blob: 74793e5e4e56eeab17637fcd8edeeee75287ed81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "base/debug/debugging_buildflags.h"
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/process/kill.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/profiler/stack_buffer.h"
#include "base/profiler/stack_copier.h"
#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/multiprocess_func_list.h"
#include "base/test/multiprocess_test.h"
namespace base {
namespace debug {
typedef MultiProcessTest StackTraceTest;
typedef testing::Test StackTraceTest;
#if !defined(__UCLIBC__) && !defined(_AIX) && !defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
// StackTrace::OutputToStream() is not implemented under uclibc, nor AIX.
// See
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, OutputToStream) {
StackTrace trace;
// Dump the trace into a string.
std::ostringstream os;
std::string backtrace_message = os.str();
// ToString() should produce the same output.
EXPECT_EQ(backtrace_message, trace.ToString());
size_t frames_found = 0;
const void* const* addresses = trace.Addresses(&frames_found);
#if defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && \
// Stack traces require an extra data table that bloats our binaries,
// so they're turned off for official builds. Stop the test here, so
// it at least verifies that StackTrace calls don't crash.
#endif // defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) &&
ASSERT_GT(frames_found, 5u) << "Too few frames found.";
if (!StackTrace::WillSymbolizeToStreamForTesting())
// Check if the output has symbol initialization warning. If it does, fail.
ASSERT_EQ(backtrace_message.find("Dumping unresolved backtrace"),
<< "Unable to resolve symbols.";
// Expect a demangled symbol.
// Note that Windows Release builds omit the function parameters from the
// demangled stack output, otherwise this could be "testing::UnitTest::Run()".
EXPECT_TRUE(backtrace_message.find("testing::UnitTest::Run") !=
<< "Expected a demangled symbol in backtrace:\n"
<< backtrace_message;
// Expect to at least find main.
EXPECT_TRUE(backtrace_message.find("main") != std::string::npos)
<< "Expected to find main in backtrace:\n"
<< backtrace_message;
// Expect to find this function as well.
// Note: This will fail if not linked with -rdynamic (aka -export_dynamic)
EXPECT_TRUE(backtrace_message.find(__func__) != std::string::npos)
<< "Expected to find " << __func__ << " in backtrace:\n"
<< backtrace_message;
#if !defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && !defined(NO_UNWIND_TABLES)
// Disabled in Official builds, where Link-Time Optimization can result in two
// or fewer stack frames being available, causing the test to fail.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, TruncatedTrace) {
StackTrace trace;
size_t count = 0;
ASSERT_LT(2u, count);
StackTrace truncated(2);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, count);
#endif // !defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && !defined(NO_UNWIND_TABLES)
// The test is used for manual testing, e.g., to see the raw output.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, DebugOutputToStream) {
StackTrace trace;
std::ostringstream os;
VLOG(1) << os.str();
// The test is used for manual testing, e.g., to see the raw output.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, DebugPrintBacktrace) {
// The test is used for manual testing, e.g., to see the raw output.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, DebugPrintWithPrefixBacktrace) {
// Make sure nullptr prefix doesn't crash. Output not examined, much
// like the DebugPrintBacktrace test above.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, DebugPrintWithNullPrefixBacktrace) {
// Test OutputToStreamWithPrefix, mainly to make sure it doesn't
// crash. Any "real" stack trace testing happens above.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, DebugOutputToStreamWithPrefix) {
StackTrace trace;
const char* prefix_string = "[test]";
std::ostringstream os;
trace.OutputToStreamWithPrefix(&os, prefix_string);
std::string backtrace_message = os.str();
// ToStringWithPrefix() should produce the same output.
EXPECT_EQ(backtrace_message, trace.ToStringWithPrefix(prefix_string));
// Make sure nullptr prefix doesn't crash. Output not examined, much
// like the DebugPrintBacktrace test above.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, DebugOutputToStreamWithNullPrefix) {
StackTrace trace;
std::ostringstream os;
trace.OutputToStreamWithPrefix(&os, nullptr);
#endif // !defined(__UCLIBC__) && !defined(_AIX)
// Starboard does not support relative file paths, needed by |SpawnChild()|.
static char* newArray() {
// Clang warns about the mismatched new[]/delete if they occur in the same
// function.
return new char[10];
MULTIPROCESS_TEST_MAIN(MismatchedMallocChildProcess) {
char* pointer = newArray();
delete pointer;
return 2;
// Regression test for StackDumpingSignalHandler async-signal unsafety.
// Combined with tcmalloc's debugallocation, that signal handler
// and e.g. mismatched new[]/delete would cause a hang because
// of re-entering malloc.
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, AsyncSignalUnsafeSignalHandlerHang) {
Process child = SpawnChild("MismatchedMallocChildProcess");
int exit_code;
child.WaitForExitWithTimeout(TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), &exit_code));
#endif // !BUILDFLAG(IS_IOS)
namespace {
std::string itoa_r_wrapper(intptr_t i, size_t sz, int base, size_t padding) {
char buffer[1024];
CHECK_LE(sz, sizeof(buffer));
char* result = internal::itoa_r(i, buffer, sz, base, padding);
return std::string(buffer);
} // namespace
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, itoa_r) {
EXPECT_EQ("0", itoa_r_wrapper(0, 128, 10, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("-1", itoa_r_wrapper(-1, 128, 10, 0));
// Test edge cases.
if (sizeof(intptr_t) == 4) {
EXPECT_EQ("ffffffff", itoa_r_wrapper(-1, 128, 16, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::min(), 128, 10, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::max(), 128, 10, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::min(), 128, 16, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::max(), 128, 16, 0));
} else if (sizeof(intptr_t) == 8) {
EXPECT_EQ("ffffffffffffffff", itoa_r_wrapper(-1, 128, 16, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::min(), 128, 10, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::max(), 128, 10, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::min(), 128, 16, 0));
itoa_r_wrapper(std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::max(), 128, 16, 0));
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Missing test case for your size of intptr_t ("
<< sizeof(intptr_t) << ")";
// Test hex output.
EXPECT_EQ("688", itoa_r_wrapper(0x688, 128, 16, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("deadbeef", itoa_r_wrapper(0xdeadbeef, 128, 16, 0));
// Check that itoa_r respects passed buffer size limit.
char buffer[1024];
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::itoa_r(0xdeadbeef, buffer, 10, 16, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::itoa_r(0xdeadbeef, buffer, 9, 16, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::itoa_r(0xdeadbeef, buffer, 8, 16, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::itoa_r(0xdeadbeef, buffer, 7, 16, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::itoa_r(0xbeef, buffer, 5, 16, 4));
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::itoa_r(0xbeef, buffer, 5, 16, 5));
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::itoa_r(0xbeef, buffer, 5, 16, 6));
// Test padding.
EXPECT_EQ("1", itoa_r_wrapper(1, 128, 10, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("1", itoa_r_wrapper(1, 128, 10, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("01", itoa_r_wrapper(1, 128, 10, 2));
EXPECT_EQ("001", itoa_r_wrapper(1, 128, 10, 3));
EXPECT_EQ("0001", itoa_r_wrapper(1, 128, 10, 4));
EXPECT_EQ("00001", itoa_r_wrapper(1, 128, 10, 5));
EXPECT_EQ("688", itoa_r_wrapper(0x688, 128, 16, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("688", itoa_r_wrapper(0x688, 128, 16, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("688", itoa_r_wrapper(0x688, 128, 16, 2));
EXPECT_EQ("688", itoa_r_wrapper(0x688, 128, 16, 3));
EXPECT_EQ("0688", itoa_r_wrapper(0x688, 128, 16, 4));
EXPECT_EQ("00688", itoa_r_wrapper(0x688, 128, 16, 5));
class CopyFunction : public StackCopier {
using StackCopier::CopyStackContentsAndRewritePointers;
// Copies the current stack segment, starting from the frame pointer of the
// caller frame. Also fills in |stack_end| for the copied stack.
NOINLINE static std::unique_ptr<StackBuffer> CopyCurrentStackAndRewritePointers(
uintptr_t* out_fp,
uintptr_t* stack_end) {
const uint8_t* fp =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(__builtin_frame_address(0));
uintptr_t original_stack_end = GetStackEnd();
size_t stack_size = original_stack_end - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(fp);
auto buffer = std::make_unique<StackBuffer>(stack_size);
*out_fp = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
fp, reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t*>(original_stack_end),
StackBuffer::kPlatformStackAlignment, buffer->buffer()));
*stack_end = *out_fp + stack_size;
return buffer;
template <size_t Depth>
NOINLINE void ExpectStackFramePointers(const void** frames,
size_t max_depth,
bool copy_stack) {
// Calling __builtin_frame_address() forces compiler to emit
// frame pointers, even if they are not enabled.
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, __builtin_frame_address(0));
ExpectStackFramePointers<Depth - 1>(frames, max_depth, copy_stack);
constexpr size_t frame_index = Depth - 1;
const void* frame = frames[frame_index];
EXPECT_GE(frame, &&code_start) << "For frame at index " << frame_index;
EXPECT_LE(frame, &&code_end) << "For frame at index " << frame_index;
template <>
NOINLINE void ExpectStackFramePointers<1>(const void** frames,
size_t max_depth,
bool copy_stack) {
// Calling __builtin_frame_address() forces compiler to emit
// frame pointers, even if they are not enabled.
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, __builtin_frame_address(0));
size_t count = 0;
if (copy_stack) {
uintptr_t stack_end = 0, fp = 0;
std::unique_ptr<StackBuffer> copy =
CopyCurrentStackAndRewritePointers(&fp, &stack_end);
count =
TraceStackFramePointersFromBuffer(fp, stack_end, frames, max_depth, 0);
} else {
count = TraceStackFramePointers(frames, max_depth, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(max_depth, count);
const void* frame = frames[0];
EXPECT_GE(frame, &&code_start) << "For the top frame";
EXPECT_LE(frame, &&code_end) << "For the top frame";
// The test triggers use-of-uninitialized-value errors on MSan bots.
// This is expected because we're walking and reading the stack, and
// sometimes we read fp / pc from the place that previously held
// uninitialized value.
#define MAYBE_TraceStackFramePointers DISABLED_TraceStackFramePointers
#define MAYBE_TraceStackFramePointers TraceStackFramePointers
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, MAYBE_TraceStackFramePointers) {
constexpr size_t kDepth = 5;
const void* frames[kDepth];
ExpectStackFramePointers<kDepth>(frames, kDepth, /*copy_stack=*/false);
// The test triggers use-of-uninitialized-value errors on MSan bots.
// This is expected because we're walking and reading the stack, and
// sometimes we read fp / pc from the place that previously held
// uninitialized value.
// TODO( Enable this test on Fuchsia.
#define MAYBE_TraceStackFramePointersFromBuffer \
#define MAYBE_TraceStackFramePointersFromBuffer \
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, MAYBE_TraceStackFramePointersFromBuffer) {
constexpr size_t kDepth = 5;
const void* frames[kDepth];
ExpectStackFramePointers<kDepth>(frames, kDepth, /*copy_stack=*/true);
#define MAYBE_StackEnd StackEnd
#define MAYBE_StackEnd DISABLED_StackEnd
TEST_F(StackTraceTest, MAYBE_StackEnd) {
EXPECT_NE(0u, GetStackEnd());
#if !defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
// On Arm architecture invalid math operations such as division by zero are not
// trapped and do not trigger a SIGFPE.
// Hence disable the test for Arm platforms.
TEST(CheckExitCodeAfterSignalHandlerDeathTest, CheckSIGFPE) {
// Values are volatile to prevent reordering of instructions, i.e. for
// optimization. Reordering may lead to tests erroneously failing due to
// SIGFPE being raised outside of EXPECT_EXIT.
volatile int const nominator = 23;
volatile int const denominator = 0;
[[maybe_unused]] volatile int result;
EXPECT_EXIT(result = nominator / denominator,
::testing::KilledBySignal(SIGFPE), "");
#endif // !defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
TEST(CheckExitCodeAfterSignalHandlerDeathTest, CheckSIGSEGV) {
// Pointee and pointer are volatile to prevent reordering of instructions,
// i.e. for optimization. Reordering may lead to tests erroneously failing due
// to SIGSEGV being raised outside of EXPECT_EXIT.
volatile int* const volatile p_int = nullptr;
EXPECT_EXIT(*p_int = 1234, ::testing::KilledBySignal(SIGSEGV), "");
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
CheckSIGSEGVNonCanonicalAddress) {
// Pointee and pointer are volatile to prevent reordering of instructions,
// i.e. for optimization. Reordering may lead to tests erroneously failing due
// to SIGSEGV being raised outside of EXPECT_EXIT.
// On Linux, the upper half of the address space is reserved by the kernel, so
// all upper bits must be 0 for canonical addresses.
volatile int* const volatile p_int =
EXPECT_EXIT(*p_int = 1234, ::testing::KilledBySignal(SIGSEGV), "SI_KERNEL");
#endif // #if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(UNDEFINED_SANITIZER)
#if !defined(STARBOARD)
TEST(CheckExitCodeAfterSignalHandlerDeathTest, CheckSIGILL) {
auto const raise_sigill = []() {
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
asm("udf 0");
#error Unsupported platform!
EXPECT_EXIT(raise_sigill(), ::testing::KilledBySignal(SIGILL), "");
#endif // !defined(STARBOARD)
} // namespace debug
} // namespace base