blob: 13aa0b48f2dc7d1ba796a5df5d4287a77154dd46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/test/test_future_internal.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace base::test {
// Helper class to test code that returns its result(s) asynchronously through a
// callback:
// - Pass the callback provided by TestFuture::GetCallback() to the code
// under test.
// - Wait for the callback to be invoked by calling TestFuture::Wait(), or
// TestFuture::Get() to access the value(s) passed to the callback.
// If the callback takes multiple arguments, use TestFuture::Get<0>() to access
// the value of the first argument, TestFuture::Get<1>() to access the value of
// the second argument, and so on.
// Alternatively you can use the argument type like TestFuture::Get<T>().
// If for any reason you can't use TestFuture::GetCallback(), you can use
// TestFuture::SetValue() to directly set the value. This method must be called
// from the main sequence.
// Finally, TestFuture::Take() is similar to TestFuture::Get() but it will
// move the result out, which can be helpful when testing a move-only class.
// Example usage:
// TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyTest) {
// TestFuture<ResultType> future;
// object_under_test.DoSomethingAsync(future.GetCallback());
// const ResultType& actual_result = future.Get();
// // When you come here, DoSomethingAsync has finished and `actual_result`
// // contains the result passed to the callback.
// }
// Example if the callback has 2 arguments:
// TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyTest) {
// TestFuture<int, std::string> future;
// object_under_test.DoSomethingAsync(future.GetCallback());
// // Either select the argument by type...
// int first_argument = future.Get<int>();
// const std::string& second_argument = future.Get<std::string>();
// // ... or by index.
// int first_argument = future.Get<0>();
// const std::string& second_argument = future.Get<1>();
// }
// Example if the callback has zero arguments:
// TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyTest) {
// TestFuture<void> signal;
// object_under_test.DoSomethingAsync(signal.GetCallback());
// EXPECT_TRUE(signal.Wait());
// // When you come here you know the async code is ready.
// }
// Or an example using TestFuture::Wait():
// TEST_F(MyTestFixture, MyWaitTest) {
// TestFuture<ResultType> future;
// object_under_test.DoSomethingAsync(future.GetCallback());
// // Optional. The Get() call below will also wait until the value
// // arrives, but this explicit call to Wait() can be useful if you want to
// // add extra information.
// ASSERT_TRUE(future.Wait()) << "Detailed error message";
// const ResultType& actual_result = future.Get();
// }
// All access to this class must be made from the same sequence.
template <typename... Types>
class TestFuture {
using TupleType = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Types>...>;
static_assert(std::tuple_size<TupleType>::value > 0,
"Don't use TestFuture<> but use TestFuture<void> instead");
TestFuture() = default;
TestFuture(const TestFuture&) = delete;
TestFuture& operator=(const TestFuture&) = delete;
~TestFuture() = default;
// Waits for the value to arrive.
// Returns true if the value arrived, or false if a timeout happens.
// Directly calling Wait() is not required as Get()/Take() will also wait for
// the value to arrive, however you can use a direct call to Wait() to
// improve the error reported:
// ASSERT_TRUE(queue.Wait()) << "Detailed error message";
[[nodiscard]] bool Wait() {
if (values_)
return true;
return IsReady();
// Returns true if the value has arrived.
bool IsReady() const {
return values_.has_value();
// Waits for the value to arrive, and returns the I-th value.
// Will DCHECK if a timeout happens.
// Example usage:
// TestFuture<int, std::string> future;
// int first = future.Get<0>();
// std::string second = future.Get<1>();
template <std::size_t I,
typename T = TupleType,
internal::EnableIfOneOrMoreValues<T> = true>
const auto& Get() {
return std::get<I>(GetTuple());
// Waits for the value to arrive, and returns the value with the given type.
// Will DCHECK if a timeout happens.
// Example usage:
// TestFuture<int, std::string> future;
// int first = future.Get<int>();
// std::string second = future.Get<std::string>();
template <typename Type>
const auto& Get() {
return std::get<Type>(GetTuple());
// Returns a callback that when invoked will store all the argument values,
// and unblock any waiters.
// Templated so you can specify how you need the arguments to be passed -
// const, reference, .... Defaults to simply `Types...`.
// Example usage:
// TestFuture<int, std::string> future;
// // returns base::OnceCallback<void(int, std::string)>
// future.GetCallback();
// // returns base::OnceCallback<void(int, const std::string&)>
// future.GetCallback<int, const std::string&>();
template <typename... CallbackArgumentsTypes>
base::OnceCallback<void(CallbackArgumentsTypes...)> GetCallback() {
return base::BindOnce(
[](WeakPtr<TestFuture<Types...>> future,
CallbackArgumentsTypes... values) {
if (future)
base::OnceCallback<void(Types...)> GetCallback() {
return GetCallback<Types...>();
// Sets the value of the future.
// This will unblock any pending Wait() or Get() call.
// This can only be called once.
void SetValue(Types... values) {
<< "The value of a TestFuture can only be set once. If you need to "
"handle an ordered stream of result values, use "
values_ = std::make_tuple(std::forward<Types>(values)...);
// Accessor methods only available if the future holds a single value.
// Waits for the value to arrive, and returns its value.
// Will DCHECK if a timeout happens.
template <typename T = TupleType, internal::EnableIfSingleValue<T> = true>
[[nodiscard]] const auto& Get() {
return std::get<0>(GetTuple());
// Waits for the value to arrive, and move it out.
// Will DCHECK if a timeout happens.
template <typename T = TupleType, internal::EnableIfSingleValue<T> = true>
[[nodiscard]] auto Take() {
return std::get<0>(TakeTuple());
// Accessor methods only available if the future holds multiple values.
// Waits for the values to arrive, and returns a tuple with the values.
// Will DCHECK if a timeout happens.
template <typename T = TupleType, internal::EnableIfMultiValue<T> = true>
[[nodiscard]] const TupleType& Get() {
return GetTuple();
// Waits for the values to arrive, and move a tuple with the values out.
// Will DCHECK if a timeout happens.
template <typename T = TupleType, internal::EnableIfMultiValue<T> = true>
[[nodiscard]] TupleType Take() {
return TakeTuple();
[[nodiscard]] const TupleType& GetTuple() {
bool success = Wait();
DCHECK(success) << "Waiting for value timed out.";
return values_.value();
[[nodiscard]] TupleType TakeTuple() {
bool success = Wait();
DCHECK(success) << "Waiting for value timed out.";
return std::move(values_.value());
base::RunLoop run_loop_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
absl::optional<TupleType> values_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
base::WeakPtrFactory<TestFuture<Types...>> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Specialization so you can use `TestFuture` to wait for a no-args callback.
// This specialization offers a subset of the methods provided on the base
// `TestFuture`, as there is no value to be returned.
template <>
class TestFuture<void> {
// Waits until the callback or `SetValue()` is invoked.
// Fails your test if a timeout happens, but you can check the return value
// to improve the error reported:
// ASSERT_TRUE(future.Wait()) << "Detailed error message";
[[nodiscard]] bool Wait() { return implementation_.Wait(); }
// Waits until the callback or `SetValue()` is invoked.
void Get() { std::ignore = implementation_.Get(); }
// Returns true if the callback or `SetValue()` was invoked.
bool IsReady() const { return implementation_.IsReady(); }
// Returns a callback that when invoked will unblock any waiters.
base::OnceCallback<void()> GetCallback() {
return base::BindOnce(implementation_.GetCallback(), true);
// Indicates this `TestFuture` is ready, and unblocks any waiters.
void SetValue() { implementation_.SetValue(true); }
TestFuture<bool> implementation_;
} // namespace base::test