blob: 5e01fb1cceba9c6e29a22bbb077b099b4da7dd98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/updater/updater_constants.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace updater {
const char kCrashMeSwitch[] = "crash-me";
const char kCrashHandlerSwitch[] = "crash-handler";
const char kInstallSwitch[] = "install";
const char kUninstallSwitch[] = "uninstall";
const char kUpdateAppsSwitch[] = "ua";
const char kTestSwitch[] = "test";
const char kInitDoneNotifierSwitch[] = "init-done-notifier";
const char kNoRateLimitSwitch[] = "no-rate-limit";
const char kEnableLoggingSwitch[] = "enable-logging";
const char kLoggingLevelSwitch[] = "v";
const char kLoggingModuleSwitch[] = "vmodule";
const char kUpdaterJSONDefaultUrlQA[] =
const char kUpdaterJSONDefaultUrl[] =
const char kCrashUploadURL[] = "";
const char kCrashStagingUploadURL[] =
extern const char kAppsDir[] = "apps";
extern const char kUninstallScript[] = "uninstall.cmd";
} // namespace updater
} // namespace cobalt