blob: 66cc87130e7b7ba5b36dae100ea4db7c92b7281c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
// AllocationContextTracker is a thread-local object. Its main purpose is to
// keep track of context pointers for memory allocation samples. See
// |AllocationContext|.
// A thread-local instance of the context tracker is initialized lazily when it
// is first accessed.
class BASE_EXPORT AllocationContextTracker {
enum class CaptureMode : int32_t {
DISABLED, // Don't capture anything
NATIVE_STACK, // Backtrace has full native backtraces from stack unwinding
// Globally sets capturing mode.
// TODO(primiano): How to guard against *_STACK -> DISABLED -> *_STACK?
static void SetCaptureMode(CaptureMode mode);
// Returns global capturing mode.
inline static CaptureMode capture_mode() {
// A little lag after heap profiling is enabled or disabled is fine, it is
// more important that the check is as cheap as possible when capturing is
// not enabled, so do not issue a memory barrier in the fast path.
if (capture_mode_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == CaptureMode::DISABLED)
return CaptureMode::DISABLED;
// In the slow path, an acquire load is required to pair with the release
// store in |SetCaptureMode|. This is to ensure that the TLS slot for
// the thread-local allocation context tracker has been initialized if
// |capture_mode| returns something other than DISABLED.
return capture_mode_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// Returns the thread-local instance, creating one if necessary. Returns
// always a valid instance, unless it is called re-entrantly, in which case
// returns nullptr in the nested calls.
static AllocationContextTracker* GetInstanceForCurrentThread();
// Set the thread name in the AllocationContextTracker of the current thread
// if capture is enabled.
static void SetCurrentThreadName(const char* name);
AllocationContextTracker(const AllocationContextTracker&) = delete;
AllocationContextTracker& operator=(const AllocationContextTracker&) = delete;
// Push and pop current task's context. A stack is used to support nested
// tasks and the top of the stack will be used in allocation context.
void PushCurrentTaskContext(const char* context);
void PopCurrentTaskContext(const char* context);
// Returns most recent task context added by ScopedTaskExecutionTracker.
// TODO( Audit callers of TaskContext() to see if
// any are useful. If not, remove AllocationContextTracker entirely.
const char* TaskContext() const {
return task_contexts_.empty() ? nullptr : task_contexts_.back();
static std::atomic<CaptureMode> capture_mode_;
// The thread name is used as the first entry in the pseudo stack.
const char* thread_name_ = nullptr;
// Stack of tasks' contexts.
std::vector<const char*> task_contexts_;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base