blob: 18b7c5b1104264f72749780c5129a246e5c08cda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/codegen/ppc/assembler-ppc.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE RegExpMacroAssemblerPPC
: public NativeRegExpMacroAssembler {
RegExpMacroAssemblerPPC(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, Mode mode,
int registers_to_save);
virtual ~RegExpMacroAssemblerPPC();
virtual int stack_limit_slack();
virtual void AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by);
virtual void AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by);
virtual void Backtrack();
virtual void Bind(Label* label);
virtual void CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start);
virtual void CheckCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_equal);
virtual void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c, unsigned mask,
Label* on_equal);
virtual void CheckCharacterGT(uc16 limit, Label* on_greater);
virtual void CheckCharacterLT(uc16 limit, Label* on_less);
// A "greedy loop" is a loop that is both greedy and with a simple
// body. It has a particularly simple implementation.
virtual void CheckGreedyLoop(Label* on_tos_equals_current_position);
virtual void CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_not_at_start);
virtual void CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
Label* on_no_match);
virtual void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(int start_reg,
bool read_backward, bool unicode,
Label* on_no_match);
virtual void CheckNotCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c, unsigned mask,
Label* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(uc16 c, uc16 minus, uc16 mask,
Label* on_not_equal);
virtual void CheckCharacterInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to, Label* on_in_range);
virtual void CheckCharacterNotInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
Label* on_not_in_range);
virtual void CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table, Label* on_bit_set);
// Checks whether the given offset from the current position is before
// the end of the string.
virtual void CheckPosition(int cp_offset, Label* on_outside_input);
virtual bool CheckSpecialCharacterClass(uc16 type, Label* on_no_match);
virtual void Fail();
virtual Handle<HeapObject> GetCode(Handle<String> source);
virtual void GoTo(Label* label);
virtual void IfRegisterGE(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_ge);
virtual void IfRegisterLT(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_lt);
virtual void IfRegisterEqPos(int reg, Label* if_eq);
virtual IrregexpImplementation Implementation();
virtual void LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(int cp_offset,
int character_count);
virtual void PopCurrentPosition();
virtual void PopRegister(int register_index);
virtual void PushBacktrack(Label* label);
virtual void PushCurrentPosition();
virtual void PushRegister(int register_index,
StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit);
virtual void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg);
virtual void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg);
virtual void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by);
virtual void SetRegister(int register_index, int to);
virtual bool Succeed();
virtual void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg, int cp_offset);
virtual void ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to);
virtual void WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg);
// Called from RegExp if the stack-guard is triggered.
// If the code object is relocated, the return address is fixed before
// returning.
// {raw_code} is an Address because this is called via ExternalReference.
static int CheckStackGuardState(Address* return_address, Address raw_code,
Address re_frame);
// Offsets from frame_pointer() of function parameters and stored registers.
static const int kFramePointer = 0;
// Above the frame pointer - Stored registers and stack passed parameters.
// Register 25..31.
static const int kStoredRegisters = kFramePointer;
// Return address (stored from link register, read into pc on return).
static const int kReturnAddress = kStoredRegisters + 7 * kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kCallerFrame = kReturnAddress + kSystemPointerSize;
// Stack parameters placed by caller.
static const int kIsolate =
kCallerFrame + kStackFrameExtraParamSlot * kSystemPointerSize;
// Below the frame pointer.
// Register parameters stored by setup code.
static const int kDirectCall = kFramePointer - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kStackHighEnd = kDirectCall - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kNumOutputRegisters = kStackHighEnd - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kRegisterOutput = kNumOutputRegisters - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kInputEnd = kRegisterOutput - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kInputStart = kInputEnd - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kStartIndex = kInputStart - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kInputString = kStartIndex - kSystemPointerSize;
// When adding local variables remember to push space for them in
// the frame in GetCode.
static const int kSuccessfulCaptures = kInputString - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kStringStartMinusOne =
kSuccessfulCaptures - kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kBacktrackCount = kStringStartMinusOne - kSystemPointerSize;
// First register address. Following registers are below it on the stack.
static const int kRegisterZero = kBacktrackCount - kSystemPointerSize;
// Initial size of code buffer.
static const int kRegExpCodeSize = 1024;
// Check whether preemption has been requested.
void CheckPreemption();
// Check whether we are exceeding the stack limit on the backtrack stack.
void CheckStackLimit();
// Generate a call to CheckStackGuardState.
void CallCheckStackGuardState(Register scratch);
// The ebp-relative location of a regexp register.
MemOperand register_location(int register_index);
// Register holding the current input position as negative offset from
// the end of the string.
inline Register current_input_offset() { return r27; }
// The register containing the current character after LoadCurrentCharacter.
inline Register current_character() { return r28; }
// Register holding address of the end of the input string.
inline Register end_of_input_address() { return r30; }
// Register holding the frame address. Local variables, parameters and
// regexp registers are addressed relative to this.
inline Register frame_pointer() { return fp; }
// The register containing the backtrack stack top. Provides a meaningful
// name to the register.
inline Register backtrack_stackpointer() { return r29; }
// Register holding pointer to the current code object.
inline Register code_pointer() { return r26; }
// Byte size of chars in the string to match (decided by the Mode argument)
inline int char_size() { return static_cast<int>(mode_); }
// Equivalent to a conditional branch to the label, unless the label
// is nullptr, in which case it is a conditional Backtrack.
void BranchOrBacktrack(Condition condition, Label* to, CRegister cr = cr7);
// Call and return internally in the generated code in a way that
// is GC-safe (i.e., doesn't leave absolute code addresses on the stack)
inline void SafeCall(Label* to, Condition cond = al, CRegister cr = cr7);
inline void SafeReturn();
inline void SafeCallTarget(Label* name);
// Pushes the value of a register on the backtrack stack. Decrements the
// stack pointer by a word size and stores the register's value there.
inline void Push(Register source);
// Pops a value from the backtrack stack. Reads the word at the stack pointer
// and increments it by a word size.
inline void Pop(Register target);
Isolate* isolate() const { return masm_->isolate(); }
MacroAssembler* masm_;
// Which mode to generate code for (Latin1 or UC16).
Mode mode_;
// One greater than maximal register index actually used.
int num_registers_;
// Number of registers to output at the end (the saved registers
// are always 0..num_saved_registers_-1)
int num_saved_registers_;
// Labels used internally.
Label entry_label_;
Label start_label_;
Label success_label_;
Label backtrack_label_;
Label exit_label_;
Label check_preempt_label_;
Label stack_overflow_label_;
Label internal_failure_label_;
Label fallback_label_;
// Set of non-volatile registers saved/restored by generated regexp code.
const RegList kRegExpCalleeSaved =
1 << 25 | 1 << 26 | 1 << 27 | 1 << 28 | 1 << 29 | 1 << 30 | 1 << 31;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8