blob: d88dd1fc5d5a07b276f7993bb3bed27fbdb7022e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include "base/clang_profiling_buildflags.h"
#include "base/fuchsia/default_job.h"
#include "base/fuchsia/fuchsia_logging.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h"
#include "base/test/clang_profiling.h"
namespace base {
namespace {
zx::process FindProcessInJobTree(const zx::job& job, ProcessId pid) {
zx::process process;
zx_status_t status = job.get_child(pid, ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &process);
if (status == ZX_OK)
return process;
if (status == ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
std::vector<zx_koid_t> job_koids(32);
while (true) {
// Fetch the KOIDs of the job children of |job|.
size_t actual = 0u;
size_t available = 0u;
status = job.get_info(ZX_INFO_JOB_CHILDREN,,
job_koids.size() * sizeof(zx_koid_t), &actual,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DLOG(ERROR, status) << "zx_object_get_info(JOB_CHILDREN)";
return zx::process();
// If |job_koids| was too small then resize it and try again.
if (available > actual) {
// Break out of the loop and iterate over |job_koids|, to find the PID.
for (zx_koid_t job_koid : job_koids) {
zx::job child_job;
if (job.get_child(job_koid, ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &child_job) != ZX_OK)
process = FindProcessInJobTree(child_job, pid);
if (process)
return process;
return zx::process();
ZX_DLOG(ERROR, status) << "zx_object_get_child";
return zx::process();
} // namespace
Process::Process(ProcessHandle handle)
: process_(handle), is_current_process_(false) {
CHECK_NE(handle, zx_process_self());
Process::~Process() {
Process::Process(Process&& other)
: process_(std::move(other.process_)),
is_current_process_(other.is_current_process_) {
other.is_current_process_ = false;
Process& Process::operator=(Process&& other) {
process_ = std::move(other.process_);
is_current_process_ = other.is_current_process_;
other.is_current_process_ = false;
return *this;
// static
Process Process::Current() {
Process process;
process.is_current_process_ = true;
return process;
// static
Process Process::Open(ProcessId pid) {
if (pid == GetCurrentProcId())
return Current();
return Process(FindProcessInJobTree(*GetDefaultJob(), pid).release());
// static
Process Process::OpenWithExtraPrivileges(ProcessId pid) {
// No privileges to set.
return Open(pid);
// static
bool Process::CanBackgroundProcesses() {
return false;
// static
void Process::TerminateCurrentProcessImmediately(int exit_code) {
bool Process::IsValid() const {
return process_.is_valid() || is_current();
ProcessHandle Process::Handle() const {
return is_current_process_ ? zx_process_self() : process_.get();
Process Process::Duplicate() const {
if (is_current())
return Current();
if (!IsValid())
return Process();
zx::process out;
zx_status_t result = process_.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &out);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DLOG(ERROR, result) << "zx_handle_duplicate";
return Process();
return Process(out.release());
ProcessHandle Process::Release() {
if (is_current()) {
// Caller expects to own the reference, so duplicate the self handle.
zx::process handle;
zx_status_t result =
zx::process::self()->duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &handle);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return kNullProcessHandle;
is_current_process_ = false;
return handle.release();
return process_.release();
ProcessId Process::Pid() const {
return GetProcId(Handle());
Time Process::CreationTime() const {
zx_info_process_t proc_info;
zx_status_t status =
zx_object_get_info(Handle(), ZX_INFO_PROCESS, &proc_info,
sizeof(proc_info), nullptr, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DLOG(ERROR, status) << "zx_process_get_info";
return Time();
if ((proc_info.flags & ZX_INFO_PROCESS_FLAG_STARTED) == 0) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "zx_process_get_info: Not started.";
return Time();
// Process creation times are expressed in ticks since system boot, so
// perform a best-effort translation from that to UTC "wall-clock" time.
return Time::Now() +
(TimeTicks::FromZxTime(proc_info.start_time) - TimeTicks::Now());
bool Process::is_current() const {
return is_current_process_;
void Process::Close() {
is_current_process_ = false;
bool Process::Terminate(int exit_code, bool wait) const {
// exit_code isn't supportable.
zx_status_t status = zx_task_kill(Handle());
if (status == ZX_OK && wait) {
zx_signals_t signals;
status = zx_object_wait_one(Handle(), ZX_TASK_TERMINATED,
zx_deadline_after(ZX_SEC(60)), &signals);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DLOG(ERROR, status) << "zx_object_wait_one(terminate)";
} else {
} else if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DLOG(ERROR, status) << "zx_task_kill";
return status >= 0;
bool Process::WaitForExit(int* exit_code) const {
return WaitForExitWithTimeout(TimeDelta::Max(), exit_code);
bool Process::WaitForExitWithTimeout(TimeDelta timeout, int* exit_code) const {
if (is_current_process_)
return false;
TRACE_EVENT0("base", "Process::WaitForExitWithTimeout");
if (!timeout.is_zero()) {
// Assert that this thread is allowed to wait below. This intentionally
// doesn't use ScopedBlockingCallWithBaseSyncPrimitives because the process
// being waited upon tends to itself be using the CPU and considering this
// thread non-busy causes more issue than it fixes:
zx::time deadline = timeout == TimeDelta::Max()
? zx::time::infinite()
: zx::time((TimeTicks::Now() + timeout).ToZxTime());
zx_signals_t signals_observed = 0;
zx_status_t status =
process_.wait_one(ZX_TASK_TERMINATED, deadline, &signals_observed);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DLOG_IF(ERROR, status != ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT, status)
<< "zx_object_wait_one";
return false;
zx_info_process_t proc_info;
status = process_.get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS, &proc_info, sizeof(proc_info),
nullptr, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DLOG(ERROR, status) << "zx_object_get_info";
if (exit_code)
*exit_code = -1;
return false;
if (exit_code)
*exit_code = static_cast<int>(proc_info.return_code);
return true;
void Process::Exited(int exit_code) const {}
bool Process::IsProcessBackgrounded() const {
// See SetProcessBackgrounded().
return false;
bool Process::SetProcessBackgrounded(bool value) {
// No process priorities on Fuchsia.
// TODO( Update this later if priorities are implemented.
return false;
int Process::GetPriority() const {
// No process priorities on Fuchsia.
return 0;
} // namespace base