blob: 9587635a433252306eb34de938fcb8bc05e91d63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/test/gtest_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
class ScopedTimebase {
ScopedTimebase(mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase) {
orig_timebase_ = base::TimeTicks::SetMachTimebaseInfoForTesting(timebase);
ScopedTimebase(const ScopedTimebase&) = delete;
ScopedTimebase& operator=(const ScopedTimebase&) = delete;
~ScopedTimebase() {
mach_timebase_info_data_t orig_timebase_;
mach_timebase_info_data_t kIntelTimebase = {1, 1};
// A sample (not definitive) timebase for M1.
mach_timebase_info_data_t kM1Timebase = {125, 3};
} // namespace
namespace base {
namespace {
base::Time NoonOnDate(int year, int month, int day) {
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
exploded.year = year;
exploded.month = month;
exploded.day_of_week = 0; // Not correct, but FromExploded permits it
exploded.day_of_month = day;
exploded.hour = 12;
exploded.minute = 0;
exploded.second = 0;
exploded.millisecond = 0;
base::Time imploded;
CHECK(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &imploded));
return imploded;
void CheckRoundTrip(int y, int m, int d) {
base::Time original = NoonOnDate(y, m, d);
base::Time roundtrip = Time::FromNSDate(original.ToNSDate());
EXPECT_EQ(original, roundtrip);
TEST(TimeMacTest, RoundTripNSDate) {
CheckRoundTrip(1911, 12, 14);
CheckRoundTrip(1924, 9, 28);
CheckRoundTrip(1926, 5, 12);
CheckRoundTrip(1969, 7, 24);
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsIntelTimebase) {
ScopedTimebase timebase(kIntelTimebase);
// Perform the conversion.
uint64_t kArbitraryTicks = 59090101000;
TimeDelta result = TimeDelta::FromMachTime(kArbitraryTicks);
// With Intel the output should be the input.
EXPECT_EQ(Nanoseconds(kArbitraryTicks), result);
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsM1Timebase) {
ScopedTimebase timebase(kM1Timebase);
// Use a tick count that's divisible by 3.
const uint64_t kArbitraryTicks = 92738127000;
TimeDelta result = TimeDelta::FromMachTime(kArbitraryTicks);
const uint64_t kExpectedResult =
kArbitraryTicks * kM1Timebase.numer / kM1Timebase.denom;
EXPECT_EQ(Nanoseconds(kExpectedResult), result);
// Tests MachTimeToMicroseconds when
// mach_timebase_info_data_t.numer and mach_timebase_info_data_t.denom
// are equal.
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsEqualTimebaseMembers) {
// These members would produce overflow but don't because
// MachTimeToMicroseconds should skip the timebase conversion
// when they're equal.
ScopedTimebase timebase({UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX});
uint64_t kArbitraryTicks = 175920053729;
TimeDelta result = TimeDelta::FromMachTime(kArbitraryTicks);
// With a unity timebase the output should be the input.
EXPECT_EQ(Nanoseconds(kArbitraryTicks), result);
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsOverflowDetection) {
const uint32_t kArbitraryNumer = 1234567;
ScopedTimebase timebase({kArbitraryNumer, 1});
// Expect an overflow.
// Tests that there's no overflow in MachTimeToMicroseconds even with
// std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() ticks on Intel.
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsNoOverflowIntel) {
ScopedTimebase timebase(kIntelTimebase);
// The incoming Mach time ticks are on the order of nanoseconds while the
// return result is microseconds. Even though we're passing in the largest
// tick count the result should be orders of magnitude smaller. On Intel the
// mapping from ticks to nanoseconds is 1:1 so we wouldn't ever expect an
// overflow when applying the timebase conversion.
// Tests that there's no overflow in MachTimeToMicroseconds even with
// std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() ticks on M1.
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsNoOverflowM1) {
ScopedTimebase timebase(kM1Timebase);
// The incoming Mach time ticks are on the order of nanoseconds while the
// return result is microseconds. Even though we're passing in the largest
// tick count the result should be orders of magnitude smaller. Expect that
// FromMachTime(), when applying the timebase conversion, is smart enough to
// not multiply first and generate an overflow.
// Tests that there's no underflow in MachTimeToMicroseconds on Intel.
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsNoUnderflowIntel) {
ScopedTimebase timebase(kIntelTimebase);
// On Intel the timebase conversion is 1:1, so min ticks is one microsecond
// worth of nanoseconds.
const uint64_t kMinimumTicks = base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond;
const uint64_t kOneMicrosecond = 1;
TimeDelta::FromMachTime(kMinimumTicks).InMicroseconds() * 1UL);
// If we have even one fewer tick (i.e. not enough ticks to constitute a full
// microsecond) the integer rounding should result in 0 microseconds.
const uint64_t kZeroMicroseconds = 0;
TimeDelta::FromMachTime(kMinimumTicks - 1).InMicroseconds() * 1UL);
// Tests that there's no underflow in MachTimeToMicroseconds for M1.
TEST(TimeMacTest, MachTimeToMicrosecondsNoUnderflowM1) {
ScopedTimebase timebase(kM1Timebase);
// Microseconds is mach_time multiplied by kM1Timebase.numer /
// (kM1Timebase.denom * base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond). Inverting
// that should be the minimum number of ticks to get a single microsecond in
// return. If we get zero it means an underflow in the conversion. For example
// if FromMachTime() first divides mach_time by kM1Timebase.denom *
// base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond we'll get zero back.
const uint64_t kMinimumTicks =
(kM1Timebase.denom * base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond) /
const uint64_t kOneMicrosecond = 1;
TimeDelta::FromMachTime(kMinimumTicks).InMicroseconds() * 1UL);
// If we have even one fewer tick (i.e. not enough ticks to constitute a full
// microsecond) the integer rounding should result in 0 microseconds.
const uint64_t kZeroMicroseconds = 0;
TimeDelta::FromMachTime(kMinimumTicks - 1).InMicroseconds() * 1UL);
} // namespace
} // namespace base