blob: a17d026904b6f0f014191919f0431ef805a4f81c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// IMPORTANT: this is currently experimental. Use with caution, as the
// interaction with various base APIs is still unstable and subject to change.
// Types can opt to forbid use of `Unretained()`, et cetera by using this macro
// to annotate their class definition:
// class Dangerous {
// public:
// ...
// void PostAsyncWork() {
// // Will not compile.
// task_runner_->PostTask(
// base::BindOnce(&Dangerous::OnAsyncWorkDone, base::Unretained(this)));
// }
// void OnAsyncWorkDone() {
// ...
// }
// };
// A type that disallows use of base::Unretained() can still be used with
// callback:
// - If a type is only used on one sequence (e.g. `content::RenderFrameHostImpl`
// may only be used on the UI thread), embed a `base::WeakPtrFactory<T>` and
// either use:
// - `GetSafeRef()` to bind a `SafeRef<T>` if `this` must *always* still be
// alive when the callback is invoked, e.g. binding Mojo reply callbacks
// when making Mojo calls through a `mojo::Remote` owned by `this`.
// - `GetWeakPtr()` to bind a `WeakPtr<T>` if the lifetimes are unclear, e.g.
// a task posted to main UI task runner, and a strong lifetime assertion is
// not possible.
// - Note 1: use `WeakPtr<T>` only when appropriate. `WeakPtr<T>` makes it
// harder to reason about lifetimes; while it is necessary and appropriate
// in many places, using it unnecessarily makes it hard to understand when
// one object is guaranteed to outlive another.
// - Note 2: whether `GetSafeRef()` or `GetWeakPtr()` is used, include
// comments to explain the assumptions behind the selection. Though these
// comments may become inaccurate over time, they are still valuable
// to helping when reading unfamiliar code.
// - If a type is used on multiple sequences, make it refcounted and either bind
// a `scoped_refptr<t>` or use `base::RetainedRef()`.
// - Consider if callbacks are needed at all; using abstractions like
// `base::SequenceBound<T>` make it much easier to manage cross-sequence
// lifetimes and avoid the need to write `base::Unretained()` at all.
public: \
using DisallowBaseUnretainedMarker = void; \
private: \
/* No-op statement so use of this macro can be followed by `;`. */ \