blob: d4d235be454bf6cbc5338e896a4f7ae2d02af7eb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Modifications Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tries to translate a GYP file into a GN file.
Output from this script should be piped to ``gn format --stdin``. It most likely
needs to be manually fixed after that as well.
import argparse
import ast
import collections
import itertools
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)))
import # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
VariableRewrite = collections.namedtuple('VariableRewrite',
['name', 'value_rewrites'])
# The directory containing the input file, as a repository-absolute (//foo/bar)
# path
repo_abs_input_file_dir = ''
deps_substitutions = {}
variable_rewrites = {}
class GNException(Exception):
class GYPCondToGNNodeVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
"""An AST NodeVisitor which translates GYP conditions to GN strings.
Given a GYP condition as an AST with mode eval, outputs a string containing
the GN equivalent of that condition. Simplifies conditions involving the
variables OS and os_posix, and performs variable substitutions.
(Assume arm_neon is renamed to arm_use_neon and converted from 0/1 to
>>> g = GYPCondToGNNodeVisitor()
>>> g.visit(ast.parse('arm_neon and target_arch=="xb1"', mode='eval'))
'(arm_use_neon && target_cpu == "xb1")'
>>> g.visit(ast.parse('use_system_libjpeg and target_arch=="xb1"',
... mode='eval'))
'(use_system_libjpeg && target_cpu == "xb1")'
>>> g.visit(ast.parse('arm_neon == 1', mode='eval'))
'arm_use_neon == true'
>>> g.visit(ast.parse('1', mode='eval'))
>>> g.visit(ast.parse('0', mode='eval'))
>>> g.visit(ast.parse('arm_neon != 0 and target_arch != "xb1" and
use_system_libjpeg or enable_doom_melon', mode='eval'))
'((arm_use_neon != false && target_cpu != "xb1" && use_system_libjpeg) ||
>>> g.visit(ast.parse('arm_neon != 0 and target_arch != "xb1" or
use_system_libjpeg and enable_doom_melon', mode='eval'))
'((arm_use_neon != false && target_cpu != "xb1") || (use_system_libjpeg &&
def visit_Expression(self, expr): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
return self.visit(expr.body)
def visit_Num(self, num): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# A number that doesn't occur inside a Compare is taken in boolean context
return GYPValueToGNString(bool(num.n))
def visit_Str(self, string): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
return GYPValueToGNString(string.s)
def visit_Name(self, name): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if in variable_rewrites:
return variable_rewrites[].name
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
glue = ' && ' if isinstance(boolop.op, ast.And) else ' || '
return '(' + glue.join(itertools.imap(self.visit, boolop.values)) + ')'
def visit_Compare(self, compare): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if len(compare.ops) != 1:
raise GNException("This script doesn't support multiple operators in "
if isinstance(compare.ops[0], ast.Eq):
op = ' == '
elif isinstance(compare.ops[0], ast.NotEq):
op = ' != '
raise GNException('Operator ' + str(compare.ops[0]) + ' not supported')
if isinstance(compare.left, ast.Name):
if isinstance(compare.comparators[0], ast.Name): # var1 == var2
left = self.visit_Name(compare.left)
right = self.visit_Name(compare.comparators[0])
elif isinstance(compare.comparators[0], ast.Num): # var1 == 42
left, right = TransformVariable(,
elif isinstance(compare.comparators[0], ast.Str): # var1 == "some string"
left, right = TransformVariable(,
raise GNException('Unknown RHS type ' + str(compare.comparators[0]))
raise GNException('Non-variables on LHS of comparison are not supported')
if right == 'true' and op == ' == ' or right == 'false' and op == ' != ':
return left
elif right == 'false' and op == ' == ' or right == 'true' and op == ' != ':
return '!(' + left + ')'
return left + op + right
def generic_visit(self, node):
raise GNException("I don't know how to convert node " + str(node))
class OSComparisonRewriter(ast.NodeTransformer):
def visit_Compare(self, compare): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Substitute instances of comparisons involving the OS and os_posix
variables with their known values in Compare nodes.
``OS == "starboard"`` -> ``True``
``OS != "starboard"`` -> ``False``
``OS == "linux"`` -> ``False``
``os_posix == 1`` -> ``False``
``os_bsd == 1`` -> ``False``
if len(compare.ops) != 1:
raise GNException("This script doesn't support multiple operators in "
if not isinstance(compare.left, ast.Name):
return compare
elif == 'OS':
if (isinstance(compare.comparators[0], ast.Str) and
compare.comparators[0].s == 'starboard'):
# OS == "starboard" -> True, OS != "starboard" -> False
new_node = ast.Num(1 if isinstance(compare.ops[0], ast.Eq) else 0)
# OS == "something else" -> False, OS != "something else" -> True
new_node = ast.Num(0 if isinstance(compare.ops[0], ast.Eq) else 1)
return ast.copy_location(new_node, compare)
elif in {'os_posix', 'os_bsd'}:
if (isinstance(compare.comparators[0], ast.Num) and
compare.comparators[0].n == 0):
# os_posix == 0 -> True, os_posix != 0 -> False
# ditto for os_bsd
new_node = ast.Num(1 if isinstance(compare.ops[0], ast.Eq) else 0)
# os_posix == (not 0) -> False, os_posix != (not 0) -> True
# ditto for os_bsd
new_node = ast.Num(0 if isinstance(compare.ops[0], ast.Eq) else 1)
return ast.copy_location(new_node, compare)
return compare
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Simplify BoolOp nodes by weeding out Falses and Trues resulting from
the elimination of OS comparisons.
doing_and = isinstance(boolop.op, ast.And)
new_values = map(self.visit, boolop.values)
new_values_filtered = []
for v in new_values:
if isinstance(v, ast.Num):
# "x and False", or "y or True" - short circuit
if (doing_and and v.n == 0) or (not doing_and and v.n == 1):
new_values_filtered = None
# "x and True", or "y or False" - skip the redundant value
elif (doing_and and v.n == 1) or (not doing_and and v.n == 0):
if new_values_filtered is None:
new_node = ast.Num(0 if doing_and else 1)
elif len(new_values_filtered) == 0:
new_node = ast.Num(1 if doing_and else 0)
elif len(new_values_filtered) == 1:
new_node = new_values_filtered[0]
new_node = ast.BoolOp(boolop.op, new_values_filtered)
return ast.copy_location(new_node, boolop)
def Warn(msg):
print >> sys.stderr, '\x1b[1;33mWarning:\x1b[0m', msg
def WarnAboutRemainingKeys(dic):
for key in dic:
Warn("I don't know what {} is".format(key))
def TransformVariable(var, value):
"""Given a variable and value, substitutes the variable name/value with
the new name/new value from the variable_rewrites dict, if applicable.
``('arm_neon', 1)`` -> ``('arm_use_neon', 'true')``
``('gl_type', 'none')`` -> ``('gl_type', 'none')``
if var in variable_rewrites:
var, value_rewrites = variable_rewrites[var]
if value_rewrites is not None:
value = value_rewrites[value]
return var, GYPValueToGNString(value)
def GYPValueToGNString(value, allow_dicts=True):
"""Returns a stringified GN equivalent of the Python value.
allow_dicts indicates if this function will allow converting dictionaries
to GN scopes. This is only possible at the top level, you can't nest a
GN scope in a list, so this should be set to False for recursive calls."""
if isinstance(value, str):
if value.find('\n') >= 0:
raise GNException("GN strings don't support newlines")
# Escape characters
ret = value.replace('\\', r'\\').replace('"', r'\"') \
.replace('$', r'\$')
# Convert variable substitutions
ret = re.sub(r'[<>]\((\w+)\)', r'$\1', ret)
return '"' + ret + '"'
if isinstance(value, unicode):
if value.find(u'\n') >= 0:
raise GNException("GN strings don't support newlines")
# Escape characters
ret = value.replace(u'\\', ur'\\').replace(u'"', ur'\"') \
.replace(u'$', ur'\$')
# Convert variable substitutions
ret = re.sub(ur'[<>]\((\w+)\)', ur'$\1', ret)
return (u'"' + ret + u'"').encode('utf-8')
if isinstance(value, bool):
if value:
return 'true'
return 'false'
if isinstance(value, list):
return '[ %s ]' % ', '.join(GYPValueToGNString(v) for v in value)
if isinstance(value, dict):
if not allow_dicts:
raise GNException('Attempting to recursively print a dictionary.')
result = ''
for key in sorted(value):
if not isinstance(key, basestring):
raise GNException('Dictionary key is not a string.')
result += '%s = %s\n' % (key, GYPValueToGNString(value[key], False))
return result
if isinstance(value, int):
return str(value)
raise GNException('Unsupported type when printing to GN.')
def GYPTargetToGNString(target_dict):
"""Given a target dict, output the GN equivalent."""
target_header_text = ''
target_name = target_dict.pop('target_name')
target_type = target_dict.pop('type')
if target_type in {'executable', 'shared_library', 'static_library'}:
if target_type == 'static_library':
Warn('converting static library, check to see if it should be a '
target_header_text += '{}("{}") {{\n'.format(target_type, target_name)
elif target_type == 'none':
target_header_text += 'group("{}") {{\n'.format(target_name)
elif target_type == '<(gtest_target_type)':
target_header_text += 'test("{}") {{\n'.format(target_name)
elif target_type == '<(final_executable_type)':
target_header_text += 'final_executable("{}") {{\n'.format(target_name)
elif target_type == '<(component)' or target_type == '<(library)':
Warn('converting static library, check to see if it should be a '
target_header_text += 'static_library("{}") {{\n'.format(target_name)
raise GNException("I don't understand target type {}".format(target_type))
target_body_text, configs_text = \
GYPTargetToGNString_Inner(target_dict, target_name)
return configs_text + target_header_text + target_body_text + '}\n\n'
def ProcessIncludeExclude(dic, param):
"""Translate dic[param] and dic[param + '!'] lists to GN.
Example input:
'sources': [ '', '', '' ],
'sources!': [ '' ]
Example output:
sources = [ '', '', '' ]
sources -= [ '' ]
ret = ''
if param in dic:
value = dic.pop(param)
ret += '{} = [ {} ]\n'.format(param, ', '.join(
GYPValueToGNString(s) for s in value))
if param + '!' in dic:
value = dic.pop(param + '!')
ret += '{} -= [ {} ]\n'.format(param, ', '.join(
GYPValueToGNString(s) for s in value))
ret += '\n'
return ret
def ProcessDependentSettings(dependent_settings_dict, target_dict, param,
renamed_param, config_name):
"""Translates direct_dependent_settings and all_dependent_settings blocks
to their GN equivalents. This is done by creating a new GN config, putting
the settings in that config, and adding the config to the target's
public_configs/all_dependent_configs. Returns a tuple of
(target_text, config_text).
Also eliminates the translated settings from the target_dict so they aren't
translated twice.
Example input:
'target_name': 'abc',
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'defines': [ "FOO" ]
Example target text output:
public_configs = [ ":abc_direct_config" ]
Example config text output:
config("abc_direct_config") {
defines = [ "FOO" ]
ret_target = ''
ret_config = 'config("{}") {{\n'.format(config_name)
def FilterList(key):
if key in target_dict and key in dependent_settings_dict:
filtered_list = sorted(
set(target_dict[key]) - set(dependent_settings_dict[key]))
if filtered_list:
target_dict[key] = filtered_list
del target_dict[key]
for inner_param in [
'include_dirs', 'defines', 'asmflags', 'cflags', 'cflags_c', 'cflags_cc',
'cflags_objc', 'cflags_objcc', 'ldflags'
FilterList(inner_param + '!')
ret_config += ProcessIncludeExclude(dependent_settings_dict, inner_param)
if 'variables' in dependent_settings_dict:
Warn("variables block inside {}. You'll need to handle that manually."
del dependent_settings_dict['variables']
if 'conditions' in dependent_settings_dict:
for i, cond_block in enumerate(dependent_settings_dict['conditions']):
cond_config_name = '{}_{}'.format(config_name, i)
t, c = GYPConditionToGNString(cond_block,
lambda dsd: ProcessDependentSettings(dsd, target_dict, param,
ret_config += c
ret_target += t
del dependent_settings_dict['conditions']
if 'target_conditions' in dependent_settings_dict:
for i, cond_block in \
cond_config_name = '{}_t{}'.format(config_name, i)
t, c = GYPConditionToGNString(cond_block,
lambda dsd: ProcessDependentSettings(dsd, target_dict, param,
ret_config += c
ret_target += t
del dependent_settings_dict['target_conditions']
ret_config += '}\n\n'
ret_target += '{} = [ ":{}" ]\n\n'.format(renamed_param, config_name)
return ret_target, ret_config
def GYPTargetToGNString_Inner(target_dict, target_name):
"""Translates the body of a GYP target into a GN string."""
configs_text = ''
target_text = ''
dependent_text = ''
if 'variables' in target_dict:
target_text += GYPVariablesToGNString(target_dict['variables'])
del target_dict['variables']
target_text += ProcessIncludeExclude(target_dict, 'sources')
for param, renamed_param, config_name_elem in \
[('direct_dependent_settings', 'public_configs', 'direct'),
('all_dependent_settings', 'all_dependent_configs', 'dependent')]:
if param in target_dict:
config_name = '{}_{}_config'.format(target_name, config_name_elem)
# Append dependent_text to target_text after include_dirs/defines/etc.
dependent_text, c = ProcessDependentSettings(
target_dict[param], target_dict, param, renamed_param, config_name)
configs_text += c
del target_dict[param]
for param in [
'include_dirs', 'defines', 'asmflags', 'cflags', 'cflags_c', 'cflags_cc',
'cflags_objc', 'cflags_objcc', 'ldflags'
target_text += ProcessIncludeExclude(target_dict, param)
target_text += dependent_text
if 'export_dependent_settings' in target_dict:
target_text += GYPDependenciesToGNString(
'public_deps', target_dict['export_dependent_settings'])
# Remove dependencies covered here from the ordinary dependencies list
target_dict['dependencies'] = sorted(
set(target_dict['dependencies']) -
if not target_dict['dependencies']:
del target_dict['dependencies']
del target_dict['export_dependent_settings']
if 'dependencies' in target_dict:
target_text += GYPDependenciesToGNString('deps',
del target_dict['dependencies']
if 'conditions' in target_dict:
for cond_block in target_dict['conditions']:
t, c = GYPConditionToGNString(
cond_block, lambda td: GYPTargetToGNString_Inner(td, target_name))
configs_text += c
target_text += t
del target_dict['conditions']
if 'target_conditions' in target_dict:
for cond_block in target_dict['target_conditions']:
t, c = GYPConditionToGNString(
cond_block, lambda td: GYPTargetToGNString_Inner(td, target_name))
configs_text += c
target_text += t
del target_dict['target_conditions']
return target_text, configs_text
def GYPDependenciesToGNString(param, dep_list):
r"""Translates a GYP dependency into a GN dependency. Tries to intelligently
perform target renames as according to GN style conventions.
(Note that <(DEPTH) has already been translated into // by the time this
function is called)
>>> GYPDependenciesToGNString('deps', ['//cobalt/math/math.gyp:math'])
'deps = [ "//cobalt/math" ]\n\n'
>>> GYPDependenciesToGNString('public_deps',
... ['//testing/gtest.gyp:gtest'])
'public_deps = [ "//testing/gtest" ]\n\n'
>>> GYPDependenciesToGNString('deps', ['//third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n'])
'deps = [ "//third_party/icu:icui18n" ]\n\n'
>>> GYPDependenciesToGNString('deps',
... ['//cobalt/browser/browser_bindings_gen.gyp:generated_types'])
'deps = [ "//cobalt/browser/browser_bindings_gen:generated_types" ]\n\n'
>>> GYPDependenciesToGNString('deps', ['allocator'])
'deps = [ ":allocator" ]\n\n'
>>> # Suppose the input file is in //cobalt/foo/bar/
>>> GYPDependenciesToGNString('deps', ['../baz.gyp:quux'])
'deps = [ "//cobalt/foo/baz:quux" ]\n\n'
new_dep_list = []
for dep in dep_list:
if dep in deps_substitutions:
m1 = re.match(r'(.*/)?(\w+)/\2\.gyp:\2$', dep)
m2 = re.match(r'(.*/)?(\w+)\.gyp:\2$', dep)
m3 = re.match(r'(.*/)?(\w+)/\2.gyp:(\w+)$', dep)
m4 = re.match(r'(.*)\.gyp:(\w+)$', dep)
m5 = re.match(r'\w+', dep)
if m1:
new_dep = '{}{}'.format( or '',
elif m2:
new_dep = '{}{}'.format( or '',
elif m3:
new_dep = '{}{}:{}'.format( or '',,
elif m4:
new_dep = '{}:{}'.format(,
elif m5:
new_dep = ':' + dep
Warn("I don't know how to translate dependency " + dep)
if not (new_dep.startswith('//') or new_dep.startswith(':') or
# Rebase new_dep to be repository-absolute
new_dep = os.path.normpath(repo_abs_input_file_dir + new_dep)
quoted_deps = ['"{}"'.format(d) for d in new_dep_list]
return '{} = [ {} ]\n\n'.format(param, ', '.join(quoted_deps))
def GYPVariablesToGNString(varblock):
"""Translates a GYP variables block into its GN equivalent, performing
variable substitutions as necessary."""
ret = ''
if 'variables' in varblock:
# Recursively flatten nested variables dicts.
ret += GYPVariablesToGNString(varblock['variables'])
for k, v in varblock.viewitems():
if k in {'variables', 'conditions'}:
if k.endswith('%'):
k = k[:-1]
if not k.endswith('!'):
ret += '{} = {}\n'.format(*TransformVariable(k, v))
ret += '{} -= {}\n'.format(*TransformVariable(k[:-1], v))
if 'conditions' in varblock:
for cond_block in varblock['conditions']:
ret += GYPConditionToGNString(cond_block, GYPVariablesToGNString)[0]
ret += '\n'
return ret
def GYPConditionToGNString(cond_block, recursive_translate):
"""Translates a GYP condition block into a GN string. The recursive_translate
param is a function that is called with the true subdict and the false
subdict if applicable. The recursive_translate function returns either a
single string that should go inside the if/else block, or a tuple of
(target_text, config_text), in which the target_text goes inside the if/else
block and the config_text goes outside.
Returns a tuple (target_text, config_text), where config_text is the empty
string if recursive_translate only returns one string.
cond = cond_block[0]
iftrue = cond_block[1]
iffalse = cond_block[2] if len(cond_block) == 3 else None
ast_cond = ast.parse(cond, mode='eval')
ast_cond = OSComparisonRewriter().visit(ast_cond)
translated_cond = GYPCondToGNNodeVisitor().visit(ast_cond)
if translated_cond == 'false' and iffalse is None:
# if (false) { ... } -> nothing
# Special cased to avoid printing warnings from the unnecessary translation
# of the true clause
return '', ''
translated_iftrue = recursive_translate(iftrue)
if isinstance(translated_iftrue, tuple):
iftrue_text, aux_iftrue_text = translated_iftrue
iftrue_text, aux_iftrue_text = translated_iftrue, ''
if translated_cond == 'true': # Tautology - just return the body
return iftrue_text, aux_iftrue_text
elif iffalse is None: # Non-tautology, non-contradiction, no else clause
return ('if (' + translated_cond + ') {\n' + iftrue_text + '}\n\n',
else: # Non-tautology, else clause present
translated_iffalse = recursive_translate(iffalse)
if isinstance(translated_iffalse, tuple):
iffalse_text, aux_iffalse_text = translated_iffalse
iffalse_text, aux_iffalse_text = translated_iffalse, ''
if translated_cond == 'false': # if (false) { blah } else { ... } -> ...
return iffalse_text, aux_iffalse_text
return ('if (' + translated_cond + ') {\n' + iftrue_text + '} else {\n' +
iffalse_text + '}\n\n', aux_iftrue_text + aux_iffalse_text)
def ToplevelGYPToGNString(toplevel_dict):
"""Translates a toplevel GYP dict to GN. This is the main function which is
called to perform the GYP to GN translation.
ret = ''
if 'variables' in toplevel_dict:
ret += GYPVariablesToGNString(toplevel_dict['variables'])
del toplevel_dict['variables']
if 'targets' in toplevel_dict:
for t in toplevel_dict['targets']:
ret += GYPTargetToGNString(t)
del toplevel_dict['targets']
if 'conditions' in toplevel_dict:
for cond_block in toplevel_dict['conditions']:
ret += GYPConditionToGNString(cond_block, ToplevelGYPToGNString)[0]
del toplevel_dict['conditions']
if 'target_conditions' in toplevel_dict:
for cond_block in toplevel_dict['target_conditions']:
ret += GYPConditionToGNString(cond_block, ToplevelGYPToGNString)[0]
del toplevel_dict['target_conditions']
return ret
def LoadPythonDictionary(path):
with open(path, 'r') as fin:
file_string =
file_data = eval(file_string, {'__builtins__': None}, None) # pylint: disable=eval-used
except SyntaxError, e:
e.filename = path
except Exception, e:
raise Exception('Unexpected error while reading %s: %s' % (path, str(e)))
assert isinstance(file_data, dict), '%s does not eval to a dictionary' % path
return file_data
def ReplaceSubstrings(values, search_for, replace_with):
"""Recursively replaces substrings in a value.
Replaces all substrings of the "search_for" with "replace_with" for all
strings occurring in "values". This is done by recursively iterating into
lists as well as the keys and values of dictionaries.
if isinstance(values, str):
return values.replace(search_for, replace_with)
if isinstance(values, list):
return [ReplaceSubstrings(v, search_for, replace_with) for v in values]
if isinstance(values, dict):
# For dictionaries, do the search for both the key and values.
result = {}
for key, value in values.viewitems():
new_key = ReplaceSubstrings(key, search_for, replace_with)
new_value = ReplaceSubstrings(value, search_for, replace_with)
result[new_key] = new_value
return result
# Assume everything else is unchanged.
return values
def CalculatePaths(filename):
global repo_abs_input_file_dir
abs_input_file_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename))
abs_repo_root = + '/'
if not abs_input_file_dir.startswith(abs_repo_root):
raise ValueError('Input file is not in repository')
repo_abs_input_file_dir = '//' + abs_input_file_dir[len(abs_repo_root):] + '/'
def LoadDepsSubstitutions():
dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if dirname:
dirname += '/'
with open(dirname + 'deps_substitutions.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in itertools.ifilter(lambda lin: lin.strip(), f):
dep, new_dep = line.split()
deps_substitutions[dep.replace('<(DEPTH)/', '//')] = new_dep
def LoadVariableRewrites():
dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if dirname:
dirname += '/'
vr = LoadPythonDictionary(dirname + 'variable_rewrites.dict')
if 'rewrites' in vr:
for old_name, rewrite in vr['rewrites'].viewitems():
variable_rewrites[old_name] = VariableRewrite(*rewrite)
if 'renames' in vr:
for old_name, new_name in vr['renames'].viewitems():
variable_rewrites[old_name] = VariableRewrite(new_name, None)
if 'booleans' in vr:
bool_mapping = {0: False, 1: True}
for v in vr['booleans']:
if v in variable_rewrites:
variable_rewrites[v] = \
variable_rewrites[v] = VariableRewrite(v, bool_mapping)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert a subset of GYP to GN.')
help='Replaces substrings. If passed a=b, replaces all '
'substrs a with b.')
parser.add_argument('file', help='The GYP file to read.')
args = parser.parse_args()
data = LoadPythonDictionary(args.file)
if args.replace:
# Do replacements for all specified patterns.
for replace in args.replace:
split = replace.split('=')
# Allow 'foo=' to replace with nothing.
if len(split) == 1:
assert len(split) == 2, "Replacement must be of the form 'key=value'."
data = ReplaceSubstrings(data, split[0], split[1])
# Also replace <(DEPTH)/ with //
data = ReplaceSubstrings(data, '<(DEPTH)/', '//')
print ToplevelGYPToGNString(data)
if __name__ == '__main__':