blob: 5e73d9ac6a041de1b8ebaf94ad55677c3fc63135 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/lru_cache.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/tracing_buildflags.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h" // no-presubmit-check
namespace base {
namespace {
int cached_item_live_count = 0;
struct CachedItem {
CachedItem() : value(0) { cached_item_live_count++; }
explicit CachedItem(int new_value) : value(new_value) {
CachedItem(const CachedItem& other) : value(other.value) {
~CachedItem() { cached_item_live_count--; }
int value;
} // namespace
template <typename LRUCacheTemplate>
class LRUCacheTest : public testing::Test {};
struct LRUCacheTemplate {
template <class Key, class Value, class KeyCompare = std::less<Key>>
using Type = base::LRUCache<Key, Value, KeyCompare>;
struct HashingLRUCacheTemplate {
template <class Key,
class Value,
class KeyHash = std::hash<Key>,
class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>>
using Type = base::HashingLRUCache<Key, Value, KeyHash, KeyEqual>;
using LRUCacheTemplates =
testing::Types<LRUCacheTemplate, HashingLRUCacheTemplate>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(LRUCacheTest, LRUCacheTemplates);
template <typename LRUCacheSetTemplate>
class LRUCacheSetTest : public testing::Test {};
struct LRUCacheSetTemplate {
template <class Value, class Compare = std::less<Value>>
using Type = base::LRUCacheSet<Value, Compare>;
struct HashingLRUCacheSetTemplate {
template <class Value,
class Hash = std::hash<Value>,
class Equal = std::equal_to<Value>>
using Type = base::HashingLRUCacheSet<Value, Hash, Equal>;
using LRUCacheSetTemplates =
testing::Types<LRUCacheSetTemplate, HashingLRUCacheSetTemplate>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(LRUCacheSetTest, LRUCacheSetTemplates);
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, Basic) {
typedef typename TypeParam::template Type<int, CachedItem> Cache;
Cache cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
// Check failure conditions
CachedItem test_item;
EXPECT_TRUE(cache.Get(0) == cache.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(cache.Peek(0) == cache.end());
static const int kItem1Key = 5;
CachedItem item1(10);
auto inserted_item = cache.Put(kItem1Key, item1);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, cache.size());
// Check that item1 was properly inserted.
auto found = cache.Get(kItem1Key);
EXPECT_TRUE(inserted_item == cache.begin());
EXPECT_TRUE(found != cache.end());
found = cache.Peek(kItem1Key);
EXPECT_TRUE(found != cache.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, found->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, found->second.value);
static const int kItem2Key = 7;
CachedItem item2(12);
cache.Put(kItem2Key, item2);
EXPECT_EQ(2U, cache.size());
// Check that item1 is the oldest since item2 was added afterwards.
auto oldest = cache.rbegin();
ASSERT_TRUE(oldest != cache.rend());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, oldest->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, oldest->second.value);
// Check that item1 is still accessible by key.
auto test_item = cache.Get(kItem1Key);
ASSERT_TRUE(test_item != cache.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, test_item->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, test_item->second.value);
// Check that retrieving item1 pushed item2 to oldest.
auto oldest = cache.rbegin();
ASSERT_TRUE(oldest != cache.rend());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem2Key, oldest->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item2.value, oldest->second.value);
// Remove the oldest item and check that item1 is now the only member.
auto next = cache.Erase(cache.rbegin());
EXPECT_EQ(1U, cache.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(next == cache.rbegin());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, next->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, next->second.value);
EXPECT_EQ(0U, cache.size());
// Check that Clear() works properly.
cache.Put(kItem1Key, item1);
cache.Put(kItem2Key, item2);
EXPECT_EQ(2U, cache.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0U, cache.size());
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, GetVsPeek) {
typedef typename TypeParam::template Type<int, CachedItem> Cache;
Cache cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
static const int kItem1Key = 1;
CachedItem item1(10);
cache.Put(kItem1Key, item1);
static const int kItem2Key = 2;
CachedItem item2(20);
cache.Put(kItem2Key, item2);
// This should do nothing since the size is bigger than the number of items.
// Check that item1 starts out as oldest
auto iter = cache.rbegin();
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache.rend());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, iter->second.value);
// Check that Peek doesn't change ordering
auto peekiter = cache.Peek(kItem1Key);
ASSERT_TRUE(peekiter != cache.end());
auto iter = cache.rbegin();
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache.rend());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, iter->second.value);
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, KeyReplacement) {
typedef typename TypeParam::template Type<int, CachedItem> Cache;
Cache cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
static const int kItem1Key = 1;
CachedItem item1(10);
cache.Put(kItem1Key, item1);
static const int kItem2Key = 2;
CachedItem item2(20);
cache.Put(kItem2Key, item2);
static const int kItem3Key = 3;
CachedItem item3(30);
cache.Put(kItem3Key, item3);
static const int kItem4Key = 4;
CachedItem item4(40);
cache.Put(kItem4Key, item4);
CachedItem item5(50);
cache.Put(kItem3Key, item5);
EXPECT_EQ(4U, cache.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
auto iter = cache.rbegin();
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache.rend());
// Make it so only the most important element is there.
auto iter = cache.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(kItem3Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item5.value, iter->second.value);
// Make sure that the cache release its pointers properly.
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, Owning) {
using Cache =
typename TypeParam::template Type<int, std::unique_ptr<CachedItem>>;
Cache cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
int initial_count = cached_item_live_count;
// First insert and item and then overwrite it.
static const int kItem1Key = 1;
cache.Put(kItem1Key, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(20));
cache.Put(kItem1Key, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(22));
// There should still be one item, and one extra live item.
auto iter = cache.Get(kItem1Key);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, cache.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(iter != cache.end());
EXPECT_EQ(initial_count + 1, cached_item_live_count);
// Now remove it.
EXPECT_EQ(initial_count, cached_item_live_count);
// Now try another cache that goes out of scope to make sure its pointers
// go away.
Cache cache2(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
cache2.Put(1, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(20));
cache2.Put(2, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(20));
// There should be no objects leaked.
EXPECT_EQ(initial_count, cached_item_live_count);
// Check that Clear() also frees things correctly.
Cache cache2(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
cache2.Put(1, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(20));
cache2.Put(2, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(20));
EXPECT_EQ(initial_count + 2, cached_item_live_count);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_count, cached_item_live_count);
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, AutoEvict) {
using Cache =
typename TypeParam::template Type<int, std::unique_ptr<CachedItem>>;
static const typename Cache::size_type kMaxSize = 3;
int initial_count = cached_item_live_count;
Cache cache(kMaxSize);
static const int kItem1Key = 1, kItem2Key = 2, kItem3Key = 3, kItem4Key = 4;
cache.Put(kItem1Key, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(20));
cache.Put(kItem2Key, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(21));
cache.Put(kItem3Key, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(22));
cache.Put(kItem4Key, std::make_unique<CachedItem>(23));
// The cache should only have kMaxSize items in it even though we inserted
// more.
EXPECT_EQ(kMaxSize, cache.size());
// There should be no objects leaked.
EXPECT_EQ(initial_count, cached_item_live_count);
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, HashingLRUCache) {
// Very simple test to make sure that the hashing cache works correctly.
typedef typename TypeParam::template Type<std::string, CachedItem> Cache;
Cache cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
CachedItem one(1);
cache.Put("First", one);
CachedItem two(2);
cache.Put("Second", two);
EXPECT_EQ(one.value, cache.Get("First")->second.value);
EXPECT_EQ(two.value, cache.Get("Second")->second.value);
EXPECT_EQ(two.value, cache.Get("Second")->second.value);
EXPECT_TRUE(cache.Get("First") == cache.end());
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, Swap) {
typedef typename TypeParam::template Type<int, CachedItem> Cache;
Cache cache1(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
// Insert two items into cache1.
static const int kItem1Key = 1;
CachedItem item1(2);
auto inserted_item = cache1.Put(kItem1Key, item1);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, cache1.size());
static const int kItem2Key = 3;
CachedItem item2(4);
cache1.Put(kItem2Key, item2);
EXPECT_EQ(2U, cache1.size());
// Verify cache1's elements.
auto iter = cache1.begin();
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache1.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem2Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item2.value, iter->second.value);
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache1.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, iter->second.value);
// Create another cache2.
Cache cache2(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
// Insert three items into cache2.
static const int kItem3Key = 5;
CachedItem item3(6);
inserted_item = cache2.Put(kItem3Key, item3);
EXPECT_EQ(1U, cache2.size());
static const int kItem4Key = 7;
CachedItem item4(8);
cache2.Put(kItem4Key, item4);
EXPECT_EQ(2U, cache2.size());
static const int kItem5Key = 9;
CachedItem item5(10);
cache2.Put(kItem5Key, item5);
EXPECT_EQ(3U, cache2.size());
// Verify cache2's elements.
auto iter = cache2.begin();
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache2.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem5Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item5.value, iter->second.value);
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache2.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem4Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item4.value, iter->second.value);
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache2.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem3Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item3.value, iter->second.value);
// Swap cache1 and cache2 and verify cache2 has cache1's elements and cache1
// has cache2's elements.
EXPECT_EQ(3U, cache1.size());
EXPECT_EQ(2U, cache2.size());
// Verify cache1's elements.
auto iter = cache1.begin();
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache1.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem5Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item5.value, iter->second.value);
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache1.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem4Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item4.value, iter->second.value);
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache1.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem3Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item3.value, iter->second.value);
// Verify cache2's elements.
auto iter = cache2.begin();
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache2.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem2Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item2.value, iter->second.value);
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != cache2.end());
EXPECT_EQ(kItem1Key, iter->first);
EXPECT_EQ(item1.value, iter->second.value);
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheSetTest, SetTest) {
typedef typename TypeParam::template Type<std::string> Cache;
Cache cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
// Insert a duplicate element
// Iterate from oldest to newest
auto r_iter = cache.rbegin();
EXPECT_EQ(*r_iter, "Hello");
EXPECT_EQ(*r_iter, "world");
EXPECT_EQ(*r_iter, "bar");
EXPECT_EQ(*r_iter, "foo");
EXPECT_EQ(r_iter, cache.rend());
// Iterate from newest to oldest
auto iter = cache.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(*iter, "foo");
EXPECT_EQ(*iter, "bar");
EXPECT_EQ(*iter, "world");
EXPECT_EQ(*iter, "Hello");
EXPECT_EQ(iter, cache.end());
// Generalized dereference function. For the base case, this is the identity
// function.
template <typename T>
struct Deref {
using Target = T;
static const Target& deref(const T& x) { return x; }
// `RefCountedData` wraps a type in an interface that supports refcounting.
// Deref this as the wrapped type.
template <typename T>
struct Deref<RefCountedData<T>> {
using Target = typename Deref<T>::Target;
static const Target& deref(const RefCountedData<T>& x) {
return Deref<T>::deref(;
// `scoped_refptr` is a smart pointer that implements reference counting.
// Deref this as the pointee.
template <typename T>
struct Deref<scoped_refptr<T>> {
using Target = typename Deref<T>::Target;
static const Target& deref(const scoped_refptr<T>& x) {
return Deref<T>::deref(*x);
// Implementation of a `std::less`-like type that dereferences the given values
// before comparison.
template <typename T>
struct DerefCompare {
bool operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const {
return Deref<T>::deref(lhs) < Deref<T>::deref(rhs);
// Implementation of a `std::equal_to`-like type that dereferences the given
// values before comparison.
template <typename T>
struct DerefEqual {
bool operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) const {
return Deref<T>::deref(lhs) == Deref<T>::deref(rhs);
// Implementation of a `std::hash`-like type that dereferences the given value
// before calculating the hash.
template <typename T, template <class> typename HashT = std::hash>
struct DerefHash {
size_t operator()(const T& x) const {
return HashT<typename Deref<T>::Target>()(Deref<T>::deref(x));
// This tests that upon replacing a duplicate element in the cache with `Put`,
// the element's identity is replaced as well.
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheSetTest, ReplacementIdentity) {
using Item = RefCountedData<std::string>;
using Ptr = scoped_refptr<Item>;
// Helper to create the correct type of base::*LRUCacheSet, since they have
// different template arguments.
constexpr auto kCreateCache = []() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TypeParam, LRUCacheSetTemplate>) {
using Cache = typename TypeParam::template Type<Ptr, DerefCompare<Ptr>>;
return Cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TypeParam,
HashingLRUCacheSetTemplate>) {
using Cache = typename TypeParam::template Type<Ptr, DerefHash<Ptr>,
return Cache(Cache::NO_AUTO_EVICT);
} else {
"This test was only written to support "
"`LRUCacheSetTemplate` and `HashingLRUCacheSetTemplate`");
auto cache = kCreateCache();
// Insert a duplicate element
auto foo = MakeRefCounted<Item>("foo");
const auto* new_foo_addr = foo.get();
const auto* old_foo_addr = cache.Peek(foo)->get();
auto iter = cache.Put(std::move(foo));
EXPECT_EQ(iter->get(), new_foo_addr);
EXPECT_NE(iter->get(), old_foo_addr);
// Iterate from oldest to newest
auto r_iter = cache.rbegin();
EXPECT_EQ((*r_iter)->data, "Hello");
EXPECT_EQ((*r_iter)->data, "world");
EXPECT_EQ((*r_iter)->data, "bar");
EXPECT_EQ((*r_iter)->data, "foo");
EXPECT_EQ(r_iter, cache.rend());
// Iterate from newest to oldest
auto iter = cache.begin();
EXPECT_EQ((*iter)->data, "foo");
EXPECT_EQ((*iter)->data, "bar");
EXPECT_EQ((*iter)->data, "world");
EXPECT_EQ((*iter)->data, "Hello");
EXPECT_EQ(iter, cache.end());
TYPED_TEST(LRUCacheTest, EstimateMemory) {
typedef typename TypeParam::template Type<std::string, int> Cache;
Cache cache(10);
const std::string key(100u, 'a');
cache.Put(key, 1);
} // namespace base