blob: cb30844f0a47cc93330d88f2ef9b91374e7429f9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.
"""Allows to use cmd as a shell."""
import re
from import abstract
def _MaybeJoin(shell, command):
if isinstance(command, basestring):
return command
return shell.Join(command)
class Shell(abstract.Shell):
"""Constructs command lines using Cmd syntax."""
def __init__(self, quote=True):
# Toggle whether or not to quote command line arguments.
self.quote = quote
def MaybeQuoteArgument(self, arg):
# Rather than attempting to enumerate the bad shell characters, just
# whitelist common OK ones and quote anything else.
if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_=.\\/-]+$', arg):
return arg # No quoting necessary.
return self.QuoteForRspFile(arg)
def QuoteForRspFile(self, arg):
"""Quote a command line argument.
Quote the argument so that it appears as one argument when
processed via cmd.exe and parsed by CommandLineToArgvW (as is typical for
Windows programs).
arg: The argument to quote.
The quoted argument.
# See and including the comment
# threads. This is actually the quoting rules for CommandLineToArgvW, not
# for the shell, because the shell doesn't do anything in Windows. This
# works more or less because most programs (including the compiler, etc.)
# use that function to handle command line arguments.
# For a literal quote, CommandLineToArgvW requires 2n+1 backslashes
# preceding it, and results in n backslashes + the quote. So we substitute
# in 2* what we match, +1 more, plus the quote.
windows_quoter_regex = re.compile(r'(\\*)"')
arg = windows_quoter_regex.sub(lambda mo: 2 * + '\\"', arg)
# %'s also need to be doubled otherwise they're interpreted as batch
# positional arguments. Also make sure to escape the % so that they're
# passed literally through escaping so they can be singled to just the
# original %. Otherwise, trying to pass the literal representation that
# looks like an environment variable to the shell (e.g. %PATH%) would fail.
arg = arg.replace('%', '%%')
# These commands are used in rsp files, so no escaping for the shell (via ^)
# is necessary.
# Finally, wrap the whole thing in quotes so that the above quote rule
# applies and whitespace isn't a word break.
return '"' + arg + '"'
def Join(self, command):
assert not isinstance(command, basestring)
if self.quote:
return ' '.join(self.MaybeQuoteArgument(argument) for argument in command)
return ' '.join(command)
def And(self, *commands):
return ' && '.join(_MaybeJoin(self, command) for command in commands)
def Or(self, *commands):
return ' || '.join(_MaybeJoin(self, command) for command in commands)