blob: 197fdb0c66e7560b022ebda10ebd5d8cdc571f6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/quic/quic_session.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_connection.h"
using base::StringPiece;
using base::hash_map;
using base::hash_set;
using std::vector;
namespace net {
QuicSession::QuicSession(QuicConnection* connection, bool is_server)
: connection_(connection),
next_stream_id_(is_server ? 2 : 3),
largest_peer_created_stream_id_(0) {
QuicSession::~QuicSession() {
bool QuicSession::OnPacket(const IPEndPoint& self_address,
const IPEndPoint& peer_address,
const QuicPacketHeader& header,
const vector<QuicStreamFrame>& frames) {
if (header.guid != connection()->guid()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Got packet header for invalid GUID: " << header.guid;
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.size(); ++i) {
// TODO(rch) deal with the error case of stream id 0
if (IsClosedStream(frames[i].stream_id)) continue;
ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(frames[i].stream_id);
if (stream == NULL) return false;
if (!stream->WillAcceptStreamFrame(frames[i])) return false;
// TODO(alyssar) check against existing connection address: if changed, make
// sure we update the connection.
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.size(); ++i) {
ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(frames[i].stream_id);
if (stream) {
return true;
void QuicSession::OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) {
ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(frame.stream_id);
if (!stream) {
return; // Errors are handled by GetStream.
stream->OnStreamReset(frame.error_code, frame.offset);
void QuicSession::ConnectionClose(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) {
while (stream_map_.size() != 0) {
ReliableStreamMap::iterator it = stream_map_.begin();
QuicStreamId id = it->first;
it->second->ConnectionClose(error, from_peer);
// The stream should call CloseStream as part of ConnectionClose.
if (stream_map_.find(id) != stream_map_.end()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream failed to close under ConnectionClose";
bool QuicSession::OnCanWrite() {
// We latch this here rather than doing a traditional loop, because streams
// may be modifying the list as we loop.
int remaining_writes = write_blocked_streams_.size();
while (connection_->NumQueuedPackets() == 0 &&
remaining_writes > 0) {
ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(write_blocked_streams_.front());
if (stream != NULL) {
// If the stream can't write all bytes, it'll re-add itself to the blocked
// list.
return write_blocked_streams_.empty();
int QuicSession::WriteData(QuicStreamId id, StringPiece data,
QuicStreamOffset offset, bool fin) {
return connection_->SendStreamData(id, data, offset, fin, NULL);
void QuicSession::SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id,
QuicErrorCode error,
QuicStreamOffset offset) {
connection_->SendRstStream(id, error, offset);
void QuicSession::CloseStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) {
DVLOG(1) << "Closing stream " << stream_id;
ReliableStreamMap::iterator it = stream_map_.find(stream_id);
if (it == stream_map_.end()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Stream is already closed: " << stream_id;
bool QuicSession::IsCryptoHandshakeComplete() {
return GetCryptoStream()->handshake_complete();
void QuicSession::OnCryptoHandshakeComplete(QuicErrorCode error) {
// TODO(rch): tear down the connection if error != QUIC_NO_ERROR.
void QuicSession::ActivateStream(ReliableQuicStream* stream) {
DVLOG(1) << "num_streams: " << stream_map_.size() << ". activating "
<< stream->id();
DCHECK(stream_map_.count(stream->id()) == 0);
stream_map_[stream->id()] = stream;
QuicStreamId QuicSession::GetNextStreamId() {
QuicStreamId id = next_stream_id_;
next_stream_id_ += 2;
return id;
ReliableQuicStream* QuicSession::GetStream(const QuicStreamId stream_id) {
if (stream_id == kCryptoStreamId) {
return GetCryptoStream();
ReliableStreamMap::iterator it = stream_map_.find(stream_id);
if (it != stream_map_.end()) {
return it->second;
if (IsClosedStream(stream_id)) {
return NULL;
if (stream_id % 2 == next_stream_id_ % 2) {
// We've received a frame for a locally-created stream that is not
// currently active. This is an error.
return NULL;
return GetIncomingReliableStream(stream_id);
ReliableQuicStream* QuicSession::GetIncomingReliableStream(
QuicStreamId stream_id) {
if (IsClosedStream(stream_id)) {
return NULL;
if (stream_id > largest_peer_created_stream_id_) {
// TODO(rch) add unit test for this
if (stream_id - largest_peer_created_stream_id_ > kMaxStreamIdDelta) {
return NULL;
if (largest_peer_created_stream_id_ != 0) {
for (QuicStreamId id = largest_peer_created_stream_id_ + 2;
id < stream_id;
id += 2) {
largest_peer_created_stream_id_ = stream_id;
ReliableQuicStream* stream = CreateIncomingReliableStream(stream_id);
if (stream == NULL) {
return NULL;
return stream;
bool QuicSession::IsClosedStream(QuicStreamId id) {
DCHECK_NE(0u, id);
if (id == kCryptoStreamId) {
return false;
if (stream_map_.count(id) != 0) {
// Stream is active
return false;
if (id % 2 == next_stream_id_ % 2) {
// Locally created streams are strictly in-order. If the id is in the
// range of created streams and it's not active, it must have been closed.
return id < next_stream_id_;
// For peer created streams, we also need to consider implicitly created
// streams.
return id <= largest_peer_created_stream_id_ &&
implicitly_created_streams_.count(id) == 0;
size_t QuicSession::GetNumOpenStreams() {
return stream_map_.size() + implicitly_created_streams_.size();
void QuicSession::MarkWriteBlocked(QuicStreamId id) {
} // namespace net