blob: de56ca8bdfd04f49c9c919306f46d66566423827 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <elf.h>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/hash/sha1.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
// Functions for querying metadata from ELF binaries. All functions are signal
// safe and require that the file be fully memory mapped.
#if __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4
using Phdr = Elf32_Phdr;
using Phdr = Elf64_Phdr;
namespace base {
namespace debug {
// Hex-encodes the build ID from the ELF binary located at |elf_mapped_base|.
// Returns the length of the build ID in bytes, or zero if the build ID couldn't
// be read.
// When |uppercase| is |true|, the output string is written using uppercase hex
// characters. Otherwise, the output is lowercased.
constexpr size_t kMaxBuildIdStringLength = kSHA1Length * 2;
using ElfBuildIdBuffer = char[kMaxBuildIdStringLength + 1];
size_t BASE_EXPORT ReadElfBuildId(const void* elf_mapped_base,
bool uppercase,
ElfBuildIdBuffer build_id);
// Returns the library name from the ELF file mapped at |elf_mapped_base|.
// Returns an empty result if the name could not be read.
absl::optional<StringPiece> BASE_EXPORT
ReadElfLibraryName(const void* elf_mapped_base);
// Returns a span of ELF program headers for the ELF file mapped at
// |elf_mapped_base|, or an empty span if the header couldn't be read.
span<const Phdr> BASE_EXPORT GetElfProgramHeaders(const void* elf_mapped_base);
// Returns the offset to add to virtual addresses in the image to compute the
// mapped virtual address. This value must be added to the p_vaddr field in the
// Phdrs to obtain the mapped virtual address.
size_t BASE_EXPORT GetRelocationOffset(const void* elf_mapped_base);
} // namespace debug
} // namespace base