| // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "base/compiler_specific.h" |
| #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "components/variations/metrics.h" |
| #include "components/variations/seed_response.h" |
| |
| class PrefService; |
| class PrefRegistrySimple; |
| |
| namespace variations { |
| |
| struct ClientFilterableState; |
| class VariationsSeed; |
| |
| // VariationsSeedStore is a helper class for reading and writing the variations |
| // seed from Local State. |
| class VariationsSeedStore { |
| public: |
| explicit VariationsSeedStore(PrefService* local_state); |
| // |initial_seed| may be null. If not null, then it will be stored in this |
| // seed store. This is used by Android Chrome to supply the first run seed, |
| // and by Android WebView to supply the seed on every run. |
| VariationsSeedStore(PrefService* local_state, |
| std::unique_ptr<SeedResponse> initial_seed); |
| virtual ~VariationsSeedStore(); |
| |
| // Loads the variations seed data from local state into |seed|, as well as the |
| // raw pref values into |seed_data| and |base64_signature|. If there is a |
| // problem with loading, clears the seed pref value and returns false. If |
| // successful, fills the the outparams with the loaded data and returns true. |
| // Virtual for testing. |
| virtual bool LoadSeed(VariationsSeed* seed, |
| std::string* seed_data, |
| std::string* base64_seed_signature) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // Stores the given seed |data| (serialized protobuf) to local state, along |
| // with a base64-encoded digital signature for seed and the date when it was |
| // fetched. If |is_gzip_compressed| is true, treats |data| as being gzip |
| // compressed and decompresses it before any other processing. |
| // If |is_delta_compressed| is true, treats |data| as being delta |
| // compressed and attempts to decode it first using the store's seed data. |
| // The actual seed data will be base64 encoded for storage. If the string |
| // is invalid, the existing prefs are untouched and false is returned. |
| // Additionally, stores the |country_code| that was received with the seed in |
| // a separate pref. On success and if |parsed_seed| is not NULL, |parsed_seed| |
| // will be filled with the de-serialized decoded protobuf. |
| bool StoreSeedData(const std::string& data, |
| const std::string& base64_seed_signature, |
| const std::string& country_code, |
| const base::Time& date_fetched, |
| bool is_delta_compressed, |
| bool is_gzip_compressed, |
| bool fetched_insecurely, |
| VariationsSeed* parsed_seed) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // Loads the safe variations seed data from local state into |seed| and |
| // updates any relevant fields in |client_state| and stores the |
| // |seed_fetch_time|. Returns true iff the safe seed was read successfully |
| // from prefs. If the safe seed could not be loaded, it is guaranteed that no |
| // fields in |client_state| are modified. |
| // Side-effect: Upon any failure to read or validate the safe seed, clears all |
| // of the safe seed pref values. This occurs iff the method returns false. |
| // Virtual for testing. |
| virtual bool LoadSafeSeed(VariationsSeed* seed, |
| ClientFilterableState* client_state, |
| base::Time* seed_fetch_time) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // Stores the given |seed_data| (a serialized protobuf) to local state as a |
| // safe seed, along with a base64-encoded digital signature for seed and any |
| // additional client metadata relevant to the safe seed. Returns true on |
| // success or false on failure; no prefs are updated in case of failure. |
| // Virtual for testing. |
| virtual bool StoreSafeSeed(const std::string& seed_data, |
| const std::string& base64_seed_signature, |
| const ClientFilterableState& client_state, |
| base::Time seed_fetch_time); |
| |
| // Loads the last fetch time (for the latest seed) that was persisted to the |
| // store. |
| base::Time GetLastFetchTime() const; |
| |
| // Records the current time as the last time at which a seed was fetched |
| // successfully. Also updates the safe seed's fetch time if the latest and |
| // safe seeds are identical. |
| void RecordLastFetchTime(); |
| |
| // Updates |kVariationsSeedDate| and logs when previous date was from a |
| // different day. |
| void UpdateSeedDateAndLogDayChange(const base::Time& server_date_fetched); |
| |
| // Reports to UMA that the seed format specified by the server is unsupported. |
| void ReportUnsupportedSeedFormatError(); |
| |
| // Returns the serial number of the most recently received seed, or an empty |
| // string if there is no seed (or if it could not be read). |
| // Side-effect: If there is a failure while attempting to read the latest seed |
| // from prefs, clears the prefs associated with the seed. |
| // Efficiency note: If code will eventually need to load the latest seed, it's |
| // more efficient to call LoadSeed() prior to calling this method. |
| const std::string& GetLatestSerialNumber(); |
| |
| // Registers Local State prefs used by this class. |
| static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry); |
| |
| PrefService* local_state() { return local_state_; } |
| const PrefService* local_state() const { return local_state_; } |
| |
| protected: |
| // Whether signature verification is enabled. Overridable for tests. |
| virtual bool SignatureVerificationEnabled(); |
| |
| private: |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(VariationsSeedStoreTest, VerifySeedSignature); |
| FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(VariationsSeedStoreTest, ApplyDeltaPatch); |
| |
| // The seed store contains two distinct seeds: |
| // (1) The most recently fetched, or "latest", seed; and |
| // (2) A "safe" seed, which has been observed to keep Chrome in a basically |
| // functional state. In particular, a safe seed is one that allows |
| // Chrome to receive new seed updates from the server. |
| // Note that it's possible for both seeds to be empty, and it's possible for |
| // the two seeds to be identical in their contents. |
| enum class SeedType { |
| SAFE, |
| }; |
| |
| // Clears all prefs related to variations seed storage for the specified seed |
| // type. |
| void ClearPrefs(SeedType seed_type); |
| |
| #if defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| // Imports the variations seed from the Java side. Logs UMA on failure. |
| // Android Chrome uses this on first run; WebView uses this on every startup. |
| // In Chrome's case, it's important to set the first run seed as soon as |
| // possible, because some clients query the seed store prefs directly rather |
| // than accessing them via the seed store API: https://crbug.com/829527 |
| void ImportInitialSeed(std::unique_ptr<SeedResponse> initial_seed); |
| #endif // OS_ANDROID |
| |
| // Loads the variations seed data from local state into |seed|, as well as the |
| // raw pref values into |seed_data| and |base64_signature|. Loads either the |
| // safe seed or the latest seed, according to the |seed_type|. Returns whether |
| // loading the seed was successful. |
| // Side-effect: Upon any failure to read or validate the safe seed, clears all |
| // of the pref values for the seed. This occurs iff the method returns false. |
| LoadSeedResult LoadSeedImpl(SeedType seed_type, |
| VariationsSeed* seed, |
| std::string* seed_data, |
| std::string* base64_seed_signature) |
| |
| // Reads the variations seed data from prefs into |seed_data|, and returns the |
| // result of the load. The value stored into |seed_data| should only be used |
| // if the result is SUCCESS. Reads either the latest or the safe seed, |
| // according to the specified |seed_type|. |
| // Side-effect: If the read fails, clears the prefs associated with the seed. |
| LoadSeedResult ReadSeedData(SeedType seed_type, |
| std::string* seed_data) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // Internal version of |StoreSeedData()| that assumes |seed_data| is not delta |
| // compressed. |
| bool StoreSeedDataNoDelta(const std::string& seed_data, |
| const std::string& base64_seed_signature, |
| const std::string& country_code, |
| const base::Time& date_fetched, |
| bool fetched_insecurely, |
| VariationsSeed* parsed_seed) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // Validates the |seed_data|, comparing it (if enabled) against the provided |
| // cryptographic signature. Returns the result of the operation. On success, |
| // fills |base64_seed_data| with the compressed and base64-encoded seed data; |
| // and if |parsed_seed| is non-null, fills it with the parsed seed data. |
| // |fetched_insecurely| indicates whether |seed_data| was just fetched from |
| // the server over an insecure channel (i.e. over HTTP rathern than HTTPS). |
| // |seed_type| specifies whether |seed_data| is for the safe seed (vs. the |
| // regular/normal seed). |
| StoreSeedResult VerifyAndCompressSeedData( |
| const std::string& seed_data, |
| const std::string& base64_seed_signature, |
| bool fetched_insecurely, |
| SeedType seed_type, |
| std::string* base64_seed_data, |
| VariationsSeed* parsed_seed) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // Applies a delta-compressed |patch| to |existing_data|, producing the result |
| // in |output|. Returns whether the operation was successful. |
| static bool ApplyDeltaPatch(const std::string& existing_data, |
| const std::string& patch, |
| std::string* output) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; |
| |
| // The pref service used to persist the variations seed. |
| PrefService* local_state_; |
| |
| // Cached serial number from the most recently fetched variations seed. |
| std::string latest_serial_number_; |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VariationsSeedStore); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace variations |
| |