blob: 34246c255ce94ffccbcc6115e6bf141fa67249fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
// Helper class which acts as a filter to detect jumps in audio signal
// amplitude. When there is a large increase in amplitude, it will run its
// provided callback.
// This class can be used to start/stop tracing events, to measure internal
// audio latency. Traces should be started right after detecting a peak in the
// audio input, and stopped right before sending a peak to be played out; this
// should estimating the end-to-end latency from microphone input to speakers.
// An example test page with instructions can be found under
// third_party/blink/manual_tests/audio_latency.html, and more general
// documentation can be found under docs/media/
// Note: does nothing if the "audio.latency" tracing category is disabled.
// Note: AmplitudePeakDetector can be created on any thread, but all calls to
// `FindPeak()` must be made on the same thread.
class MEDIA_EXPORT AmplitudePeakDetector {
using PeakDetectedCB = base::RepeatingClosure;
explicit AmplitudePeakDetector(PeakDetectedCB peak_detected_cb);
AmplitudePeakDetector(const AmplitudePeakDetector&) = delete;
AmplitudePeakDetector& operator=(const AmplitudePeakDetector&) = delete;
// Detects increases in amplitude, and runs `peak_detected_cb_` when we cross
// a threshold (but not when amplitude falls back bellow the threshold).
void FindPeak(const void* data, int frames, int bytes_per_sample);
void FindPeak(const AudioBus* audio_bus);
void SetIsTracingEnabledForTests(bool is_tracing_enabled);
bool AreFramesLoud(const AudioBus* audio_bus);
bool AreFramesLoud(const void* data, int frames, int bytes_per_sample);
void MaybeReportPeak(bool are_frames_loud);
const PeakDetectedCB peak_detected_cb_;
bool in_a_peak_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(thread_checker_) = false;
bool is_tracing_enabled_;
} // namespace media