blob: 729746613e48cb23955c06d6366a81bbae45de4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains utility functions and classes that help the
// implementation, and management of the Callback objects.
#include <utility>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
namespace base {
struct FakeBindState;
namespace internal {
class BindStateBase;
template <typename Functor, typename... BoundArgs>
struct BindState;
struct BASE_EXPORT BindStateBaseRefCountTraits {
static void Destruct(const BindStateBase*);
template <typename T>
using PassingType = std::conditional_t<std::is_scalar_v<T>, T, T&&>;
// BindStateBase is used to provide an opaque handle that the Callback
// class can use to represent a function object with bound arguments. It
// behaves as an existential type that is used by a corresponding
// DoInvoke function to perform the function execution. This allows
// us to shield the Callback class from the types of the bound argument via
// "type erasure."
// At the base level, the only task is to add reference counting data. Avoid
// using or inheriting any virtual functions. Creating a vtable for every
// BindState template instantiation results in a lot of bloat. Its only task is
// to call the destructor which can be done with a function pointer.
class BASE_EXPORT BindStateBase
: public RefCountedThreadSafe<BindStateBase, BindStateBaseRefCountTraits> {
enum CancellationQueryMode {
using InvokeFuncStorage = void (*)();
BindStateBase(const BindStateBase&) = delete;
BindStateBase& operator=(const BindStateBase&) = delete;
BindStateBase(InvokeFuncStorage polymorphic_invoke,
void (*destructor)(const BindStateBase*));
BindStateBase(InvokeFuncStorage polymorphic_invoke,
void (*destructor)(const BindStateBase*),
bool (*query_cancellation_traits)(const BindStateBase*,
CancellationQueryMode mode));
~BindStateBase() = default;
friend struct BindStateBaseRefCountTraits;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<BindStateBase, BindStateBaseRefCountTraits>;
friend class BindStateHolder;
// Allowlist subclasses that access the destructor of BindStateBase.
template <typename Functor, typename... BoundArgs>
friend struct BindState;
friend struct ::base::FakeBindState;
bool IsCancelled() const {
return query_cancellation_traits_(this, IS_CANCELLED);
bool MaybeValid() const {
return query_cancellation_traits_(this, MAYBE_VALID);
// In C++, it is safe to cast function pointers to function pointers of
// another type. It is not okay to use void*. We create a InvokeFuncStorage
// that that can store our function pointer, and then cast it back to
// the original type on usage.
InvokeFuncStorage polymorphic_invoke_;
// Pointer to a function that will properly destroy |this|.
void (*destructor_)(const BindStateBase*);
bool (*query_cancellation_traits_)(const BindStateBase*,
CancellationQueryMode mode);
// Minimal wrapper around a `scoped_refptr<BindStateBase>`. It allows more
// expensive operations (such as ones that destroy `BindStateBase` or manipulate
// refcounts) to be defined out-of-line to reduce binary size.
class BASE_EXPORT TRIVIAL_ABI BindStateHolder {
using InvokeFuncStorage = BindStateBase::InvokeFuncStorage;
// Used to construct a null callback.
inline constexpr BindStateHolder() noexcept;
// Used to construct a callback by `base::BindOnce()`/`base::BindRepeating().
inline explicit BindStateHolder(BindStateBase* bind_state);
// BindStateHolder is always copyable so it can be used by `OnceCallback` and
// `RepeatingCallback`. `OnceCallback` restricts copies so a `BindStateHolder`
// used with a `OnceCallback will never be copied.
BindStateHolder(const BindStateHolder&);
BindStateHolder& operator=(const BindStateHolder&);
// Subtle: since `this` is marked as TRIVIAL_ABI, the move operations must
// leave a moved-from `BindStateHolder` in a trivially destructible state.
inline BindStateHolder(BindStateHolder&&) noexcept;
BindStateHolder& operator=(BindStateHolder&&) noexcept;
bool is_null() const { return !bind_state_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return !is_null(); }
bool IsCancelled() const;
bool MaybeValid() const;
void Reset();
bool operator==(const BindStateHolder& other) const {
return bind_state_ == other.bind_state_;
const scoped_refptr<BindStateBase>& bind_state() const { return bind_state_; }
InvokeFuncStorage polymorphic_invoke() const {
return bind_state_->polymorphic_invoke_;
scoped_refptr<BindStateBase> bind_state_;
constexpr BindStateHolder::BindStateHolder() noexcept = default;
// TODO(dcheng): Try plumbing a scoped_refptr all the way through, since
// scoped_refptr is marked as TRIVIAL_ABI.
BindStateHolder::BindStateHolder(BindStateBase* bind_state)
: bind_state_(AdoptRef(bind_state)) {}
// Unlike the copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and move assignment
// operator, the move constructor is defaulted in the header because it
// generates minimal code: move construction does not change any refcounts, nor
// does it potentially destroy `BindStateBase`.
BindStateHolder::BindStateHolder(BindStateHolder&&) noexcept = default;
// Helpers for the `Then()` implementation.
template <typename OriginalCallback, typename ThenCallback>
struct ThenHelper;
// Specialization when original callback returns `void`.
template <template <typename> class OriginalCallback,
template <typename>
class ThenCallback,
typename... OriginalArgs,
typename ThenR,
typename... ThenArgs>
struct ThenHelper<OriginalCallback<void(OriginalArgs...)>,
ThenCallback<ThenR(ThenArgs...)>> {
static_assert(sizeof...(ThenArgs) == 0,
"|then| callback cannot accept parameters if |this| has a "
"void return type.");
static auto CreateTrampoline() {
return [](OriginalCallback<void(OriginalArgs...)> c1,
ThenCallback<ThenR(ThenArgs...)> c2, OriginalArgs... c1_args) {
return std::move(c2).Run();
// Specialization when original callback returns a non-void type.
template <template <typename> class OriginalCallback,
template <typename>
class ThenCallback,
typename OriginalR,
typename... OriginalArgs,
typename ThenR,
typename... ThenArgs>
struct ThenHelper<OriginalCallback<OriginalR(OriginalArgs...)>,
ThenCallback<ThenR(ThenArgs...)>> {
static_assert(sizeof...(ThenArgs) == 1,
"|then| callback must accept exactly one parameter if |this| "
"has a non-void return type.");
// TODO(dcheng): This should probably check is_convertible as well (same with
// `AssertBindArgsValidity`).
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<ThenArgs..., OriginalR&&>,
"|then| callback's parameter must be constructible from "
"return type of |this|.");
static auto CreateTrampoline() {
return [](OriginalCallback<OriginalR(OriginalArgs...)> c1,
ThenCallback<ThenR(ThenArgs...)> c2, OriginalArgs... c1_args) {
return std::move(c2).Run(
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base