compaction is performed in-place, sliding objects down over
// unused holes for a smaller heap page footprint and improved locality. A
// "compaction pointer" is consequently kept, pointing to the next available
// address to move objects down to. It will belong to one of the already
// compacted pages for this space, but as compaction proceeds, it will not
// belong to the same page as the one being currently compacted.
// The compaction pointer is represented by the
// |(current_page_, used_bytes_in_current_page_)| pair, with
// |used_bytes_in_current_page_| being the offset into |current_page_|, making
// up the next available location. When the compaction of an arena page causes
// the compaction pointer to exhaust the current page it is compacting into,
// page compaction will advance the current page of the compaction
// pointer, as well as the allocation point.
// By construction, the page compaction can be performed without having
// to allocate any new pages. So to arrange for the page compaction's
// supply of freed, available pages, we chain them together after each
// has been "compacted from". The page compaction will then reuse those
// as needed, and once finished, the chained, available pages can be
// released back to the OS.
// To ease the passing of the compaction state when iterating over an
// arena's pages, package it up into a |CompactionState|.
Pages pages = space->RemoveAllPages();
if (pages.empty()) return;
CompactionState compaction_state(space, movable_references);
for (BasePage* page : pages) {
// Large objects do not belong to this arena.
CompactPage(NormalPage::From(page), compaction_state);
// Sweeping will verify object start bitmap of compacted space.
size_t UpdateHeapResidency(const std::vector<NormalPageSpace*>& spaces) {
return std::accumulate(spaces.cbegin(), spaces.cend(), 0u,
[](size_t acc, const NormalPageSpace* space) {
if (!space->size()) return acc;
return acc + space->free_list().Size();
} // namespace
Compactor::Compactor(RawHeap& heap) : heap_(heap) {
for (auto& space : heap_) {
if (!space->is_compactable()) continue;
DCHECK_EQ(&heap, space->raw_heap());
bool Compactor::ShouldCompact(
GarbageCollector::Config::MarkingType marking_type,
GarbageCollector::Config::StackState stack_state) {
if (compactable_spaces_.empty() ||
(marking_type == GarbageCollector::Config::MarkingType::kAtomic &&
stack_state ==
GarbageCollector::Config::StackState::kMayContainHeapPointers)) {
// The following check ensures that tests that want to test compaction are
// not interrupted by garbage collections that cannot use compaction.
return false;
if (enable_for_next_gc_for_testing_) {
return true;
size_t free_list_size = UpdateHeapResidency(compactable_spaces_);
return free_list_size > kFreeListSizeThreshold;
void Compactor::InitializeIfShouldCompact(
GarbageCollector::Config::MarkingType marking_type,
GarbageCollector::Config::StackState stack_state) {
if (!ShouldCompact(marking_type, stack_state)) return;
compaction_worklists_ = std::make_unique<CompactionWorklists>();
is_enabled_ = true;
enable_for_next_gc_for_testing_ = false;
bool Compactor::CancelIfShouldNotCompact(
GarbageCollector::Config::MarkingType marking_type,
GarbageCollector::Config::StackState stack_state) {
if (!is_enabled_ || ShouldCompact(marking_type, stack_state)) return false;
is_enabled_ = false;
return true;
Compactor::CompactableSpaceHandling Compactor::CompactSpacesIfEnabled() {
if (!is_enabled_) return CompactableSpaceHandling::kSweep;
MovableReferences movable_references(*heap_.heap());
CompactionWorklists::MovableReferencesWorklist::Local local(
CompactionWorklists::MovableReference* slot;
while (local.Pop(&slot)) {
for (NormalPageSpace* space : compactable_spaces_) {
CompactSpace(space, movable_references);
is_enabled_ = false;
return CompactableSpaceHandling::kIgnore;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace cppgc