blob: 521a3d45f5fa94b043e9c4a12ac7a5bce99386f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file's dependencies should be kept to a minimum so that it can be
// included in WebKit code that doesn't rely on much of common.
namespace net {
// Represents the result of a URL request. It encodes errors and various
// types of success.
class URLRequestStatus {
enum Status {
// Request succeeded, |error_| will be 0.
// An IO request is pending, and the caller will be informed when it is
// completed.
// Request was cancelled programatically.
// The request failed for some reason. |error_| may have more information.
URLRequestStatus() : status_(SUCCESS), error_(0) {}
URLRequestStatus(Status s, int e) : status_(s), error_(e) {}
Status status() const { return status_; }
void set_status(Status s) { status_ = s; }
int error() const { return error_; }
void set_error(int e) { error_ = e; }
// Returns true if the status is success, which makes some calling code more
// convenient because this is the most common test.
bool is_success() const {
return status_ == SUCCESS || status_ == IO_PENDING;
// Returns true if the request is waiting for IO.
bool is_io_pending() const {
return status_ == IO_PENDING;
// Application level status.
Status status_;
// Error code from the network layer if an error was encountered.
int error_;
} // namespace net