blob: bfb01c853270aa1aee1dc3b129e95d657da92db6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
// Provides common information on audio device names and ids.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT AudioDeviceDescription {
// Unique Id of the generic "default" device. Associated with the localized
// name returned from GetDefaultDeviceName().
static const char kDefaultDeviceId[];
// Unique Id of the generic default communications device. Associated with
// the localized name returned from GetCommunicationsDeviceName().
static const char kCommunicationsDeviceId[];
// Input device ID used to capture the default system playback stream. When
// this device ID is passed to MakeAudioInputStream() the returned
// AudioInputStream will be capturing audio currently being played on the
// default playback device. At the moment this feature is supported only on
// some platforms. AudioInputStream::Intialize() will return an error on
// platforms that don't support it. GetInputStreamParameters() must be used
// to get the parameters of the loopback device before creating a loopback
// stream, otherwise stream initialization may fail.
static const char kLoopbackInputDeviceId[];
// Similar to |kLoopbackInputDeviceId|, with only difference that this ID
// will mute system audio during capturing.
static const char kLoopbackWithMuteDeviceId[];
// Similar to |kLoopbackInputDeviceId|, but without audio from Chrome.
// Only supported on ChromeOS.
static const char kLoopbackWithoutChromeId[];
// Returns true if |device_id| represents the default device.
static bool IsDefaultDevice(const std::string& device_id);
// Returns true if |device_id| represents the communications device.
static bool IsCommunicationsDevice(const std::string& device_id);
// Returns true if |device_id| represents a loopback audio capture device.
static bool IsLoopbackDevice(const std::string& device_id);
// If |device_id| is not empty, |session_id| should be ignored and the output
// device should be selected basing on |device_id|.
// If |device_id| is empty and |session_id| is nonzero, output device
// associated with the opened input device designated by |session_id| should
// be used.
static bool UseSessionIdToSelectDevice(
const base::UnguessableToken& session_id,
const std::string& device_id);
// The functions dealing with localization are not reliable in the audio
// service, and should be avoided there.
// Returns the localized name of the generic "default" device.
static std::string GetDefaultDeviceName();
// Returns a localized version of name of the generic "default" device that
// includes the given |real_device_name|.
static std::string GetDefaultDeviceName(const std::string& real_device_name);
// Returns the localized name of the generic default communications device.
// This device is not supported on all platforms.
static std::string GetCommunicationsDeviceName();
// Returns a localized version of name of the generic communications device
// that includes the given |real_device_name|.
static std::string GetCommunicationsDeviceName(
const std::string& real_device_name);
// This prepends localized "Default" or "Communications" strings to
// default and communications device names in |device_descriptions|, and
// sanitizes devices known to contain users' names etc.
static void LocalizeDeviceDescriptions(
std::vector<AudioDeviceDescription>* device_descriptions);
AudioDeviceDescription() = default;
AudioDeviceDescription(const AudioDeviceDescription& other) = default;
AudioDeviceDescription(std::string device_name,
std::string unique_id,
std::string group_id);
~AudioDeviceDescription() = default;
std::string device_name; // Friendly name of the device.
std::string unique_id; // Unique identifier for the device.
std::string group_id; // Group identifier.
typedef std::vector<AudioDeviceDescription> AudioDeviceDescriptions;
} // namespace media