blob: 3831d4d86ba57e7893c4cbf11247efad2b530963 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "cobalt/math/rect.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/backend/egl/graphics_context.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/backend/egl/texture.h"
#include "third_party/glm/glm/mat4x4.hpp"
namespace cobalt {
namespace renderer {
namespace rasterizer {
namespace egl {
// Helper class to render textured meshes. The class is centered around the
// public method RenderVBO(), which can be used to render an arbitrary GLES2
// vertex buffer object (where each vertex has a 3-float position and a
// 2-float texture coordinate), with a specified texture applied to it.
class TexturedMeshRenderer {
explicit TexturedMeshRenderer(backend::GraphicsContextEGL* graphics_context);
// The Image structure acts as an interface for describing an image, which
// in the case of YUV formats, may be composed of multiple textures.
struct Image {
enum Type {
// YUV BT709 image, where the Y component is on one plane and the UV
// components are on a second plane. NV12 would for example choose
// this format type.
// YUV BT709 image where the Y, U and V components are all on different
// textures.
// 1 texture is used that contains RGBA pixels.
// 1 texture plane is used where Y is sampled twice for each UV sample
// (horizontally).
struct Texture {
const backend::TextureEGL* texture;
math::Rect content_region;
// Returns the number of valid textures in this image, based on its format.
int num_textures() const {
switch (type) {
case YUV_2PLANE_BT709:
return 2;
case YUV_3PLANE_BT709:
return 3;
case RGBA:
case YUV_UYVY_422_BT709:
return 1;
return 0;
Type type;
Texture textures[3];
// A context must be current before this method is called. Before calling
// this function, please configure glViewport() and glScissor() as desired.
// The content region indicates which source rectangle of the input texture
// should be used (i.e. the VBO's texture coordinates will be transformed to
// lie within this rectangle).
void RenderVBO(uint32 vbo, int num_vertices, uint32 mode, const Image& image,
const glm::mat4& mvp_transform);
// This method will call into RenderVBO(), so the comments pertaining to that
// method also apply to this method. This method renders with vertex
// positions (-1, -1) -> (1, 1), so it will occupy the entire viewport
// specified by glViewport().
void RenderQuad(const Image& image, const glm::mat4& mvp_transform);
struct TextureInfo {
TextureInfo(const std::string& name, const std::string& components)
: name(name), components(components) {}
std::string name;
std::string components;
struct ProgramInfo {
int32 mvp_transform_uniform;
int32 texcoord_scale_translate_uniforms[3];
int32 texture_uniforms[3];
int32 texture_size_uniforms[3];
uint32 gl_program_id;
// We key each program off of their GL texture type and image type.
typedef std::tuple<uint32, Image::Type, base::optional<int32> > CacheKey;
typedef std::map<CacheKey, ProgramInfo> ProgramCache;
uint32 GetQuadVBO();
ProgramInfo GetBlitProgram(const Image& image);
static ProgramInfo MakeBlitProgram(const float* color_matrix,
const std::vector<TextureInfo>& textures,
uint32 blit_fragment_shader);
static uint32 CreateFragmentShader(uint32 texture_target,
const std::vector<TextureInfo>& textures);
static uint32 CreateVertexShader(const std::vector<TextureInfo>& textures);
// UYVY textures need a special fragment shader to handle the unique aspect
// of applying bilinear filtering within a texel between the two Y values.
static uint32 CreateUYVYFragmentShader(uint32 texture_target,
int32 texture_wrap_s);
backend::GraphicsContextEGL* graphics_context_;
// Since different texture targets can warrant different shaders/programs,
// we keep a map of blit programs for each texture target, and initialize
// them lazily.
ProgramCache blit_program_cache_;
static const int kBlitPositionAttribute = 0;
static const int kBlitTexcoordAttribute = 1;
base::optional<uint32> quad_vbo_;
} // namespace egl
} // namespace rasterizer
} // namespace renderer
} // namespace cobalt