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<title>W3C WebSocket API - Close WebSocket - Reason with unpaired surrogates</title>
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var testOpen = async_test("W3C WebSocket API - Create WebSocket - Close the Connection - close(reason with unpaired surrogates) - connection should get opened");
var testClose = async_test("W3C WebSocket API - Create WebSocket - Close the Connection - close(reason with unpaired surrogates) - connection should get closed");
var wsocket = CreateWebSocket(false, false, false);
var isOpenCalled = false;
var replacementChar = "\uFFFD";
var reason = "\uD807";
wsocket.addEventListener('open', testOpen.step_func(function (evt) {
wsocket.close(1000, reason);
isOpenCalled = true;
}), true);
wsocket.addEventListener('close', testClose.step_func(function (evt) {
assert_true(isOpenCalled, "WebSocket connection should be opened");
assert_equals(evt.reason, replacementChar, "reason replaced with replacement character");
}), true);