blob: be60f8cfa7c606f9147d3f4e8b1d2cd2d2068e1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base::sequence_manager::internal {
// Intended as a wrapper around a |bucket_index_| and |element_element_index_|
// in the vector storage backing a TimingWheel. A TimingWheelHandle is
// associated with each element in a TimingWheel, and is maintained by
// the timing wheel as the object moves around within it. It can be used to
// subsequently remove the element, or update it in place.
class BASE_EXPORT TimingWheelHandle {
enum : size_t { kInvalidIndex = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() };
constexpr TimingWheelHandle() = default;
constexpr TimingWheelHandle(const TimingWheelHandle& other) = default;
TimingWheelHandle(TimingWheelHandle&& other) noexcept;
TimingWheelHandle& operator=(const TimingWheelHandle& other) = default;
TimingWheelHandle& operator=(TimingWheelHandle&& other) noexcept;
~TimingWheelHandle() = default;
// Returns an invalid TimingWheelHandle.
static TimingWheelHandle Invalid();
// Resets this handle back to an invalid state.
void Reset();
bool IsValid() const;
// Accessors.
size_t bucket_index() const;
size_t element_index() const;
template <typename T,
size_t WheelSize,
typename TimingWheelHandleAccessor,
typename GetDelayedRunTime>
friend class TimingWheel;
// Only TimingWheels can create valid TimingWheelHandles.
explicit TimingWheelHandle(size_t bucket_index, size_t element_index);
// The index of the bucket in the timing wheel where the element is in.
size_t bucket_index_ = kInvalidIndex;
// The index of the element in the bucket where the element is in.
size_t element_index_ = kInvalidIndex;
// This class implements a container that acts as timer queue where element are
// associated with a delay. It provides efficient retrieval of earliest
// elements. It also provides constant time element removal. To facilitate this,
// each element has associated with it a TimingWheelHandle (an opaque wrapper
// around the index at which the element is stored), which is maintained by the
// wheel as elements move within it. Only elements whose delay is between
// |time_delta_per_bucket_| and WheelSize*|time_delta_per_bucket_| can be
// inserted in a TimingWheel. |T| is a typename for element. |WheelSize| is the
// number of buckets this TimingWheel has. |TimingWheelHandleAccessor| is the
// type of the object which under the hood manages the TimingWheelHandle.
// |GetDelayedRunTime| is a functor which returns the time when the element is
// due at.
template <typename T,
size_t WheelSize,
typename TimingWheelHandleAccessor,
typename GetDelayedRunTime>
class TimingWheel {
// Constructs a TimingWheel instance where each bucket corresponds to a
// TimeDelta of |time_delta_per_bucket_|.
explicit TimingWheel(
TimeDelta time_delta_per_bucket,
const GetDelayedRunTime& get_delayed_run_time = GetDelayedRunTime())
: time_delta_per_bucket_(time_delta_per_bucket),
get_delayed_run_time_(get_delayed_run_time) {}
TimingWheel(TimingWheel&&) = delete;
TimingWheel& operator=(TimingWheel&&) = delete;
TimingWheel(const TimingWheel&) = delete;
TimingWheel& operator=(const TimingWheel&) = delete;
~TimingWheel() = default;
// Inserts the |element| into the bucket based on its delay. This is the delay
// relative to a baseline implied by the last call to
// |AdvanceTimeAndRemoveExpiredElements| method.
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator Insert(T element,
const TimeDelta delay) {
DCHECK_GE(delay, time_delta_per_bucket_);
DCHECK_LT(delay, time_delta_per_bucket_ * WheelSize);
const size_t bucket_index = CalculateBucketIndex(delay);
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_index];
const size_t element_index = bucket.size() - 1;
// Sets the handle for the element.
TimingWheelHandle(bucket_index, element_index));
total_elements_ += 1;
return bucket.cend() - 1;
// Removes the element which holds this |handle|.
void Remove(TimingWheelHandle handle) {
const size_t bucket_index = handle.bucket_index();
const size_t element_index = handle.element_index();
DCHECK(IsBounded(bucket_index, element_index));
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_index];
const size_t last_index_of_bucket = bucket.size() - 1;
// Swaps the element's position with the last element for removal. The
// swapped element is assigned with an updated handle.
if (element_index != last_index_of_bucket) {
TimingWheelHandle(bucket_index, element_index));
std::swap(bucket[element_index], bucket[last_index_of_bucket]);
// The handle of the last element doesn't need to be cleared since the
// element is destroyed right after.
total_elements_ -= 1;
// Updates the internal state to reflect the latest wakeup and returns the
// expired elements through an out-parameter so that the caller can keep using
// the same vector when advancing multiple TimingWheels.
void AdvanceTimeAndRemoveExpiredElements(const TimeDelta time_delta,
std::vector<T>& expired_elements) {
const size_t nb_buckets_passed =
(time_passed_ + time_delta) / time_delta_per_bucket_ + 1;
const size_t new_bucket_index =
(last_updated_bucket_index_ + nb_buckets_passed) % WheelSize;
const TimeDelta new_time_passed =
(time_passed_ + time_delta) % time_delta_per_bucket_;
// Ensures each bucket is iterated over at most once if |nb_buckets_passed|
// is bigger than the total number of buckets.
const size_t nb_buckets_to_traverse =
std::min(nb_buckets_passed, WheelSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_buckets_to_traverse; i++) {
last_updated_bucket_index_ = (last_updated_bucket_index_ + 1) % WheelSize;
ExtractElementsFromBucket(last_updated_bucket_index_, expired_elements);
last_updated_bucket_index_ = new_bucket_index;
time_passed_ = new_time_passed;
// Returns the earliest due element.
typename std::vector<T>::const_reference Top() {
DCHECK(total_elements_ != 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < WheelSize; i++) {
const size_t bucket_index = (i + last_updated_bucket_index_) % WheelSize;
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_index];
if (bucket.size() == 0) {
auto it = std::min_element(
bucket.begin(), bucket.end(), [this](const T& a, const T& b) {
return get_delayed_run_time_(a) > get_delayed_run_time_(b);
return *it;
return buckets_[0].back();
TimeDelta time_delta_per_bucket() { return time_delta_per_bucket_; }
size_t total_elements() { return total_elements_; }
// Checks if the |bucket_index| and |element_index| is bounded.
bool IsBounded(const size_t bucket_index, const size_t element_index) const {
return bucket_index < WheelSize &&
element_index < buckets_[bucket_index].size();
// Calculates the index at which a task with |delay| should be inserted in.
size_t CalculateBucketIndex(const TimeDelta delay) const {
const size_t nb_buckets_passed =
(delay + time_passed_) / time_delta_per_bucket_;
const size_t bucket_index = last_updated_bucket_index_ + nb_buckets_passed;
// |bucket_index| should not be more than |WheelSize|.
return bucket_index % WheelSize;
// Removes the elements from the index in |buckets_| and returns the
// expired elements through an out-parameter.
void ExtractElementsFromBucket(const size_t bucket_index,
std::vector<T>& expired_elements) {
std::vector<T>& bucket = buckets_[bucket_index];
expired_elements.reserve(expired_elements.size() + bucket.size());
for (auto& element : bucket) {
total_elements_ -= bucket.size();
TimingWheelHandleAccessor timing_wheel_handle_accessor;
// The time period each bucket contains.
const TimeDelta time_delta_per_bucket_;
// The buckets where the elements are added according to their delay.
std::array<std::vector<T>, WheelSize> buckets_;
// The index of the bucket that was last updated. This helps in Inserting and
// expired elements.
size_t last_updated_bucket_index_;
// The time passed unaccounted for after updating
// |last_updated_bucket_index_|. This will be aggregated with the
// |time_passed_| at the next wakeup.
TimeDelta time_passed_;
// The number of elements in |buckets_|.
size_t total_elements_ = 0;
// The functor to get the delayed run time of elements.
GetDelayedRunTime get_delayed_run_time_;
} // namespace base::sequence_manager::internal