| // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "components/variations/variations_seed_store.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "base/base64.h" |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "base/version.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h" |
| #include "components/variations/client_filterable_state.h" |
| #include "components/variations/pref_names.h" |
| #include "components/variations/proto/study.pb.h" |
| #include "components/variations/proto/variations_seed.pb.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "third_party/zlib/google/compression_utils.h" |
| |
| #if defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| #include "components/variations/android/variations_seed_bridge.h" |
| #endif // OS_ANDROID |
| |
| namespace variations { |
| namespace { |
| |
| // The below seed and signature pair were generated using the server's private |
| // key. |
| const char kUncompressedBase64SeedData[] = |
| "SgwKCGdyb3VwXzAxEAFKDAoIZ3JvdXBfMDIQAUoMCghncm91cF8wMxABSgwKCGdyb3VwXzA0" |
| "MDgQAUoMCghncm91cF8wORAB"; |
| const char kBase64SeedSignature[] = |
| "MEQCIDD1IVxjzWYncun+9IGzqYjZvqxxujQEayJULTlbTGA/AiAr0oVmEgVUQZBYq5VLOSvy" |
| "96JkMYgzTkHPwbv7K/CmgA=="; |
| |
| // The sentinel value that may be stored as the latest variations seed value in |
| // prefs to indicate that the latest seed is identical to the safe seed. |
| // Note: This constant is intentionally duplicated in the test because it is |
| // persisted to disk. In order to maintain backward-compatibility, it's |
| // important that code continue to correctly handle this specific constant, even |
| // if the constant used internally in the implementation changes. |
| constexpr char kIdenticalToSafeSeedSentinel[] = "safe_seed_content"; |
| |
| class TestVariationsSeedStore : public VariationsSeedStore { |
| public: |
| explicit TestVariationsSeedStore(PrefService* local_state) |
| : VariationsSeedStore(local_state) {} |
| ~TestVariationsSeedStore() override {} |
| |
| bool StoreSeedForTesting(const std::string& seed_data) { |
| return StoreSeedData(seed_data, std::string(), std::string(), |
| base::Time::Now(), false, false, false, nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| bool SignatureVerificationEnabled() override { return false; } |
| |
| private: |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestVariationsSeedStore); |
| }; |
| |
| // Signature verification is disabled on Android and iOS for performance |
| // reasons. This class re-enables it for tests, which don't mind the (small) |
| // performance penalty. |
| class SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore : public VariationsSeedStore { |
| public: |
| explicit SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore(PrefService* local_state) |
| : VariationsSeedStore(local_state) {} |
| ~SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore() override {} |
| |
| bool SignatureVerificationEnabled() override { return true; } |
| |
| private: |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore); |
| }; |
| |
| // Creates a base::Time object from the corresponding raw value. The specific |
| // implementation is not important; it's only important that distinct inputs map |
| // to distinct outputs. |
| base::Time WrapTime(int64_t time) { |
| return base::Time::FromDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch( |
| base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(time)); |
| } |
| |
| // Populates |seed| with simple test data. The resulting seed will contain one |
| // study called "test", which contains one experiment called "abc" with |
| // probability weight 100. |seed|'s study field will be cleared before adding |
| // the new study. |
| VariationsSeed CreateTestSeed() { |
| VariationsSeed seed; |
| Study* study = seed.add_study(); |
| study->set_name("test"); |
| study->set_default_experiment_name("abc"); |
| Study_Experiment* experiment = study->add_experiment(); |
| experiment->set_name("abc"); |
| experiment->set_probability_weight(100); |
| seed.set_serial_number("123"); |
| return seed; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns a ClientFilterableState with all fields set to "interesting" values |
| // for testing. |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> CreateTestClientFilterableState() { |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> client_state = |
| std::make_unique<ClientFilterableState>(); |
| client_state->locale = "es-MX"; |
| client_state->reference_date = WrapTime(1234554321); |
| client_state->version = base::Version(""); |
| client_state->channel = Study::CANARY; |
| client_state->form_factor = Study::PHONE; |
| client_state->platform = Study::PLATFORM_MAC; |
| client_state->hardware_class = "mario"; |
| client_state->is_low_end_device = true; |
| client_state->session_consistency_country = "mx"; |
| client_state->permanent_consistency_country = "br"; |
| return client_state; |
| } |
| |
| // Serializes |seed| to protobuf binary format. |
| std::string SerializeSeed(const VariationsSeed& seed) { |
| std::string serialized_seed; |
| seed.SerializeToString(&serialized_seed); |
| return serialized_seed; |
| } |
| |
| // Compresses |data| using Gzip compression and returns the result. |
| std::string Compress(const std::string& data) { |
| std::string compressed; |
| const bool result = compression::GzipCompress(data, &compressed); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(result); |
| return compressed; |
| } |
| |
| // Serializes |seed| to compressed base64-encoded protobuf binary format. |
| std::string SerializeSeedBase64(const VariationsSeed& seed) { |
| std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| std::string base64_serialized_seed; |
| base::Base64Encode(Compress(serialized_seed), &base64_serialized_seed); |
| return base64_serialized_seed; |
| } |
| |
| // Sets all seed-related prefs to non-default values. Used to verify whether |
| // pref values were cleared. |
| void SetAllSeedPrefsToNonDefaultValues(PrefService* prefs) { |
| prefs->SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, "a"); |
| prefs->SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, "b"); |
| prefs->SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale, "c"); |
| prefs->SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry, "d"); |
| prefs->SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry, "e"); |
| prefs->SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature, "f"); |
| prefs->SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, "g"); |
| const base::Time now = base::Time::Now(); |
| const base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1); |
| prefs->SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate, now - delta); |
| prefs->SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime, now - delta * 2); |
| prefs->SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSeedDate, now - delta * 3); |
| } |
| |
| // Checks whether the pref with name |pref_name| is at its default value in |
| // |prefs|. |
| bool PrefHasDefaultValue(const TestingPrefServiceSimple& prefs, |
| const char* pref_name) { |
| return prefs.FindPreference(pref_name)->IsDefaultValue(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSeed_ValidSeed) { |
| // Store good seed data to test if loading from prefs works. |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = "a test signature, ignored."; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| // Check that loading a seed works correctly. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| |
| // Check that the loaded data is the same as the original. |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), loaded_seed_data); |
| EXPECT_EQ(base64_seed_signature, loaded_base64_seed_signature); |
| // Make sure the pref hasn't been changed. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(base64_seed, prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSeed_InvalidSeed) { |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| SetAllSeedPrefsToNonDefaultValues(&prefs); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, "this should fail"); |
| |
| // Loading an invalid seed should return false and clear all associated prefs. |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature)); |
| |
| // However, only the latest seed prefs should be cleared; the safe seed prefs |
| // should not be modified. |
| PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSeed_InvalidSignature) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = "a deeply compromised signature."; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| SetAllSeedPrefsToNonDefaultValues(&prefs); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| |
| // Loading a valid seed with an invalid signature should return false and |
| // clear all associated prefs when signature verification is enabled. |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature)); |
| |
| // However, only the latest seed prefs should be cleared; the safe seed prefs |
| // should not be modified. |
| PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSeed_EmptySeed) { |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| |
| // Loading an empty seed should return false. |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSeed_IdenticalToSafeSeed) { |
| // Store good seed data to the safe seed prefs, and store a sentinel value to |
| // the latest seed pref, to verify that loading via the alias works. |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = "a test signature, ignored."; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, |
| kIdenticalToSafeSeedSentinel); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| // Check that loading the seed works correctly. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| |
| // Check that the loaded data is the same as the original. |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), loaded_seed_data); |
| EXPECT_EQ(base64_seed_signature, loaded_base64_seed_signature); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSeedData) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSeedForTesting(serialized_seed)); |
| // Make sure the pref was actually set. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| |
| std::string loaded_compressed_seed = |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed); |
| std::string decoded_compressed_seed; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::Base64Decode(loaded_compressed_seed, |
| &decoded_compressed_seed)); |
| // Make sure the stored seed from pref is the same as the seed we created. |
| EXPECT_EQ(Compress(serialized_seed), decoded_compressed_seed); |
| |
| // Check if trying to store a bad seed leaves the pref unchanged. |
| prefs.ClearPref(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.StoreSeedForTesting("should fail")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSeedData_ParsedSeed) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| VariationsSeed parsed_seed; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSeedData(serialized_seed, std::string(), |
| std::string(), base::Time::Now(), false, |
| false, false, &parsed_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(serialized_seed, SerializeSeed(parsed_seed)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSeedData_CountryCode) { |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| // Test with a valid header value. |
| std::string seed = SerializeSeed(CreateTestSeed()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSeedData(seed, std::string(), "test_country", |
| base::Time::Now(), false, false, false, |
| nullptr)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("test_country", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsCountry)); |
| |
| // Test with no country code specified - which should preserve the old value. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSeedData(seed, std::string(), std::string(), |
| base::Time::Now(), false, false, false, |
| nullptr)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("test_country", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsCountry)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSeedData_GzippedSeed) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| std::string compressed_seed; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(compression::GzipCompress(serialized_seed, &compressed_seed)); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| VariationsSeed parsed_seed; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSeedData(compressed_seed, std::string(), |
| std::string(), base::Time::Now(), false, |
| true, false, &parsed_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(serialized_seed, SerializeSeed(parsed_seed)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSeedData_IdenticalToSafeSeed) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSeedForTesting(serialized_seed)); |
| |
| // Verify that the pref has a sentinel value, rather than the full string. |
| EXPECT_EQ(kIdenticalToSafeSeedSentinel, |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| |
| // Verify that loading the stored seed returns the original seed value. |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string unused_loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &unused_loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), loaded_seed_data); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSafeSeed_ValidSeed) { |
| // Store good seed data to test if loading from prefs works. |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = "a test signature, ignored."; |
| const base::Time reference_date = base::Time::Now(); |
| const base::Time fetch_time = reference_date - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(3); |
| const std::string locale = "en-US"; |
| const std::string permanent_consistency_country = "us"; |
| const std::string session_consistency_country = "ca"; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate, reference_date); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime, fetch_time); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale, locale); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry, |
| permanent_consistency_country); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry, |
| session_consistency_country); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> client_state = |
| CreateTestClientFilterableState(); |
| base::Time loaded_fetch_time; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSafeSeed(&loaded_seed, client_state.get(), |
| &loaded_fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Check that the loaded data is the same as the original. |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(locale, client_state->locale); |
| EXPECT_EQ(reference_date, client_state->reference_date); |
| EXPECT_EQ(permanent_consistency_country, |
| client_state->permanent_consistency_country); |
| EXPECT_EQ(session_consistency_country, |
| client_state->session_consistency_country); |
| EXPECT_EQ(fetch_time, loaded_fetch_time); |
| |
| // Make sure that other data in the |client_state| hasn't been changed. |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> original_state = |
| CreateTestClientFilterableState(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->version, client_state->version); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->channel, client_state->channel); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->form_factor, client_state->form_factor); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->platform, client_state->platform); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->hardware_class, client_state->hardware_class); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->is_low_end_device, client_state->is_low_end_device); |
| |
| // Make sure the pref hasn't been changed. |
| PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(base64_seed, prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSafeSeed_InvalidSeed) { |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| SetAllSeedPrefsToNonDefaultValues(&prefs); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, "this should fail"); |
| |
| // Loading an invalid seed should return false and clear all associated prefs. |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> client_state = |
| CreateTestClientFilterableState(); |
| base::Time fetch_time; |
| seed_store.LoadSafeSeed(&loaded_seed, client_state.get(), &fetch_time)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| |
| // However, only the safe seed prefs should be cleared; the latest seed prefs |
| // should not be modified. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature)); |
| |
| // Moreover, loading an invalid seed should leave the |client_state| |
| // unmodified. |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> original_state = |
| CreateTestClientFilterableState(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->locale, client_state->locale); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->reference_date, client_state->reference_date); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->session_consistency_country, |
| client_state->session_consistency_country); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->permanent_consistency_country, |
| client_state->permanent_consistency_country); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSafeSeed_InvalidSignature) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = "a deeply compromised signature."; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| SetAllSeedPrefsToNonDefaultValues(&prefs); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| |
| // Loading a valid seed with an invalid signature should return false and |
| // clear all associated prefs when signature verification is enabled. |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> client_state = |
| CreateTestClientFilterableState(); |
| base::Time fetch_time; |
| seed_store.LoadSafeSeed(&loaded_seed, client_state.get(), &fetch_time)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue( |
| prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| |
| // However, only the safe seed prefs should be cleared; the latest seed prefs |
| // should not be modified. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature)); |
| |
| // Moreover, the passed-in |client_state| should remain unmodified. |
| std::unique_ptr<ClientFilterableState> original_state = |
| CreateTestClientFilterableState(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->locale, client_state->locale); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->reference_date, client_state->reference_date); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->session_consistency_country, |
| client_state->session_consistency_country); |
| EXPECT_EQ(original_state->permanent_consistency_country, |
| client_state->permanent_consistency_country); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LoadSafeSeed_EmptySeed) { |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| |
| // Loading an empty seed should return false. |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| ClientFilterableState client_state; |
| base::Time fetch_time; |
| seed_store.LoadSafeSeed(&loaded_seed, &client_state, &fetch_time)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSafeSeed_ValidSeed) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| const std::string signature = "a completely ignored signature"; |
| ClientFilterableState client_state; |
| client_state.locale = "en-US"; |
| client_state.reference_date = WrapTime(12345); |
| client_state.session_consistency_country = "US"; |
| client_state.permanent_consistency_country = "CA"; |
| const base::Time fetch_time = WrapTime(99999); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSafeSeed(serialized_seed, signature, client_state, |
| fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Verify the stored data. |
| std::string loaded_compressed_seed = |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed); |
| std::string decoded_compressed_seed; |
| base::Base64Decode(loaded_compressed_seed, &decoded_compressed_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(Compress(serialized_seed), decoded_compressed_seed); |
| EXPECT_EQ(signature, prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("en-US", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(12345), prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(99999), |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("US", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("CA", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| |
| // Verify metrics. |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.Result", StoreSeedResult::SUCCESS, 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSafeSeed_EmptySeed) { |
| const std::string serialized_seed; |
| const std::string signature = "a completely ignored signature"; |
| ClientFilterableState client_state; |
| client_state.locale = "en-US"; |
| client_state.reference_date = WrapTime(54321); |
| client_state.session_consistency_country = "US"; |
| client_state.permanent_consistency_country = "CA"; |
| base::Time fetch_time = WrapTime(99999); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, "a seed"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature, "a signature"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale, "en-US"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry, "CA"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry, "US"); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate, WrapTime(12345)); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime, WrapTime(34567)); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.StoreSafeSeed(serialized_seed, signature, |
| client_state, fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Verify that none of the prefs were overwritten. |
| EXPECT_EQ("a seed", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("a signature", |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("en-US", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("CA", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("US", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(12345), prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(34567), |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| |
| // Verify metrics. |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.Result", |
| StoreSeedResult::FAILED_EMPTY_GZIP_CONTENTS, 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSafeSeed_InvalidSeed) { |
| const std::string serialized_seed = "a nonsense seed"; |
| const std::string signature = "a completely ignored signature"; |
| ClientFilterableState client_state; |
| client_state.locale = "en-US"; |
| client_state.reference_date = WrapTime(12345); |
| client_state.session_consistency_country = "US"; |
| client_state.permanent_consistency_country = "CA"; |
| base::Time fetch_time = WrapTime(54321); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, "a previous seed"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature, "a previous signature"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale, "en-CA"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry, "IN"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry, "MX"); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate, WrapTime(67890)); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime, WrapTime(13579)); |
| |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.StoreSafeSeed(serialized_seed, signature, |
| client_state, fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Verify that none of the prefs were overwritten. |
| EXPECT_EQ("a previous seed", |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("a previous signature", |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("en-CA", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("IN", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("MX", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(67890), prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(13579), |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| |
| // Verify metrics. |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.Result", StoreSeedResult::FAILED_PARSE, |
| 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSafeSeed_InvalidSignature) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| // A valid signature, but for a different seed. |
| const std::string signature = kBase64SeedSignature; |
| ClientFilterableState client_state; |
| client_state.locale = "en-US"; |
| client_state.reference_date = WrapTime(12345); |
| client_state.session_consistency_country = "US"; |
| client_state.permanent_consistency_country = "CA"; |
| const base::Time fetch_time = WrapTime(34567); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, "a previous seed"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature, "a previous signature"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale, "en-CA"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry, "IN"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry, "MX"); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate, WrapTime(67890)); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime, WrapTime(24680)); |
| |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.StoreSafeSeed(serialized_seed, signature, |
| client_state, fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Verify that none of the prefs were overwritten. |
| EXPECT_EQ("a previous seed", |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("a previous signature", |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("en-CA", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("IN", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("MX", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(67890), prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(24680), |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| |
| // Verify metrics. |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.Result", |
| StoreSeedResult::FAILED_SIGNATURE, 1); |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.SignatureValidity", |
| VerifySignatureResult::INVALID_SEED, 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSafeSeed_ValidSignature) { |
| std::string serialized_seed; |
| base::Base64Decode(kUncompressedBase64SeedData, &serialized_seed)); |
| const std::string signature = kBase64SeedSignature; |
| ClientFilterableState client_state; |
| client_state.locale = "en-US"; |
| client_state.reference_date = WrapTime(12345); |
| client_state.session_consistency_country = "US"; |
| client_state.permanent_consistency_country = "CA"; |
| const base::Time fetch_time = WrapTime(34567); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSafeSeed(serialized_seed, signature, client_state, |
| fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Verify the stored data. |
| std::string loaded_compressed_seed = |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed); |
| std::string decoded_compressed_seed; |
| base::Base64Decode(loaded_compressed_seed, &decoded_compressed_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(Compress(serialized_seed), decoded_compressed_seed); |
| EXPECT_EQ(signature, prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSignature)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("en-US", prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedLocale)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(12345), prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedDate)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(34567), |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("US", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedSessionConsistencyCountry)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("CA", prefs.GetString( |
| prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedPermanentConsistencyCountry)); |
| |
| // Verify metrics. |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.Result", StoreSeedResult::SUCCESS, 1); |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.SignatureValidity", |
| VerifySignatureResult::VALID_SIGNATURE, 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSafeSeed_IdenticalToLatestSeed) { |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string serialized_seed = SerializeSeed(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string signature = "a completely ignored signature"; |
| ClientFilterableState unused_client_state; |
| const base::Time fetch_time = WrapTime(12345); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsLastFetchTime, WrapTime(99999)); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSafeSeed(serialized_seed, signature, |
| unused_client_state, fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Verify the latest seed value was migrated to a sentinel value, rather than |
| // the full string. |
| EXPECT_EQ(kIdenticalToSafeSeedSentinel, |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| |
| // Verify that loading the stored seed returns the original seed value. |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string unused_loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &unused_loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), loaded_seed_data); |
| |
| // Verify that the safe seed prefs indeed contain the serialized seed value |
| // and that the last fetch time was copied from the latest seed. |
| EXPECT_EQ(base64_seed, prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_safe_seed; |
| base::Time loaded_fetch_time; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSafeSeed(&loaded_safe_seed, &unused_client_state, |
| &loaded_fetch_time)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_safe_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(99999), loaded_fetch_time); |
| |
| // Verify metrics. |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.Result", StoreSeedResult::SUCCESS, 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSafeSeed_PreviouslyIdenticalToLatestSeed) { |
| // Create two distinct seeds: an old one saved as both the safe and the latest |
| // seed value, and a new one that should overwrite only the stored safe seed |
| // value. |
| const VariationsSeed old_seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| VariationsSeed new_seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| new_seed.set_serial_number("12345678"); |
| ASSERT_NE(SerializeSeed(old_seed), SerializeSeed(new_seed)); |
| |
| const std::string serialized_old_seed = SerializeSeed(old_seed); |
| const std::string base64_old_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(old_seed); |
| const std::string serialized_new_seed = SerializeSeed(new_seed); |
| const std::string base64_new_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(new_seed); |
| const std::string signature = "a completely ignored signature"; |
| const base::Time fetch_time = WrapTime(12345); |
| ClientFilterableState unused_client_state; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, base64_old_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, |
| kIdenticalToSafeSeedSentinel); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.StoreSafeSeed(serialized_new_seed, signature, |
| unused_client_state, fetch_time)); |
| |
| // Verify the latest seed value was copied before the safe seed was |
| // overwritten. |
| EXPECT_EQ(base64_old_seed, prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| |
| // Verify that loading the stored seed returns the old seed value. |
| VariationsSeed loaded_seed; |
| std::string loaded_seed_data; |
| std::string unused_loaded_base64_seed_signature; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&loaded_seed, &loaded_seed_data, |
| &unused_loaded_base64_seed_signature)); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(old_seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(old_seed), loaded_seed_data); |
| |
| // Verify that the safe seed prefs indeed contain the new seed's serialized |
| // value. |
| EXPECT_EQ(base64_new_seed, |
| prefs.GetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed)); |
| VariationsSeed loaded_safe_seed; |
| base::Time loaded_fetch_time; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSafeSeed(&loaded_safe_seed, &unused_client_state, |
| &loaded_fetch_time)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(SerializeSeed(new_seed), SerializeSeed(loaded_safe_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(fetch_time, loaded_fetch_time); |
| |
| // Verify metrics. |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.SafeMode.StoreSafeSeed.Result", StoreSeedResult::SUCCESS, 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, StoreSeedData_GzippedEmptySeed) { |
| std::string empty_seed; |
| std::string compressed_seed; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(compression::GzipCompress(empty_seed, &compressed_seed)); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| VariationsSeed parsed_seed; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed_store.StoreSeedData(compressed_seed, std::string(), |
| std::string(), base::Time::Now(), false, |
| true, false, &parsed_seed)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, VerifySeedSignature) { |
| // A valid seed and signature pair generated using the server's private key. |
| const std::string uncompressed_base64_seed_data = kUncompressedBase64SeedData; |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = kBase64SeedSignature; |
| |
| std::string seed_data; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::Base64Decode(uncompressed_base64_seed_data, &seed_data)); |
| VariationsSeed seed; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(seed.ParseFromString(seed_data)); |
| std::string base64_seed_data = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| |
| // The above inputs should be valid. |
| { |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed_data); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| VariationsSeed seed; |
| std::string seed_data; |
| std::string base64_seed_signature; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(seed_store.LoadSeed(&seed, &seed_data, &base64_seed_signature)); |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.LoadSeedSignature", |
| static_cast<base::HistogramBase::Sample>( |
| VerifySignatureResult::VALID_SIGNATURE), |
| 1); |
| } |
| |
| // If there's no signature, the corresponding result should be returned. |
| { |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed_data); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, std::string()); |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| VariationsSeed seed; |
| std::string seed_data; |
| std::string base64_seed_signature; |
| seed_store.LoadSeed(&seed, &seed_data, &base64_seed_signature)); |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.LoadSeedSignature", |
| static_cast<base::HistogramBase::Sample>( |
| VerifySignatureResult::MISSING_SIGNATURE), |
| 1); |
| } |
| |
| // Using non-base64 encoded value as signature should fail. |
| { |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed_data); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, |
| "not a base64-encoded string"); |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| std::string seed_data; |
| std::string base64_seed_signature; |
| seed_store.LoadSeed(&seed, &seed_data, &base64_seed_signature)); |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.LoadSeedSignature", |
| static_cast<base::HistogramBase::Sample>( |
| VerifySignatureResult::DECODE_FAILED), |
| 1); |
| } |
| |
| // Using a different signature (e.g. the base64 seed data) should fail. |
| // OpenSSL doesn't distinguish signature decode failure from the |
| // signature not matching. |
| { |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed_data); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_data); |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| VariationsSeed seed; |
| std::string seed_data; |
| std::string base64_seed_signature; |
| seed_store.LoadSeed(&seed, &seed_data, &base64_seed_signature)); |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.LoadSeedSignature", |
| static_cast<base::HistogramBase::Sample>( |
| VerifySignatureResult::INVALID_SEED), |
| 1); |
| } |
| |
| // Using a different seed should not match the signature. |
| { |
| VariationsSeed wrong_seed; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(wrong_seed.ParseFromString(seed_data)); |
| (*wrong_seed.mutable_study(0)->mutable_name())[0] = 'x'; |
| std::string base64_wrong_seed_data = SerializeSeedBase64(wrong_seed); |
| |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_wrong_seed_data); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| SignatureVerifyingVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| |
| base::HistogramTester histogram_tester; |
| std::string seed_data; |
| std::string base64_seed_signature; |
| seed_store.LoadSeed(&seed, &seed_data, &base64_seed_signature)); |
| histogram_tester.ExpectUniqueSample( |
| "Variations.LoadSeedSignature", |
| static_cast<base::HistogramBase::Sample>( |
| VerifySignatureResult::INVALID_SEED), |
| 1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, ApplyDeltaPatch) { |
| // Sample seeds and the server produced delta between them to verify that the |
| // client code is able to decode the deltas produced by the server. |
| const std::string base64_before_seed_data = |
| "bGl0eRjEyomgBTgBQgtTZXBhcmF0ZUxvZ0oLCgdEZWZhdWx0EABKDwoLU2VwYXJhdGVMb2cQ" |
| "CgdkZWZhdWx0EAFgAQ=="; |
| const std::string base64_after_seed_data = |
| "bGl0eRjEyomgBTgBQgtTZXBhcmF0ZUxvZ0oLCgdEZWZhdWx0EABKDwoLU2VwYXJhdGVMb2cQ" |
| "QgdkZWZhdWx0Sg8KC25vbl9kZWZhdWx0EAFKCwoHZGVmYXVsdBABUgQoACgBYAE="; |
| const std::string base64_delta_data = |
| "QS1Vbmlmb3JtaXR5LVRyaWFsLTIwLVBlcmNlbnQYgOOFwAU4AUIHZGVmYXVsdEoRCghncm91" |
| "cmlhbC01MC1QZXJjZW50GIDjhcAFOAFCB2RlZmF1bHRKDwoLbm9uX2RlZmF1bHQQAUoLCgdk" |
| |
| std::string before_seed_data; |
| std::string after_seed_data; |
| std::string delta_data; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(base::Base64Decode(base64_before_seed_data, &before_seed_data)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(base::Base64Decode(base64_after_seed_data, &after_seed_data)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(base::Base64Decode(base64_delta_data, &delta_data)); |
| |
| std::string output; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(VariationsSeedStore::ApplyDeltaPatch(before_seed_data, delta_data, |
| &output)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(after_seed_data, output); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LastFetchTime_DistinctSeeds) { |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, "one"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, "not one"); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsLastFetchTime, WrapTime(1)); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime, WrapTime(0)); |
| |
| base::Time start_time = base::Time::Now(); |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| seed_store.RecordLastFetchTime(); |
| |
| // Verify that the last fetch time was updated. |
| const base::Time last_fetch_time = |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsLastFetchTime); |
| EXPECT_NE(WrapTime(1), last_fetch_time); |
| EXPECT_GE(last_fetch_time, start_time); |
| |
| // Verify that the safe seed's fetch time was *not* updated. |
| EXPECT_EQ(WrapTime(0), prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, LastFetchTime_IdenticalSeeds) { |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSafeCompressedSeed, "some seed"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, |
| kIdenticalToSafeSeedSentinel); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsLastFetchTime, WrapTime(1)); |
| prefs.SetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime, WrapTime(0)); |
| |
| base::Time start_time = base::Time::Now(); |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| seed_store.RecordLastFetchTime(); |
| |
| // Verify that the last fetch time was updated. |
| const base::Time last_fetch_time = |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsLastFetchTime); |
| EXPECT_NE(WrapTime(1), last_fetch_time); |
| EXPECT_GE(last_fetch_time, start_time); |
| |
| // Verify that the safe seed's fetch time *was* also updated. |
| EXPECT_EQ(last_fetch_time, |
| prefs.GetTime(prefs::kVariationsSafeSeedFetchTime)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, GetLatestSerialNumber_LoadsInitialValue) { |
| // Store good seed data to test if loading from prefs works. |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = "a completely ignored signature"; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| EXPECT_EQ("123", seed_store.GetLatestSerialNumber()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, GetLatestSerialNumber_EmptyWhenNoSeedIsSaved) { |
| // Start with empty prefs. |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), seed_store.GetLatestSerialNumber()); |
| } |
| |
| // Verifies that the cached serial number is correctly updated when a new seed |
| // is saved. |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, GetLatestSerialNumber_UpdatedWithNewStoredSeed) { |
| // Store good seed data initially. |
| const VariationsSeed seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| const std::string base64_seed = SerializeSeedBase64(seed); |
| const std::string base64_seed_signature = "a completely ignored signature"; |
| |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, base64_seed); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, base64_seed_signature); |
| |
| // Call GetLatestSerialNumber() once to prime the cached value. |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| EXPECT_EQ("123", seed_store.GetLatestSerialNumber()); |
| |
| VariationsSeed new_seed = CreateTestSeed(); |
| new_seed.set_serial_number("456"); |
| seed_store.StoreSeedForTesting(SerializeSeed(new_seed)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("456", seed_store.GetLatestSerialNumber()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, GetLatestSerialNumber_ClearsPrefsOnFailure) { |
| // Store corrupted seed data to test that prefs are cleared when loading |
| // fails. |
| TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs; |
| VariationsSeedStore::RegisterPrefs(prefs.registry()); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed, "complete garbage"); |
| prefs.SetString(prefs::kVariationsSeedSignature, "an unused signature"); |
| |
| TestVariationsSeedStore seed_store(&prefs); |
| EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), seed_store.GetLatestSerialNumber()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(PrefHasDefaultValue(prefs, prefs::kVariationsCompressedSeed)); |
| } |
| |
| #if defined(OS_ANDROID) |
| TEST(VariationsSeedStoreTest, ImportFirstRunJavaSeed) { |
| const std::string test_seed_data = "raw_seed_data_test"; |
| const std::string test_seed_signature = "seed_signature_test"; |
| const std::string test_seed_country = "seed_country_code_test"; |
| const std::string test_response_date = "seed_response_date_test"; |
| const bool test_is_gzip_compressed = true; |
| android::SetJavaFirstRunPrefsForTesting(test_seed_data, test_seed_signature, |
| test_seed_country, test_response_date, |
| test_is_gzip_compressed); |
| |
| auto seed = android::GetVariationsFirstRunSeed(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_seed_data, seed->data); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_seed_signature, seed->signature); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_seed_country, seed->country); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_response_date, seed->date); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_is_gzip_compressed, seed->is_gzip_compressed); |
| |
| android::ClearJavaFirstRunPrefs(); |
| seed = android::GetVariationsFirstRunSeed(); |
| EXPECT_EQ("", seed->data); |
| EXPECT_EQ("", seed->signature); |
| EXPECT_EQ("", seed->country); |
| EXPECT_EQ("", seed->date); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(seed->is_gzip_compressed); |
| } |
| #endif // OS_ANDROID |
| |
| } // namespace variations |