blob: 51b2b61f7d7d8ebc41086681bf71a81ebb106a45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "include/cppgc/platform.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/heap/cppgc/globals.h"
namespace cppgc {
namespace internal {
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MemoryRegion final {
MemoryRegion() = default;
MemoryRegion(Address base, size_t size) : base_(base), size_(size) {
DCHECK_LT(0u, size);
Address base() const { return base_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
Address end() const { return base_ + size_; }
bool Contains(ConstAddress addr) const {
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr) -
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(base_)) < size_;
bool Contains(const MemoryRegion& other) const {
return base_ <= other.base() && other.end() <= end();
Address base_ = nullptr;
size_t size_ = 0;
// PageMemory provides the backing of a single normal or large page.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE PageMemory final {
PageMemory(MemoryRegion overall, MemoryRegion writeable)
: overall_(overall), writable_(writeable) {
const MemoryRegion writeable_region() const { return writable_; }
const MemoryRegion overall_region() const { return overall_; }
MemoryRegion overall_;
MemoryRegion writable_;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE PageMemoryRegion {
virtual ~PageMemoryRegion();
const MemoryRegion reserved_region() const { return reserved_region_; }
bool is_large() const { return is_large_; }
// Lookup writeable base for an |address| that's contained in
// PageMemoryRegion. Filters out addresses that are contained in non-writeable
// regions (e.g. guard pages).
inline Address Lookup(ConstAddress address) const;
// Disallow copy/move.
PageMemoryRegion(const PageMemoryRegion&) = delete;
PageMemoryRegion& operator=(const PageMemoryRegion&) = delete;
virtual void UnprotectForTesting() = 0;
PageMemoryRegion(PageAllocator*, MemoryRegion, bool);
PageAllocator* const allocator_;
const MemoryRegion reserved_region_;
const bool is_large_;
// NormalPageMemoryRegion serves kNumPageRegions normal-sized PageMemory object.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE NormalPageMemoryRegion final : public PageMemoryRegion {
static constexpr size_t kNumPageRegions = 10;
explicit NormalPageMemoryRegion(PageAllocator*);
~NormalPageMemoryRegion() override;
const PageMemory GetPageMemory(size_t index) const {
DCHECK_LT(index, kNumPageRegions);
return PageMemory(
MemoryRegion(reserved_region().base() + kPageSize * index, kPageSize),
reserved_region().base() + kPageSize * index + kGuardPageSize,
kPageSize - 2 * kGuardPageSize));
// Allocates a normal page at |writeable_base| address. Changes page
// protection.
void Allocate(Address writeable_base);
// Frees a normal page at at |writeable_base| address. Changes page
// protection.
void Free(Address);
inline Address Lookup(ConstAddress) const;
void UnprotectForTesting() final;
void ChangeUsed(size_t index, bool value) {
DCHECK_LT(index, kNumPageRegions);
DCHECK_EQ(value, !page_memories_in_use_[index]);
page_memories_in_use_[index] = value;
size_t GetIndex(ConstAddress address) const {
return static_cast<size_t>(address - reserved_region().base()) >>
std::array<bool, kNumPageRegions> page_memories_in_use_ = {};
// LargePageMemoryRegion serves a single large PageMemory object.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE LargePageMemoryRegion final : public PageMemoryRegion {
LargePageMemoryRegion(PageAllocator*, size_t);
~LargePageMemoryRegion() override;
const PageMemory GetPageMemory() const {
return PageMemory(
MemoryRegion(reserved_region().base(), reserved_region().size()),
MemoryRegion(reserved_region().base() + kGuardPageSize,
reserved_region().size() - 2 * kGuardPageSize));
inline Address Lookup(ConstAddress) const;
void UnprotectForTesting() final;
// A PageMemoryRegionTree is a binary search tree of PageMemoryRegions sorted
// by reserved base addresses.
// The tree does not keep its elements alive but merely provides indexing
// capabilities.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE PageMemoryRegionTree final {
void Add(PageMemoryRegion*);
void Remove(PageMemoryRegion*);
inline PageMemoryRegion* Lookup(ConstAddress) const;
std::map<ConstAddress, PageMemoryRegion*> set_;
// A pool of PageMemory objects represented by the writeable base addresses.
// The pool does not keep its elements alive but merely provides pooling
// capabilities.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE NormalPageMemoryPool final {
static constexpr size_t kNumPoolBuckets = 16;
using Result = std::pair<NormalPageMemoryRegion*, Address>;
void Add(size_t, NormalPageMemoryRegion*, Address);
Result Take(size_t);
std::vector<Result> pool_[kNumPoolBuckets];
// A backend that is used for allocating and freeing normal and large pages.
// Internally maintaints a set of PageMemoryRegions. The backend keeps its used
// regions alive.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE PageBackend final {
explicit PageBackend(PageAllocator*);
// Allocates a normal page from the backend.
// Returns the writeable base of the region.
Address AllocateNormalPageMemory(size_t);
// Returns normal page memory back to the backend. Expects the
// |writeable_base| returned by |AllocateNormalMemory()|.
void FreeNormalPageMemory(size_t, Address writeable_base);
// Allocates a large page from the backend.
// Returns the writeable base of the region.
Address AllocateLargePageMemory(size_t size);
// Returns large page memory back to the backend. Expects the |writeable_base|
// returned by |AllocateLargePageMemory()|.
void FreeLargePageMemory(Address writeable_base);
// Returns the writeable base if |address| is contained in a valid page
// memory.
inline Address Lookup(ConstAddress) const;
// Disallow copy/move.
PageBackend(const PageBackend&) = delete;
PageBackend& operator=(const PageBackend&) = delete;
PageAllocator* allocator_;
NormalPageMemoryPool page_pool_;
PageMemoryRegionTree page_memory_region_tree_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PageMemoryRegion>> normal_page_memory_regions_;
std::unordered_map<PageMemoryRegion*, std::unique_ptr<PageMemoryRegion>>
// Returns true if the provided allocator supports committing at the required
// granularity.
inline bool SupportsCommittingGuardPages(PageAllocator* allocator) {
return kGuardPageSize % allocator->CommitPageSize() == 0;
Address NormalPageMemoryRegion::Lookup(ConstAddress address) const {
size_t index = GetIndex(address);
if (!page_memories_in_use_[index]) return nullptr;
const MemoryRegion writeable_region = GetPageMemory(index).writeable_region();
return writeable_region.Contains(address) ? writeable_region.base() : nullptr;
Address LargePageMemoryRegion::Lookup(ConstAddress address) const {
const MemoryRegion writeable_region = GetPageMemory().writeable_region();
return writeable_region.Contains(address) ? writeable_region.base() : nullptr;
Address PageMemoryRegion::Lookup(ConstAddress address) const {
return is_large()
? static_cast<const LargePageMemoryRegion*>(this)->Lookup(address)
: static_cast<const NormalPageMemoryRegion*>(this)->Lookup(
PageMemoryRegion* PageMemoryRegionTree::Lookup(ConstAddress address) const {
auto it = set_.upper_bound(address);
// This check also covers set_.size() > 0, since for empty vectors it is
// guaranteed that begin() == end().
if (it == set_.begin()) return nullptr;
auto* result = std::next(it, -1)->second;
if (address < result->reserved_region().end()) return result;
return nullptr;
Address PageBackend::Lookup(ConstAddress address) const {
PageMemoryRegion* pmr = page_memory_region_tree_.Lookup(address);
return pmr ? pmr->Lookup(address) : nullptr;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace cppgc